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  1. #1
    quadsofsteel's Avatar
    quadsofsteel is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008

    preworkout supp tolerances??

    hey, for preworkout i been using tongkat and bsn endorush. i don't have a problem with the tongkat but the endorush lost its effectiveness completely. I been considering some of the popular preworkout supps such as no shotgun, no explode, Nanovapor, superpump etc. Before i consider buying has ne1 experienced any developed or accumulated tolerances to these supps and if so, how long did it take? Thanks!!

  2. #2
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
    bcaasdirty is offline Member
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    May 2007
    i was a preworkout supp whore in school

    developed a CRAZY high tolerance to stims...craziest day was 12 caps original amplify 02, 4 caps ergopharm amp, all while being on a continuous eca stack lol ><

    ive sinced toned down a a scoop of the new no shotgun and 2 caps of amp suffices

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