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Thread: TrueProtein?

  1. #1
    JuliasDad's Avatar
    JuliasDad is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2006

    Question TrueProtein?

    i was just looking at there site, in another post a guy recommended it. i was looking at there whey cold filtration and it says there is no flavor or lactose which is a selling point for me. im lactose sensative so certain protein powders mess with me and i cant stand the taste of most of them so i dont bother sometimes.

    anyone who has used this, can u let me know about the taste, what u mixed it with, how u liked it and did it mess with your stomach?

    price seems good, i believe it was 10$ per pound, 15 servings per pound.
    Last edited by JuliasDad; 07-05-2008 at 07:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    La Califonia
    good site there is tons f flavors u can get man

  3. #3
    gettingBIGGERfast is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2003
    I am waiting on my first order of powders from them. I've been meaning to try em for some time, but I had to wait until my current protein cache ran out. They have a sample vlavor pack you can try out. It is like 11 bucks and you get 13 flavor sample of 50 g CF whey. They have that for each the premium and regular flavors, fut from what I hear, the premiums are the way to go.

  4. #4
    JuliasDad's Avatar
    JuliasDad is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    good to know, maybe ill look into the sample pack, i didnt see that?

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