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Thread: My 8 week log

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    My 8 week log

    First off here are my stats: 5'11'', 210, 5 years training, 5 prohormone cycles.
    Ok after weeks of looking for Test E my town seems to be dried up, at least the two sources I trust(thats a key word) are unable to come through. I have my first competition in a year and I trying to gain as much lean mass as possible. This is why I am starting this stack. I just came off my lower back muscle being pulled. Lost some weight and size in my legs and traps. Been back at it in full force for about two weeks. This is about the same time I started my new bulking diet. Regaining what I lost doesn't seem to be as easy as hoped, strength as come back but not the fullness of certain muscles. Thats why on Sunday I will begin this cycle which is:

    Revolt wk1-8: 75mg
    MDrol wk1-4:20,30,30,30
    Winztrol wk4-8:250 mg

    This will be my hardest stack to date. I have preloaded three weeks with milk thistle (1000mg) and 2 weeks with RYR (1200) and CoQ10(150mg) .
    During the cycle I will continue to take Milk thistle at 2000 mg, RYR at 1200mg, CoQ10 at 250 mg, and will add Hawthrone berry at 1100mg for keeping the blood pressure in check (or at least trying). In addition to these supplements I will take glutamine, AAKG, and a joint supplement. Will save the creatine and beta alanine for PCT which is Clomid/Arimidex .

    My routine will be my usual lean mass gain that I have alot of success with which is an old school routine.
    Day 1: Chest/Back
    Day 2: Legs
    Day 3: Shoulders/ Arms
    Day 4: off
    This routine will also be designed with specific exercises to help bring up what I feel are weak points. Will list excercise while posting. Calves with be worked in with a 2on, 1off, 2on, 2off split. I will also add an extra off day following day 4 when need be. This routine might seem too much for some but I've done it all natural before and seen progress.

    My diet:
    Meal 1: 2 slices of white bread
    1.5 scoops of whey
    10 egg whites/
    1 cup of oatmeal
    1 banana
    Meal 2: 8 oz of buffalo meat
    1 cup of brown rice
    bowl of salad w/ tbsp olive oil
    Meal 3: 8 oz. of chicken
    8 oz sweet pot
    (Pre-workout food)

    (Post-workout food)
    Meal 4: 2.5 scoops of whey
    4 pieces of white bread
    1 banana
    Meal 5: 8 oz of steak
    1 cup of brown rice
    bowl of salad w 1 tbsp olive oil
    Meal 6: 8 oz of chicken
    1 cup of brown rice w/ Odo’s blend
    Meal 7: 50 g of casein protein (before bed)

    I snack between meal 5 and 6 and I have cottage cheese or something with peanut butter at anytime during the day. Once or twice a week I will have a cheat meal of my choosing. Havent done my macros but my guestimate would be 375-400 grams of protein, 425-450 grams of carbs, and 70-90 grams of fat. Again this might seem like too much for some but given work, my metabolism, my routine, and the anabolics it is what suits me. Any suggestions on the diet will be taken into consideration.

  2. #2
    Reed's Avatar
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    Was trying to upload pics but they seem to have trouble uploading....

  3. #3
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    Here we go. Now I know the picture quality sucks and I'm pale but its the best I can do. I take this on my Photobooth on my laptop which gives me three seconds to get into position. I know I know just making up excuses of why Im flat.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My 8 week log-photo-62.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-63.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-58.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-53.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-57.jpg  

  4. #4
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    Day 1: Had a good overall day. I haven't had creatine in almost four days and about 4 hours after my first dose I did feel fuller. Maybe its my imagination or the excitement. I am having trouble weighing in. The scale by the weights says I was 217, I know I'm not that heavy, then the scale in the locker room says I was 202, I don't think I'm that light. Went to the doctor about a month ago and weighed in at 207. I hadn't taken any supplements or worked out in almost two weeks and I feel as though I've filled out since I started my new diet about two weeks ago. Everyone at the gym says the scales are messed up, but whatever. At my height if I wanted to compete nationally I'll have to be a superheavy. I'll figure something out for the weight-ins.

    Ok here is the workout today:

    Decline bench: two warmup sets with 135 then 185 x20, 185 x20, 225 x15 (No spot, went for pump and stretch,)

    Incline Smith Machine: 225 x15, 225 x12, 275 x8

    Wide press machine: 180 x 15, 180 x12, 270 x10

    Cable crossovers: 50 x20, 80 x15, 100 x15

    Wide grip pullups: 15 (no weight), 15 (no weight), 10 with 35lbs on belt.

    T Bar Rows: 3 plates: x20 ; 4 plates: x20; 5 plates x 15

    Hammer rows: 2 plates each side: x20; 3 plates: x15; 4 plates x11

    Cable rows: 160 x15; 180 x15; 220 x12

    Then I do dumbbell pullovers to work both lats and chest

    Dumbbell pullovers: 90 x15; 90 x15; 100 x15

    Then did abs: 3 exercises and 3 sets

    With this program I start out with lighter weight then I'm use to and build up from there. Especially since I do this again in four days. My supplements aren't at full force so I want my body to get into this program slowly. I will increase the weight drastically over the next week or so.

  5. #5
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    Day 2: Another good day. Went and met up with my trainer and he gave me all kinds of new information. I changed my diet but I can't post it because he tells me he doesn't want it getting out there. My trainer gets his diet info from the same guy who did michael liberatore's diet and a few others. So it will work. Now training today was legs and here it is:

    Front Squat Smith Machine: two warm up sets with 135, 185 x15, 185 x15, 225 x12, 275 x5

    Hack squat: 2 plates (together, not each side) x 20, 4 plates x15, 6 plates x12

    Leg press/ lunge superset: 600 pound x15 and then immediately grabbed 30 lb dbs and did 10 steps each leg. 3 sets of those..

    Dumbbell stiff legged with raising them out at the bottom: 3 sets w/ 30lbs x15, 2 sets w/40lbs x12

    Lay down ham curl: 90 x20, 125 x20, 140 x15

    Single leg curl: 70 x15, 90 x15 (Trying to bring up my hams)

    Then did 20 minutes on the stepmill at a moderate pace.

  6. #6
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    Another good day. Diet workout went well.

    Side laterals: 20 x35, 30 x30, 37.5 x25, 45x20

    Behind the neck smith press: warm up sets with 135 x15, 185 x15, 225 x12, 275 x7

    reverse butterfly machine (whatever its called for rear delts): 90 x25, 120 x20, 135 x 20, 150 x15

    Dumbbell shrugs: 85 x20, 110 x15, 130 x12

    behind neck shrugs smith machine: 225 x20, 315 x15, 405 x10
    ez bar curl: warm up set with 55lbs x20, 75 x15, 95 x15, 125 x10

    preacher curl db: 30 x15, 35 x12, 37.5 x12 (included two sets of 6 rep negatives with 55lbs

    alternative dumbbell (did reps all at once with one arm: 35 x15, 42.5 x15, 47.5 x10
    reverse grip bench with smith: 135 x20, 185 x15, 225 x12, 275 x8

    pushdowns: the weights different then most gyms. goes to 90 but it doesn't mean lbs i don't think. Usually do the entirse stack for 12 reps. The weight on the machines is light. Like the calf machine only goes to 300lbs seen some that go to 600lbs. anyway did 3 sets different weight x20, x15, x12

    dumbbell press on inline: 85 x15, 110 x15, 120 x12

    did calves and 20 minutes of cardio. I've been sticking with smith machine lately due to the fact I pulled a muscle in my back recently and still being cautious.

    Will weigh in thursday.

  7. #7
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    Day 4: off day, eating going well

  8. #8
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    Day 5: Weight: 211. Found a scale thats accurate, will be weighing every few days. Felt kinda bloated today after my preworkout shake with waxy maize that I now take. My new diet recommends protein/waxy maize shake before and after workout. I'm use to a solid meal before workouts. Overall, I'm starting to feel stronger and more full.

    Incline Smith: 2 warmup sets w/ 135. 185 x20, 225 x15, 225 x15, 275 x10

    Incline Hammer: 180 x 20, 270 x15, 320 x9

    Seated wide bench: 90 x20, 180 x20, 270 x12

    Cable crossovers : 50 x 20, 80 x20, 100 x15

    Wide grip pullups: 15 (no weight), 15 (no weight), 35 lbs: 9

    T-Bar: 2 plates: 20; 4 plates: 15; 5 plates: 15; 6 plates: 9

    Hammer rows: 2 plates each side: 20, 3 plates: 15, 4 plates:12

    Reverse grip pulldowns: 130 x20, 160 x15; 180 x15

    Pullovers: 90 x15; 110 x12; 110 x12

    Did abs as well, diet went good other than the bloating from the shake.

  9. #9
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    Day 6: Elected to do shoulders today due to my back being sore and I'm still trying to be careful with my lower back. It doesn't hurt anymore but its only been about 2 weeks since I started back and I haven't got to the usual heavy weight I'm use to.
    Weight:212.5 Weight should start pouring on, starting to feel stronger and looking fuller. The combination of the new diet and this cycle I hope in 5 to 6 weeks I'll be around 225 or more. We will see.

    Db laterals: 20 x40, 30 x30, 40x20, 50x15
    Seated Machine press: 180 x15, 240 x15, 275 x10, 300 x8
    Incline seated rear lat: 30 x15, 35 x15, 40 x12
    Rear delt machine: 120 x20, 130 x20

    Barbell curl: warm up with bar, 75 x25, 95 x17, 120 x12, 120 x10
    Preacher db curl: 35 x15, 40 x12, 45 x8 (did 2 sets negative with 5 reps 65lbs)
    Machine curl: 20 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps (again with the machine that goes from 5 to 90, doesn't mean lbs, continued to add weight and supersetted with pushdowns)

    Triceps: Pushdowns: 20 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps(supersetted)
    Reverse grip smith: 135 x20, 185 x15, 225 x15, 275 x10, 315 x4
    Incline overhead db press: 85 x20, 110 x14, 130 x7

    Did calves.

  10. #10
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    Day 7: Another good day in the gym. Really hit it hard today. Feeling more of a mind muscle connection than before. Went heavy on the leg press and it burned me up. I use the leg press that comes over you not the standard leg press on the track. That one feels like it only works my knees. Didn't weigh myself

    Front Squat Smith: 2 warmup set with 135, 185 x15, 225 x15, 275 x8, 315 x4
    Leg press: 500 x25, 700 x20, 950 x15 (The leg press that "comes over you" not standard)
    Hack squat: 4 plates x15, 6 x12, 6 with two 25lbs x10 supersetted with stiff legged deadlift.

    Stiff legged: 135 x25, 135 x25, 135 x20, 185 x15, 185 x15
    Lay down curl: superset first 90 x15 then 65 x15, 125 x12 then 65 x15, 140 x12 then 65 x15
    Single leg curl: 60 x20, 80 x20 Did real slow reps for maximum contraction, really focused on the mind/muscle connection

    Did calves

  11. #11
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    Week 1 Review: Everything is going real well and in check. Strength is going up, looking more full and vascular. Only noticeable side effect is a little lethargy in the morning. Last night I notice that I have lost some water. Thought I heard somewhere that superdrol can be a diuretic?? I thought I might put on some water weight with the Revolt, maybe that as yet to kick in. All in all I'm pleased with my first week

  12. #12
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    Day 8: My recovery time is definately starting to elevate. Had my first and only cheat meal of the week last night. A hardees prime rib thick burger with bacon cheddar fries, it was amazing. The only problem is I love to eat pizza, chinese food, southern fried food (I am a southern boy) and it won't really effect my bf levels but I don't gain muscle as fast.

    Oh and here are some just for fun pics. Have to keep switching lighting to get anything out of this stupid computer camera. Oh well makes it easier to get pics to everyone, I also feel it makes me look smaller and not as defined..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My 8 week log-photo-73.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-75.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-76.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-77.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-79.jpg  

  13. #13
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    Day 9: weight: 216. Day has been going real well, starting to get minor back pumps already so I'm increasing my water and potassium, maybe throw in taurine if it persist. My sleep patterns seem to be off, been kept up later and then I wake up later. Another real good day in the gym, focusing on the mind muscle connection and doing slow and controlled reps to really get the fibers to "pop".

    Incline bench smith: 2 warm up sets 135
    185 x20
    225 x15
    275 x10
    Incline Hammer: 180 (2 plates aside) x15
    270 x15
    320 x10 drop set to 180 x10 then 90 x15
    Decline dumbbell fly press (I take it out wide then press them in and up, saw brandon curry do this on a video on the flex site) 60 x7 dropped down so I could focus on proper form
    35 x15
    42.5 x12
    Wide press supersetted with incline pec deck 3sets
    Cable crossovers supersetted with incline machine press 2 sets
    With those exercises weight is increased but not a focus trying get the blood flowing
    Wide grip pullups: One warm up set
    x15 no weight
    x15 no weight
    x8 35lbs
    Cable rows: 140 x15
    180 x15
    220 x12
    Hammer rows: 180(2 plates a side) x20
    270 x15
    360 x10
    270 x15
    270 x15
    Reverse grip pulldowns: 140 x20
    180 x15
    200 x12
    Dumbbell rows: 100 x15
    130 x12
    130 x12

    20 minutes of cardio
    My recovery time is becoming phenomenal, really trying to focus on my weaknesses.
    Last edited by Reed; 07-28-2008 at 05:47 PM.

  14. #14
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    Anyone got any thoughts, questions, a hello, you suck, maybe a kick in the teeth??

  15. #15
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    Day 10: Didn't weigh myself. Been real lethargic today it affected me in the gym. Workout went well still looking full and my vascularity is increasing. Did shoulders/arms
    Db laterals: 22.5 x40
    32.5 x30
    42.5 x20
    Shoulder press incline machine: 150 x20
    230 x15
    275 x12
    315 x10
    Rear laterals on incline bench: 25 x15
    35 x15
    42.5 x12
    Dumbell shrugs: 90 x15
    120 x15
    140 x12
    Behind back smith shrugs: 225 x20
    315 x15
    405 x10
    BB curl: bar or 45lbs x35
    75 x20
    95 x15
    115 x12
    Preacher ez bar curl: 75 x15
    95 x12
    115 x10
    Con curl: 35 x20
    55 x10
    55 x10
    Triceps: Rope pushdows: x25, x20, x15
    Skullcrushers: 95 x15
    115 x15
    125 x12 supersetted each set w/ close grip press till failure
    V bar pushdows: x20, x15, x15 supersetted each set w/ "close grip" pushups till failure.

    Also did abs and forearms.

  16. #16
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    A little depressed that no one else is posting in this thread. Hope I haven't pissed anyone off when I've tried my best to help.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    A little depressed that no one else is posting in this thread. Hope I haven't pissed anyone off when I've tried my best to help.
    Dont feel bad bro, u read my summer cutter log? The last half i thought i was talking to myself, haha. People i guess just like to observe on here and not comment. If u were on a steroid cycle though in the steroid sub-forum u would get responses everyday for some reason though. Oh well. I think u got a crazy physique for someone with ur stats and only 5 ph cycles and no real roids. Ive seen plenty of people on here who have done a handful of cycles and dont look half as ripped or in shape as u, keep up the great work bro! Since im starting my first cycle of test E soon i havent been checking this sub-forum too often. Ill stay posted though on ur log and provide any help i can for ya. Only thing id comment on is maybe consider the revolt for just weeks 1-6 instead of 1-8. I think this way you'll have more quality gains towards the end and lose that water retention before the cycle ends. I have no experience with winztrol or revolt but m-drol works great! Whats ur pct? Maybe u listed it and i missed it but curious to see what u got. Id say go with clomid and aromasin for pct since nolva for pct from m-drol might inhibit progestin sides instead of prevent, check out the sd sticky for more detailed info. Im sure u already know this by now anyway with ur cycle experience. Good luck bro!

  18. #18
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    I'm checking your log everyday mate, as a newbie that I am and trying to get my act together... a bit advanced for me, but just wanted to tell you you're doing a great job and you're an inspiration to me and I will definitedly will look up to this thread for advice/reference when I'm ready to move to the next level! Keep the good job and posting your results!


  19. #19
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    Thanks guys for the kind words. I will be keeping this updated, just felt like it was useless there for a while if nobody had any comments. I need to go ahead and find me a damn source. Its funny when I first started working out everyone I knew could get me or was on steroids . Now that I am ready I can't find them any anywhere. As soon as I do though I'll be ready to kick some butt on stage.

    I do have clomid and arimidex for PCT. Water retention, at least in my eyes as yet to be a problem, but we will see once I come off the M-drol. About to hit them legs up, will post later.
    Last edited by Reed; 07-30-2008 at 12:03 PM.

  20. #20
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    damn you are huge already! but looking good. good luck

  21. #21
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    What is this Day 11? Yeah Day 11: Weight was 217.5 and I plan on taking two days off after today. My sleep patterns are all messed up and I don't fall asleep till 4 in the morning but yet I'm lethargic all day. Back pumps are no longer a issue. Acne is increasing... F*ck!!!

    Leg press: 2 warmup sets 200lbs
    500 x20
    700 x15
    900 x15
    900 x15
    Front squats supersetted w/ 135lb stiff dead for 15 reps on the deads for each set:
    135 x15 (did a pause at the bottom with each rep)
    135 x15 (did the pause)
    225 x10 (did not do the pause)
    135 x15 (did the pause for 11 reps) and yes this was free weights today, trying to get back into it

    Hack squat:180 x15 (two plates a side) supersetted w/ 40lbs db lunges till failure
    180 x15 again supersetted with db lunges
    270 x12 and I said forget the lunges this set

    Seated leg curl: 120 x20
    155 x20
    180 x15

    Lay down curl: 95 x20
    125 x15
    155 x13

    Did calves and I about threw up in the middle of this. Trying to get my legs back strong. With post some pics soon when I fill back out, kinda depleted at the moment.

  22. #22
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You, and your workout looks pretty solid bro. Pretty impressive weight you're throwing around as well. And you've gained 6.5lbs.? You're going about it the right way imo. I wouldn't worry about juice right now if i were you.
    Keep up the good work.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You, and your workout looks pretty solid bro. Pretty impressive weight you're throwing around as well. And you've gained 6.5lbs.? You're going about it the right way imo. I wouldn't worry about juice right now if i were you.
    Keep up the good work.
    I really appreciate your kind words my friend. The only reason I am going to juice is for competition. I don't really see any reason why I would at this stage for any other reason. I already accomplished what I set out to do w/out talking anything illegal. I just wanted to have a good body for the ladies but it has just transformed into something else. I feel like I could take this thing pretty far, I honestly want to make a career of it. I'm not saying I would win the olympia or anything but if I've got this far w/out anything, what would happened after several cycles, then introducing GH and insulin .

    For me, nothing else interest me, no other career or anything in school. My own parents think I should take a break and go out to the bars and be a "normal" guy in his twenties. That stuff is just not for me. I want this so much I am willing to take any means necessary.

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    That's cool. I'll be checking your log.

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    Day 12: off day. Sleep patterns are messed up. Didn't fall asleep till 5am then woke up at 1pm. I'm use to 1am to 8:30am. It sucks never really had this problem before.?

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    Day 13: off day. Sleep was a little better, went to bed around 3 and woke up around 11. Can't wait to train tomorrow

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    Here are some pics to go along. There kinda crappy and don't show that good of detail. Now I know what competitors talk about when they say unless your at the show don't be talking trash. Feel as though my chest, lats have thicken as well as the arms and my back is widening. Legs are still in progress, probably gonna start doing some heavy smith squats to insure the stability of my lower back. Still being a p*ssy about my back I know. It was my first workout injury
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  28. #28
    abbot138's Avatar
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    Looks good brother. Impressive lifts. Looking big....Lats are very impressive. Very detailed log. I will be staying tuned fo sho.

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    solid bro

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    Day 14: Forgot to weigh in, oh well I don't even care what I weigh honestly. Today I changed up my method of slow controlled reps in for explosive/strength reps, Ronnie coleman style. Really beasted it out. Blood pressure seems to be a little up and insomnia hasn't been much of a problem. Ance is increasing. F*CK!!!

    Incline Chest Smith: 2 warm sets with 135,
    225 x15,
    275 x10,
    315 x6

    Hammer Incline Press: 180(2 plates a side) x15
    270 x15
    360 x8 the dropped setted with slow controlled fiber poppin reps, 180 till failure, 90 till failure

    Decline fly press: 40 x15
    55 x10
    55 x8

    Flat dbell press: 90 x15
    120 x10
    130 x7 did this at the end of my routine, I always go back and forth between chest and back

    3/4 Deads in rack(utilizes only lower back, no quads or hams) warm 135
    225 x20
    315 x15
    405 x9

    Cable rows: 160 x15
    200 x15
    240 x12

    Hammer rows: 180 x20
    270 x15
    360 x12
    450 x7

    Db rows: 130 x15
    150 x10

    And this workout pratically killed me, I am seriously brain dead after all this, real intense but over very good.

  31. #31
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Nice workout bro! Nice back pose also. Back and delts are impressive. Arms looking good in pic #2. Keep it up man.

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    Day 15: Weight: slightly under 220. This 230 goal looks possibe, only in week 2, 6 more to go... Shoulders/Arms today. Started to feel the M-drol's effects, I don't even gotta check my bp to know that its up. Still got the lethargy and acne problems but nothings a problem

    Db laters: 22.5 x20
    35 x20
    50 x15
    60 x10

    Shoulder incline press : 150 x20
    230 x15
    275 x15
    315 x10 Needing a new machine or strap on a plate like Ronnie.

    Bent over db flyes: 30 x20
    40 x20
    50 x15
    50 x12

    Behind back shrugs: 225 x20
    315 x15
    225 x15
    225 x15
    225 x15 did sets with only 20 sec break.

    BB curl: 75 x20
    95 x20
    125 x15

    Single Db preacher: 30 x20
    40 x15
    50 x12

    Conc curl: 35 x20
    55 x12
    55 x12

    Close grip press: 135 x20
    135 x20
    185 x15
    225 x10 free weights and went sloooow too

    Skullcrushers: 75 x20
    95 x15
    125 x12

    Ropepress: x20
    Last edited by Reed; 08-03-2008 at 07:31 PM.

  33. #33
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    Looking great mate., This is the condition i aim to reach. Solid build.

    Keep it up and the log alive.


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    Day 16: Weight: 221 This diet and stack is pouring weight on me but mostly the diet, never really focused so much on EFAs. Its working. It was leg day and what a monster day it was, finally getting them to "rub together" from the increase in size. Lethargy is still an issue, seems to be increasing.

    Warmed up with leg extensions to get blood flowing.
    Smith Squats: warm up 2 sets 135
    225 x15
    315 x10
    365 x7
    315 x12 Always go parallel never any deeper. Destroys my knees if I do, even with super light weight.
    Power squat machine(face in): 270 x15
    360 x15
    550 x12
    Leg press: 600 x20
    800 x20
    900 x20 at end of workout too, got stronger

    SL deads: 135 x20
    135 x20
    225 x15
    225 x15
    135 x25
    Lay down curl: 95 x20
    125 x15
    155 x15
    Single leg curl: 70 x15
    90 x15

    Did 2 sets of lunges with 35 lbs till failure and calves.

  35. #35
    Reed's Avatar
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    Day 17: off day. recovery time is incredible. its a day by day progression. more pics to keep the thread poppin!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My 8 week log-photo-141.jpg   My 8 week log-photo-134.jpg  

  36. #36
    xo3et's Avatar
    xo3et is offline Productive Member
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    I'm still here reading bro as others are so keep it up dude., I'm getting some great knowledge from your log and definatly see the gains. awesome man

  37. #37
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Thanks for the positive responses!!!

    On a personal note today I had my second cheat meal. Went to Cracker Barrel (southern food rest.) and did my thang. Did the usual two meals at once which was : 3 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, grits, fried apples, fried catfish, okra, mash w/ gravy and cornbread, good ole' cornbread.

    For anyone that thinks thats overboard for a cheat meal just watch this vid:
    Pause it at 1:17 to see how crazy big he is!
    I watch those pretty much everytime before a workout and it gets me geeked!!
    Thats part 2 there is another one. Here is part 1:
    Last edited by Reed; 08-05-2008 at 02:04 PM.

  38. #38
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Thanks for the positive responses!!!

    On a personal note today I had my second cheat meal. Went to Cracker Barrel (southern food rest.) and did my thang. Did the usual two meals at once which was : 3 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, grits, fried apples, fried catfish, okra, mash w/ gravy and cornbread, good ole' cornbread.

    For anyone that thinks thats overboard for a cheat meal just watch this vid:
    Pause it at 1:17 to see how crazy big he is!
    I watch those pretty much everytime before a workout and it gets me geeked!!
    Thats part 2 there is another one. Here is part 1:

    LOL! He's a trip man. I love it, "Yeahhhhh buddyyy!"

  39. #39
    toneloc85's Avatar
    toneloc85 is offline Associate Member
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    freakin huge man! having trouble with a source as well, and was looking at some prohormones. which ones have you taken, as i have read that any that you can buy now are dogsh*t and didnt want to waste my money. very nice log btw

  40. #40
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Quote Originally Posted by toneloc85 View Post
    freakin huge man! having trouble with a source as well, and was looking at some prohormones. which ones have you taken, as i have read that any that you can buy now are dogsh*t and didnt want to waste my money. very nice log btw
    Yeah you gotta be careful what you buy. Most AAS users and people in the industry will tell that the stuff is junk. Its cause it can shut you down just like regular AAS without the results. Superdrol though is a superb product but is easily dismissed due to it being legal and the lack of knowledge people have when buying OTC products. People what to say it is horrible for you but in actuality it has the same effects dbol and anadrol . Some say its even better because of the amount of lean gains in a 4 week period compared to the water retention effects of the other two. The reason so many people say that this product is so bad is because of users that have no knowledge on how to run a proper cycle and it causes severe damage. It caused damage to alot of people. I've read horror stories of kids being on this product for 6 months at a time and wondering why everything is messed up. On top of that there was no prepping involved, no proper support supplements, and NO PCT!!! Well of course its going to cause problems without proper use so would dbol or anadrol with that kind of approach to it.

    I tried Sus500 in the winter and it worked well for me.
    Also took 1 Ad by AMS and it worked for me.

    If you want I can PM you a list of designer steroid and prohormone profiles.
    Last edited by Reed; 08-06-2008 at 01:51 PM.

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