Day 16: Workout was Repetition Lower Body. Felt great all around. Had a huge box jump. No exact measurement but im apx 5'11 and it was a few inches under my nipples. Hammer curls at the end felt unreal. I usually do 35's for my sets and can get sloppy form towards the end. Here I did 40's with perfect form for reps of 8 w/ perfect form. could've gone to 45's but woulda sacrificed some form. Either rate its an improvement. Everything else just felt awesome and I am a sore unit today.
Day 17: Off. Could not wake up for the life of me today. I dont wan't to blame h-drol for the lethargy just yet tho, sometimes my sleeping patters can get pretty erratic.
Tomorrow: Repetition Upper Body. Cant wait for the bench!
So far in the third week I am feeling great. After 2moro I will say how much of the "week 3 kick" I am experiencing.
I know its a log and most people just read without posting but the REASON I am doing this is for FEEDBACK! as its my first time doing any cycle. Any tips/comments good or bad, I wana know what you guys think, or if you want me to post about something in particular let me know.