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Thread: Help

  1. #1


    What is the best supplement to take without using needles.. Can anyone give me some advice. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    San Diego CA
    this is one of these that you will get both answers from allot of people, basically you can take anything that comes in oral form so you don’t have to do needles but one thing you’ll run-in to later on that your liver will hate you for the toxicity that it has endured from you taking in Gear orally.

    using injection will hit you faster , meaning that the gear will get to where it needs to get faster.....but then you’ll have the other side tell you that taking it orally will hit places faster as well. and most gear that you take orally will survive the first digestive system so it can go to the second phase.

    ive asked this question before and i got allot of responses and more people leaned toward needles but other people tried oral and it worked for them.
    Last edited by enigma10; 07-12-2008 at 10:28 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    La Califonia
    Quote Originally Posted by PBRTinc View Post
    What is the best supplement to take without using needles.. Can anyone give me some advice. Thanks
    multi vitamin and eat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    La Califonia
    Quote Originally Posted by enigma10 View Post
    this is one of these that you will get both answers from allot of people, basically you can take anything that comes in oral form so you don’t have to do needles but one thing you’ll run-in to later on that your liver will hate you for the toxicity that it has endured from you taking in Gear orally.

    using injection will hit you faster , meaning that the gear will get to where it needs to get faster.....but then you’ll have the other side tell you that taking it orally will hit places faster as well. and most gear that you take orally will survive the first digestive system so it can go to the second phase.

    ive asked this question before and i got allot of responses and more people leaned toward needles but other people tried oral and it worked for them.
    wrong injectables have longer half lives then oralls . who ever asked is a joke dont give him advise he's not ready to juice

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by PBRTinc View Post
    What is the best supplement to take without using needles.. Can anyone give me some advice. Thanks
    PWO shakes, creatine, and a good multi-vitamin.

    Here is a great thread from the Educational section about aas.

    You should do some reading in the educational section, there is alot of great info about aas.

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