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Thread: A Good Stack?

  1. #1
    nissantech is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008

    A Good Stack?

    Hope you guys out there could give me an idea of what you think of this stack I'm using. Should I add a L-Glutamine supplement in there? I have BCAA's but no glutamine. Really appreciate it

    100% Whey Protein-

    Animal Pak-

    Animal Pump-
    • Magnesium Creatine Chelate
    • Tricreatine Matrix
    • Creatine Ethyl Ester
    • Arginine AKG
    • Ornithine AKG
    • L-Carnosine
    • L-Norvaline
    • Methylxanthine Comples
    • Evodiamine
    • Vinpocetine
    • OPC
    • NAC
    • EGCG
    • K-R Alpha Lipoic Acid
    • Taurine
    • Ginger Root Extract
    • Cinnulin PF
    • 4-Hydroxyisoleucine
    • Bioperine

    Animal Nitro-
    • Arginine
    • Histidine
    • Isoleucine (BCAA)
    • Leucine (BCAA)
    • Lysine
    • Methionine
    • Phenylalanine
    • Threonine
    • Valine (BCAA)

    Animal 0mega-
    • Salmon
    • Cod Liver
    • Herring
    • Anchovy
    • Mackeral
    • Sardine
    • Borage
    • Flaxseed
    • Evening Primrose
    • Safflower
    • Sesamin
    • Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA)
    • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
    • Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
    • Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA)
    • Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
    • Linoleic Acid (LA)

  2. #2
    nissantech is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    some help please

  3. #3
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Don't worry about glutamine. I'd ditch the animal pump and maybe the nitro due to the fact the pump has CEE in it which that creatine is worthless and you have no idea how many grams you are getting in of any of that you are taking. Look at either creatine mono or kre alkalyn creatine. Those are the two best you can buy. The Animal 0mega might be ok but how many grams of fat per serving of each of the different fat sources?? No need for salmon and flax oil just go with one or the other if your looking for healthy fats preferably fish oil. Best advice is to stay away from companies that make products that have combinations of different elements. Its expensive and not as beneficial (you get less of the stuff you really need) as buying bulk powders and creating your supplement regiment.

  4. #4
    nissantech is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    yeah good point. I was looking into bulk powders but i dont know how much and what to take. I know BCAA, amino acids, fatty acids, creatine and a good multi vitamin are essential items, but i dont know which kind or how much . If someone could give me a hand i would really appreciate it.

  5. #5
    nissantech is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    wow, don't too many people reply at once thanks guys great help. what a helpful forum

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