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Thread: Supplement help!

  1. #1

    Supplement help!

    Currently starting to take NO XPLODE and Cell mass for an after workout..whats your thoughts? I havent read the label yet..just going off their protein in either of these?

    Im 6-1 225 lbs...39 years old.

    Looking to add some size..been working out pretty hard again for the last 3 months..any advice?

    My wife is a dietician so i have my diet down...but any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    no pre...cell mass after.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I have not taken NO-Explode but I have heard good things about it, it does not have protien in it though it is ment to give you bigger pumps when you work out via Nitric oxide!

    I have used simular products and found I could easly add an extra 5kg on to what I was normally lifting at the time!

    When running AKG Nitro pills I found that if I had a protein shake every night before I went to bed I got good gains!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by newbie-screwbie View Post
    Currently starting to take NO XPLODE and Cell mass for an after workout..whats your thoughts? I havent read the label yet..just going off their protein in either of these?

    Im 6-1 225 lbs...39 years old.

    Looking to add some size..been working out pretty hard again for the last 3 months..any advice?

    My wife is a dietician so i have my diet down...but any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    Why would you not read the label??? No protein at all in these supplements, just a mix of aminos to give you a boost in the gym. I personally stopped taking these type of supplements due to the fact I have no idea how much creatine or AAKG is in these. I think they give you such a low dose of the necessary aminos like creatine you need to add more to get sufficient gains. Otherwise your just working out on a huge caffeine buzz.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Callao, Virginia
    Make sure you take whey protein with BCAA with those supplments. Also throw in some amino pills along with your post workout shake, it will do wonders.

    My view, is that Building the perfect body is like Building a perfect house. You need blueprints (dedication), workers (working out), materials (food & protein). Three most important factors. Anabolic steroids is like adding 10 extra workers to build the house.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by g0dsend View Post
    Make sure you take whey protein with BCAA with those supplments. Also throw in some amino pills along with your post workout shake, it will do wonders.

    My view, is that Building the perfect body is like Building a perfect house. You need blueprints (dedication), workers (working out), materials (food & protein). Three most important factors. Anabolic steroids is like adding 10 extra workers to build the house.
    Would you suggest whey protein after i work out...then i would be taking a whey protein shake and cell mass also??? Would you throw the amino pills in the protein shake? Im sorry i sound so stupid...I appreciate your help!

    What about off days and you take it then also?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I believe if you take cell mass you have to wait 30 minutes before drinking or eating anything else. Thats why you should read the label, it will tell you how to use it. Throwing pills in a shake won't mix to well. Yes it is good idea to have some fast-acting whey after your workout. And again read the label on how to use the products on off days, it will tell you, I promise. You should continue to intake protein throughout the day. If you wife is a dietician what kinda of meal program does she have worked out for you. Does she not explain how to and when to intake protein? Do you know your bodyfat %? If you have a solid meal program it will do wonders; more than any supplement could ever dream of doing.

  8. #8
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    Callao, Virginia
    Generally the rule of thumb, is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. But I always go double and I would recommend you to do that too.

    Try to get as much protein as you can into your diet from lean foods, chicken, turkey, tuna, etc. I usually drink a shake in the morning and then within 15 of you done working out drink a shake, I usually do 2 scoops with skim milk and throw in half a banana. I always take amino pills before I workout.

    Make sure that if you get whey, it has alot of BCAA's in it. Theirs a deal at Sams Club which sells 5lb EAS Whey w/ 5g of BCAA for 30 dollars. Best deal that I have found. Off days take shakes too, but try to get the most protein out of food.

    Take cellmass about 45 min after you work out.

    Are you trying to bulk up or cut up?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Don't take cellmass 45 minutes after your workout cause its not as effective!!

    Look here is the label:Recommended Use on Training Days: Serving 1: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop with 4 - 6 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice immediately following your workout (or on an empty stomach). Serving 2: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop with 4 - 6 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice, 6 - 8 hours before or after your post-workout serving (on an empty stomach).

    Recommended Use on Non-Training Days: Serving 1: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop with 4 - 6 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice upon waking (on an empty stomach). Serving 2: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop with 4 - 6 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice, 6 - 8 hours after your first serving (on an empty stomach).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Also it says: To ensure maximum results: wait 20 - 30 minutes after taking Cellmass before eating a meal or drinking a shake

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Callao, Virginia
    Thanks for the correction Reed500. I never had experience with cell mass before, so I looked it up and read it incorrectly. Only thing I take is aminos, whey, glutamine, animalpak and steroids lol.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Also it says: To ensure maximum results: wait 20 - 30 minutes after taking Cellmass before eating a meal or drinking a shake
    Yes i read the lable and take it exactly te way that its states. i would never take it before i read the label..but anyway..thanks for the advise...what i was asking was should i take the shake and the cell mass at the same time???

    You answered that...looks like your advise is take the cell maass then a half hour or so later take the confused..i have always heard you shouldnt wait any longer than 20 minutes to take your protein....IM SO DAMN CONFUSED!

    Im trying to bulk up a bit..

  13. #13
    i also have the amino burst 3000 pills...when is the best time to take them? roght after the protein shake?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    There are different ways to do it. Since you are taking the cell mass it is best to continue to take it as directed. I for one do 50 grams of whey, 5 grams of glutamine, kre-alkalyn creatine, beta-alanine, a banana, 4 pieces of white bread as my PWO meal. Alot of people have success doing a waxy maize which is a supercarb and it shuttles nutrients into the muslces and you can take it will protein. If I had the money I'd get some but for now its white bread.

    Now with the amino burst pills, cellmass contains amino acids and is designed to be the replacement for all the separate things you should take after workout, i.e. glutamine, creatine, BCAAs, etc. This is where it gets tricky and why I personally quit taking supplements like that cause it does not break down how much you get of certain amino and you don't want to over do it because its a waste of money. But I believe amino burst 3000 is just L-Carnitine L-Carnitine is best taken I believe one hour before exercise. Its not the same as BCAA's

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    There are different ways to do it. Since you are taking the cell mass it is best to continue to take it as directed. I for one do 50 grams of whey, 5 grams of glutamine, kre-alkalyn creatine, beta-alanine, a banana, 4 pieces of white bread as my PWO meal. Alot of people have success doing a waxy maize which is a supercarb and it shuttles nutrients into the muslces and you can take it will protein. If I had the money I'd get some but for now its white bread.

    Now with the amino burst pills, cellmass contains amino acids and is designed to be the replacement for all the separate things you should take after workout, i.e. glutamine, creatine, BCAAs, etc. This is where it gets tricky and why I personally quit taking supplements like that cause it does not break down how much you get of certain amino and you don't want to over do it because its a waste of money. But I believe amino burst 3000 is just L-Carnitine L-Carnitine is best taken I believe one hour before exercise. Its not the same as BCAA's
    Exactly,,thats where im confused. it doesnt tell you exactly how much...i will probably stop taking the stuff...........Thanks for the help Reed.

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