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  1. #1
    quadsofsteel's Avatar
    quadsofsteel is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008

    lj100 dose? days on off? etc...

    Hey everybody. I have searched the site for information requarding tongkat ali and it is a bit redundant but there are still a few things i have found unanswered especially reguarding LJ100. Can anybody give me some information about the daily dosage? spread apart? with/without food? Day on/off? I have 80mg tabs of LJ100 and am unsure of the above questions.
    The daily dosage according to Papi93 in multiple threads is 800-1200mgs but im actually looking for LJ100 dosage (the extract), not the regular.


  2. #2
    quadsofsteel's Avatar
    quadsofsteel is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008
    sorry for the double post. Also, I have been taking two 80mg tabs daily for 7 days. should i up the dose? or have some days away from it? When i first started it i have had an enjoyable stimulation but the stimulation is wearing down possibly because of tolerance. up the dose to two and half pills (200mgs)? days off? or 3 pills (240 mgs)? need some advice. I plead ignorance if this seems like a no brainer of a question.

  3. #3
    ralph4u2c's Avatar
    ralph4u2c is offline Associate Member
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    in the gym, LA
    i have seen studies that raise natty test levels at 100mg but optimal would be 400-500mg range. i have also seen certain studies that show LJ100 in higher doses to be toxic as some of it's inferior extracts are cytotoxins. max daily dose i would say 1-1.2G depending on size.

  4. #4
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Dirty South
    I would try 200-400 mgs a day. 5 days on 2 days off is something that I was suggested to do to prevent any "tolerance" to it.

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