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Thread: masterdrol v2 question

  1. #1

    masterdrol v2 question

    ah crap posted in wrong section sry

    Ok i bought some methyl masterdrol v2.

    Do i need to take a anti-estrogen with this product? And if so which one would work the best?

    And for my pct what would i take? I have some test boosters called testostrogrow hp2 but im not sure if i would take that with/ the mmv2 or on pct, or not at all.

    The testgrow hp2 contains just chrysin and trib terrestris. But ive heard that chrysin sucks at being a anti-estrogen so im not sure.

    i need some advice, ive been reading for 5 hours now on this cuz im a newbie when it comes to pro-hormones, and i cant find what im looking for. any advice would be appreciated.

    btw my stats are

    Age -21
    Weight- 195, trying to cut to 186 before doing a clean bulk
    Height- 5'11
    BF%- probably around 11% if that, can wear 32 pants so idk
    Training/cycling experience (if any) - have only cycled non hormone boosting test 2 times.

    my goals are cutting til 186 then clean bulking to 205.

    ah crap posted in wrong section sry
    Last edited by 3yearNewbie; 10-17-2008 at 07:42 PM.

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