is phera plex more potent and does it deliver more results than any other prohormone that is available today? such as testanate50, spawn, tribolic tripple threat, and etc....
is phera plex more potent and does it deliver more results than any other prohormone that is available today? such as testanate50, spawn, tribolic tripple threat, and etc....
its pretty good but i don't know if i'd call it the best. i've heard a lot of good things from the spawn and other tren themed things. also most ph's are still available, just harder to find
Superdrol was good..but i had to stop taking it because of kidney issues. I gains 15lbs...kept almost all of it
Phera Plex is a good choice for a first timers cycle. SD/Spawn are pretty harsh, but yield better gains. It's really your choice, but PP is the safest choice for a first PH cycle.
PP was too wet. I didn't care for it
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