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  1. #1
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    Best Overall Supps. (Warning: not for the lazy viewers/question answerers)

    Ok, i want everyone to post the hands down, top 3 products/supplements for each category. I also want a brief explanation why. This thread is meant to take all these hundreds of singular questions and answer them as a group since a majority of the people asking questions in here are asking about these particular products. This is meant to focus on the worthy supplements and disregard the shit supps.

    What is the best 3 products/type of creatine and why?

    What are the 3 best (lean) protein products and why? (include taste and mix-ability in your reasoning).

    What are the 3 best mass building/weight gain protein products/why? (include " ").

    What are the 3 best OTC (non injectable and generally available through online purchase) mass building products/why?

    What are the 3 best fat loss (cutting) supplements/products (same description as above) available/why? (ex. of a wrong answer is clen . its not generally available to everyone. but something like an ECA stack is).

    What are the 3 best PCT products/why?

    What are the 3 best supporting supplements to a generally accepted supplement plan (Ex. someone taking creatine, protien, & fat burner)/ why? (you can add more than 3 on this one if you want to).

    What are the 3 best pre-work out "energy" supps/why?

    What are the 3 best testosterone boosters/why?

    What are the 3 best estrogen blockers/why?

    What are the 3 most reliable and cheapest websites to order supplements from?

    Optional: What are 3 new products that are actually worth a try?

    I think this thread can be a huge asset to a ton of the forums viewers. If there are any questions I may have missed, post em and I'll edit the thread. Thanks to whoever spends some time and answers these questions.

  2. #2
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    I thought this was a pretty damn good idea for a thread. No? Take a minute and answer the questions if you've got a minute.

  3. #3
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Best Supp=Food!
    Best Fat Burner=Diet!
    Everything Else=Waste of Money!
    Haha, sorry had to do it.

  4. #4
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    no bro this thread sucks

    all this info can be found on the net

  5. #5
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    No shit it can be found on the net, this is the net. and instead of 500 ****ing threads how about having 1 that answers a ton of the questions at once? and If I wanted a common sense answer like food and diet which any person with an IQ over the room temperature knows is 90% of any fitness plan (or should be anyways) I would never have wasted my time asking these questions. Now lets see if there are any knowledgeable people on here who aren't complete douche bags.

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Best Supp=Food!
    Best Fat Burner=Diet!
    Everything Else=Waste of Money!
    Haha, sorry had to do it.
    I agree with this, but i would add creatine.

  7. #7
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    No shit it can be found on the net, this is the net. and instead of 500 ****ing threads how about having 1 that answers a ton of the questions at once? and If I wanted a common sense answer like food and diet which any person with an IQ over the room temperature knows is 90% of any fitness plan (or should be anyways) I would never have wasted my time asking these questions. Now lets see if there are any knowledgeable people on here who aren't complete douche bags.
    you wont get manyanswers on this for that very reason.

    no one wants to regurgitate information that can be found all over the net. a lot of these answers can vary from individual to individual.

  8. #8
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Good Job Douche Bag!! haha but i seen it coming since ive join, and to tell you the truth, no ones going to do your homework for you lol and these guys arent trying to be rude, there just being 100% real with you and im surprised that no ones answered your thread,....... cause one, your a newbie, 2 your askin too much, 3 no one wants to take the time to answer your thread, and one more thing your Thread Post Says "Not For The Lazy Viewers"? hahaha your the lazy guy that wont take the time to search the net to answer your own questions now thats funny!!

  9. #9
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    i guess were all douchebags

  10. #10
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    Last edited by RATTLEHEAD; 08-24-2008 at 10:47 PM. Reason: because it was irrelevant.

  11. #11
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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  12. #12
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    Whatever man. i didn't ask for an argument. Im no newbie, i know more than 95% of the people on this site hands down, no question. I'd say only people who research supplements extensively, and doctors know as much or more than me when it comes to the subject of supplementation. I've been researching steroids and supplements ( including chemical make-up, effect on the human body, etc.) in general for 4 years now (so who the ****s lazy?). I just haven't personally experimented with every supplement. I'm not even asking these questions for myself, I'm asking for everyone else. I was asking for answers from people with personal experiences with many of the products generally available. It was more of a poll for everyone else to get an idea of all your opinions, and me to gather info on all of your opinions. Just because I signed up on this site the other day does not make me a newbie. And yea, ive seen a lot of useless douche bags on this site, such as yourself, stallion. People like you who go around to threads just to throw in a stupid comment because you obviously have nothing better to do. anyways, I guess i came to the wrong place for general polling info. apparently no one has opinions or have anything useful to share.
    95% huh? then you shouldnt ask any questions you know the answer to.... Right Then Why Ask Questioins That You Know The Answer Too? Hahaha I Just Love This Site And The People In It!! and by the way

  13. #13
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    i still dont understand how this was a bad idea for a thread. but if its just going to cause people to say stupid shit or post ****ing smiley faces then someone just delete the thread. see what happens when u try n' help people out..

  14. #14
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    sayiwont. like i said, i really didnt post this thread for myself. apparently im the only unselfish person around here.

  15. #15
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    sayiwont. like i said, i really didnt post this thread for myself. apparently im the only unselfish person around here.
    lol oh come on bro im just givin you shit cause i too posted threads like yours and got the same response lol soo sorry if i was bein a meany head

  16. #16
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    Im far from soft man, i can take the heat. This whole thing dont bother me. I Just thought i was doing a lot of people a favor in here. i guess i misjudged the point of these forums. But its cool. I understand the atmosphere of this dump a little better now. This thread is probably better off deleted. Its obviously going no where. hopefully a mod takes care of that.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    Im far from soft man, i can take the heat. This whole thing dont bother me. I Just thought i was doing a lot of people a favor in here. i guess i misjudged the point of these forums. But its cool. I understand the atmosphere of this dump a little better now. This thread is probably better off deleted. Its obviously going no where. hopefully a mod takes care of that.
    by all means feel free to leave then.

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    na. im a really humble person but i can definitely be a valuable asset here. plus, there is a lot of good info here, just a lot of children who say stupid shit and waste everybodys time on the threads.

  20. #20
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    i know more than 95% of the people on this site hands down, no question.

    total members: 93,043

    95% of 93,043 is 88,390

    interesting.... Mr. Popular over here

  21. #21
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    yea. thats a lot of people huh?

  22. #22
    Josh* is offline Junior Member
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    isn't there rate your supplements thread? i mean everyone has different preferences to supplements and not everyones body reacts the same...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh* View Post
    isn't there rate your supplements thread? i mean everyone has different preferences to supplements and not everyones body reacts the same...
    Good call, this is true. Some people prefer CEE creatine but I prefer Kre Alk. Creatine.

    Rattle- If your wanting to make this a helpful thread I'd suggest doing the work yourself and back your reasoning behind the statements. As you have stated you know more than about 95% of the people on this site.

  24. #24
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    Reed, your right man. I think I will once I find enough time. i really wanted people's opinions since I already know my own. As far as creatine, Ive read a ton of trials where people swear by CEE and Kre-Alk but there isn't as extensive of research done as say creatine malate and monohydrate. i'd say the best creatine supplement incorporates a variety.

  25. #25
    F4iGuy's Avatar
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    Would you mind posting some of your supplement reviews? I'm sure 95% of this board would benifit.

  26. #26
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    wow this thread is still going

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    Reed, your right man. I think I will once I find enough time. i really wanted people's opinions since I already know my own. As far as creatine, Ive read a ton of trials where people swear by CEE and Kre-Alk but there isn't as extensive of research done as say creatine malate and monohydrate. i'd say the best creatine supplement incorporates a variety.
    Suggestion: Go to and hijack their reviews, haha. They've got it all based on what each product does, price per gram, etc. This could end up being a really helpful thread and we can avoid so many questions on all the supplements out there. There is just too many companies popping up everyday and no body knows whats what. It seems alot of people that have been in the game long enough to have their stuff straight seem to stick with the basics(I do), none of that mumbo jumbo crazy new supplements that'll make you gain 30lbs in one month.

  28. #28
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Suggestion: Go to and hijack their reviews, haha. They've got it all based on what each product does, price per gram, etc. This could end up being a really helpful thread and we can avoid so many questions on all the supplements out there. There is just too many companies popping up everyday and no body knows whats what. It seems alot of people that have been in the game long enough to have their stuff straight seem to stick with the basics, none of that mumbo jumbo crazy new supplements that'll make you gain 30lbs in one month.
    i agree, this thread is more material

  29. #29
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    I personally only take an complete amino acid complex, protein, creatine, fish oil, a multivitamin, vit. C, zinc, and calcium. Also, I hijacked nothing. This was my thread until it turned into another one of this websites clothes hanger scraped abortions.

  30. #30
    Reed's Avatar
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    No i was saying hijack some of there reviews and use it here.

  31. #31
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    and F4, only doctors should write official reviews imo. I have things I've written but I'm not going to put it on steroid .com as official research. I think sifting through thousands of university reviews and hundreds of product experiment portfolios has given my opinions enough validity. And that's all I plan on sharing with people, that is my respectable opinion. Just read my suggestions every once in a while, that should be enough evidence that I am a pretty damn enlightened person when it comes to health, fitness, regimen, supplements and steroids in general. I didn't mean to put anyone down, i shouldnt have said "i know more than 95%.." because I am humble, and I'm an idiot for saying that. I just got a little pissed off. But you'd better believe i know my ****ing shit.

  32. #32
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    and F4, only doctors should write official reviews imo. I have things I've written but I'm not going to put it on as official research. I think sifting through thousands of university reviews and hundreds of product experiment portfolios has given my opinions enough validity. And that's all I plan on sharing with people, that is my respectable opinion. Just read my suggestions every once in a while, that should be enough evidence that I am a pretty damn enlightened person when it comes to health, fitness, regimen, supplements and steroids in general. I didn't mean to put anyone down, i shouldnt have said "i know more than 95%.." because I am humble, and I'm an idiot for saying that. I just got a little pissed off. But you'd better believe i know my ****ing shit.
    Wow, someones on their high horse today. Haha.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post

    I know, love the part where he has his warning in the thread's title. Too bad hes the lazy one for not answering his own questions since he knows more than 95% of the people on here (must have pulled that percentage out of his ass). Oh well, doesnt look like ur thread is goin the way u want it to bro, maybe start a new answering ur questions and have people comment on ur knowledge u say u have.

  34. #34
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    I plan on doing it myself. its obviously the only way to get anything done. god forbid I ask someone for their input on a supplement question answering forum. you must have excessive estrogen or something, who the **** gets mad over a title of a thread. haha. you'd better watch out, studies have shown excess estrogen could result in a vagina.

  35. #35
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    I plan on doing it myself. its obviously the only way to get anything done. god forbid I ask someone for their input on a supplement question answering forum. you must have excessive estrogen or something, who the **** gets mad over a title of a thread. haha. you'd better watch out, studies have shown excess estrogen could result in a vagina.
    actually thats false mr. science

    only bobies, not vagina

  36. #36
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    hahaha. jesus. what has this thread come to.

  37. #37
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD;4152***
    hahaha. jesus. what has this thread come to.
    lol i know

    u wanted a good thread and now its whore thread

    welcome to the forum !!!!!!!

  38. #38
    Nap,Snap or Tap86 is offline New Member
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    yall if you are so pissed off about his thread stop talking sh**t and get the f**k off of he was just lookin out for us new dudes to the game

  39. #39
    Josh* is offline Junior Member
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    its not talking shit when everyone has there own supplement they like taking...thats like saying who is the best football team( which we all know its the chargers!!!)

  40. #40
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh* View Post
    its not talking shit when everyone has there own supplement they like taking...thats like saying who is the best football team( which we all know its the chargers!!!)
    mm id say the new england patriots

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