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  1. #1
    dariush's Avatar
    dariush is offline Associate Member
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    we have cee why we use cre mono?

    if cee absorb better why we use cre mono?

  2. #2
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
    RATTLEHEAD is offline Member
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    There has been a lot more research on monohydrate and its been proven time and time again to work. all these new creatines really haven't been proven to work as well as monohydrate (according to current research). you can find a micronized monohydrate that absorbs just as good as any of these other creatine products. always stick to what you know works.

  3. #3
    Tesla's Avatar
    Tesla is offline Member
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    Creatine EE doesn't do anything at all for me. Nothing. Personally, I think it's totally unproven and a waste of money. Creatine monohydrate, on the other hand, gives me noticeable strength and size gains.

  4. #4
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tesla View Post
    Creatine EE doesn't do anything at all for me. Nothing. Personally, I think it's totally unproven and a waste of money. Creatine monohydrate, on the other hand, gives me noticeable strength and size gains.
    are there proven size gains through research? Everything i've read or heard only said strength and recovery. I could see indirectly a size gain due to the increase in strength therefore in the long run an increase in size do to muscle growth.

  5. #5
    Garnelek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    are there proven size gains through research? Everything i've read or heard only said strength and recovery. I could see indirectly a size gain due to the increase in strength therefore in the long run an increase in size do to muscle growth.
    Yes size gains are true but its mostly water goes away soon after u stop creatine.

  6. #6
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garnelek View Post
    Yes size gains are true but its mostly water goes away soon after u stop creatine.

    oh, my opinion is that water retention isn't a "size gain". It doesn't look like your bigger from water, just looks like your bloated. eww

  7. #7
    Garnelek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    oh, my opinion is that water retention isn't a "size gain". It doesn't look like your bigger from water, just looks like your bloated. eww
    Now i understand what u said.The only size gains are in the long run

  8. #8
    tjpatrick1987 is offline Associate Member
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    386 been taking 2 g of kre alklyn and have no no gains in anything neither weight or strength ....real dissapointed in going staight to mono and Celltech hardcore

  9. #9
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjpatrick1987 View Post been taking 2 g of kre alklyn and have no no gains in anything neither weight or strength ....real dissapointed in going staight to mono and Celltech hardcore
    try to take 2 caps 30mins before workout and 1 after.

    Cellmass is another good one.....

  10. #10
    ralph4u2c's Avatar
    ralph4u2c is offline Associate Member
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    there are many types of bonded creatine. to list a few: CEE, monohydrate, nitrate, dicreatine malate, gluconate, deconate, creatine taurinate, phosphate, tetrahydrate, ester orotate, and the list goes on

    in regards to your comments of ethyl-ester vs monohydrate; dont believe everything you read in magazines and write-ups. you may find this interesting, as you will see monohydrate being the tried and true and superior form in this case:


    ''Creatine ethyl ester rapidly degrades to creatinine in stomach acid"

    Child R1 and Tallon MJ2

    1Department of Life Sciences, Kingston University, Penrhyn Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames, United Kingdom. 2University of Northumbria, Sport Sciences, Northumbria University, Northumberland Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, [email protected]

    Creatine ethyl ester (CEE) is a commercially available synthetic creatine that is now widely used in dietary supplements. It comprises of creatine with an ethyl group attached and this molecular configuration is reported to provide several advantages over creatine monohydrate (CM). The Medical Research Institute (CA, USA) claim that the CEE in their product (CE2) provides greater solubility in lipids, leading to improved absorption. Similarly San (San Corporation, CA, USA) claim that the CEE in their product (San CM2 Alpha) avoids the breakdown of creatine to creatinine in stomach acids. Ultimately it is claimed that CEE products provide greater absorption and efficacy than CM. To date, none of these claims have been evaluated by an independent, or university laboratory and no comparative data are available on CEE and CM.

    This study assessed the availability of creatine from three commercial creatine products during degradation in acidic conditions similar to those that occur in the stomach. They comprised of two products containing CEE (San CM2 Alpha and CE2) and commercially available CM (CreapureÒ). An independent laboratory, using testing guidelines recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), performed the analysis. Each product was incubated in 900ml of pH 1 HCL at 37± 1oC and samples where drawn at 5, 30 and 120 minutes. Creatine availability was assessed by immediately assaying for free creatine, CEE and the creatine breakdown product creatinine, using HPLC (UV)

    After 30 minutes incubation only 73% of the initial CEE present was available from CE2, while the amount of CEE available from San CM2 Alpha was even lower at only 62%. In contrast, more than 99% of the creatine remained available from the CM product. These reductions in CEE availability were accompanied by substantial creatinine formation, without the appearance of free creatine. After 120minutes incubation 72% of the CEE was available from CE2 with only 11% available from San CM2 Alpha, while more than 99% of the creatine remained available from CM.

    CEE is claimed to provide several advantages over CM because of increased solubility and stability. In practice, the addition of the ethyl group to creatine actually reduces acid stability and accelerates its breakdown to creatinine. This substantially reduces creatine availability in its esterified form and as a consequence creatines such as San CM2 and CE2 are inferior to CM as a source of free creatine.''

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