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Thread: Dark matter

  1. #1

    Dark matter

    Just recently bought this a few weeks ago...
    Its a creatine/waximaze product from what I understand. Basically the purpose is to completely replenish glycogen and increase cell volume. The science behind it is some sort of waxi maze complex they use. (For those who don't know, waxi maze is supposedly the quickest digesting carb, great for postworkout). Anyway, I am noticing better gains, I love the taste, and I think this product fits great in my lineup.
    20 servings of it is 40 dollars is sort of steep.
    Ill let you all know how I like it when I finish the tub.

  2. #2
    Oh by the way I bring it with me in my gym bag and take it immediately when I am done lifting. I think that is the best way to go about using it

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