Age: 20
Weight: 180 Lbs.
Height: 5'11
Training Experience: Lifting since highschool, been lifting football specific for 3 years. Power cleans, squat, bench, push press, (recently snatches). Current program has us training much like olympic lifters.
Supplement Experience: Mainly creatine, cre-alkalyn, protein, N.O xplode, etc. take ZMAs everyday.
Health Issues: None
My GOALS for taking a prohormone are mainly for strength, and any fat loss is bonus. Size is not a huge issue but I would like to be more cut.
I've heard it again again wait till your 21, so dont waste your time telling me to wait lol. I play college football and I need an edge.
Yes I am going to read the thread about prohormones I am just asking for some direction/opinions from you guys.