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Thread: sick of it!!!

  1. #1
    tired_of_juice is offline New Member
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    sick of it!!!

    I've juiced for years and I just can't do it anymore. I'm sick of the accusations at work and I'm sick of my wife bitching at me. I am just starting my last cycle! My question is, does anyone know of a supplement stack that actually works? Some websites have programs called the sward's stack, the king kong stack, ect. What actually works?

  2. #2
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    diet, desire to go balls to the wall with training, best stack ive seen around,,,,,, only supp i acually like is NO2,, it doest do much for muscle gains but i defentilly makes my workouts more fun

  3. #3
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
    ACE5HIGH is offline Member
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    What kind of cycles are you used to running? and whats your age if you dont mind me asking?

    There are plenty of great supplements to help with the "edge" you'll be missing from juice...

    Stay away from so called "stacks" you'll be wasting $

    btw, Doesnt an Accusation require somthing to be false? Ha...
    Just tell your co-workers and wife, Duh of course I juice how else would I stay this healthy? ;-)
    Last edited by ACE5HIGH; 08-09-2008 at 05:37 PM.

  4. #4
    tired_of_juice is offline New Member
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    I'm 33, 5'9" 230. Pretty lean. I've been consistent for over 10 years in the gym. I hit it hard almost every time. Somedays I just go through the motions. I usually pyramid test for about 12 weeks, run it with either deca or win for 6-8 weeks. Sometimes I'll do d-bol instead of win/deca. I use HCG mid cycle and at the end @ maybe 2000 iu a week for 2-3 weeks and I use clomid for post cycle starting about 2 weeks after last shot. That will depend on the kind of test. To be honest I prefer AS, but I can't do it forever. I'm getting through presciption now for HRT. I'll go back to HRT years from now when my levels are truly low enough to justify taking. Most importantly my wife is driving me out of my mind with me taking AS. I just need to give it a rest for a few years. I don't cycle all year, not even half so I'm not woried about losong size.

  5. #5
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
    ACE5HIGH is offline Member
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    5'9 230lb and lean??? Dang thats big!

  6. #6
    tired_of_juice is offline New Member
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    pretty lean! About 12%, I'm 33 so that's not that bad. I don't have a gut or anything and at my age that's what I consider pretty lean. Does anyone know anything about superdrol and epitane (Havoc)? I've read some promising feedback on them.

  7. #7
    binder's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if you'll find anything that will work the same. I have some friends that do strongman and they supplement with something called T-bomb and DHEA. I know DHEA and seems to be an ok supplement. T-bomb i'm not familiar with. It's suppose to boost the natural production of testosterone . Maybe do some research on it and see what you find. From what they tell me it's the best thing they've found to work on the legal side of steroids .

  8. #8
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Heres a stack i used and worked great off season though:

    Iso Mass Extreme Gainer (Ultimate Nutrition)

    NaNo Vapor (Mucletech)

    A-bomb (MHP)

    Cyclin Gf (MHP)

    And i bought Tribestan by sopharma but its just too expensive, i found that tribOxo worked good the only thing i didnt liked was that you have to take it one hour before workout and sometimes you dont know when your workout its going to be...... its really expensive but the strength gains are awesome ....I was putting 30 pounds on each lift weekly for the month that it lasted...

  9. #9
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
    ACE5HIGH is offline Member
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    I think you'll be good sticking to the basics:

    Creatine Ethyl Ester or Mono (your pref)
    Bete alanine
    Arginine ethyl ester (im loving this stuff)

    for natty test production find yourself some fadogia agrestis, nothing else will compare.

    BTW superdrol and Epi are Real steriods . So if your looking to stop juicing your really only running orals in place of your normal stuff and its gonna be much harder on your system (liver)

    good luck

  10. #10
    TheJuicer is offline Member
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  11. #11
    BigSwol's Avatar
    BigSwol is offline Associate Member
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    Hey bro, if you still following your thread, for sho ph/ps work. Youll be good to go with havoc, I've ran 2 cycles and both produced good gains. I have also run the origianl superdrol, the "New" superdrol is shit, but the superdrol clones I hear are quite good, but I cant vouche. I have run bold 200...also one of my fav's, I have run superflex....that shit was dope!!

    I have found that the norm is 4-6 weeks for ph/ps that are the liver has to convert the ph to a steroid , is your normal cycle lenght followed by pct, something along the lines of Torm or Nolva/Clomid...yadda yadda.

    I have also found that stacking any 4 to 6 week methyl with a non methyl is pretty fn good, I always use bold 200 and run it around 600mg ed some jack it up to 1000mg ed but it gets quite costly. I run the bold for 8 weeks with a frontload of havoc or superdrol or superflex, etc. Good luck and pm me if you've got anymore questions.

    BTW I get the same shit from my old lady....but **** the guys at like yeah Im on gear....I eat that shit for breakfast lunch and dinner....I tell em I even shower in that shit!! F'em!! Thats why I've had to turn to ph/ps plus its still legal....for now!

  12. #12
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
    Flex-Appeal is offline Senior Member
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    i just ordered the Strength stack by Its ********* and something else i forget. No imput on it yet, but sure alot of hype about it on this board.

  13. #13
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
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    take m drol or epi drol. they r both bad ass. h drol is pretty good to. best prohormones in my book

  14. #14
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    i just ordered the Strength stack by Its ********* and something else i forget. No imput on it yet, but sure alot of hype about it on this board.

    I thought i did a write up on it?? hm.. it was great.. i'll go check..
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  15. #15
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    You're not worried about losing size, but you're tired of accusations? I guess, if you're just looking to maintain your physique, just cover the basics: Diet, creatine and some pre-workout supps to keep your intensity.

    Why consider "legal" steroids ? Seems like that would be more of the same...

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