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Thread: ARMY or Marines drug testing for new recruits???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL

    ARMY or Marines drug testing for new recruits???

    I was just wondering if any of the guys on here in either branch were cycling when recruited. I'm just starting a cycle of SD and wanted to know if I have reason to worry?

    Will they be testing for SD and would it matter since I purchased it legally? I haven't signed the papers yet, but I'm joining the ARMY or Marines in the next few weeks...

    Thanks guys...



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Las Vegas
    I spent 20+ years in. Cycled more than a few times and never had a problem. As far as I know they're still testing for a just the basics, methanphetmines, Cocaine, Weed..... stuff like that. So unless things have changed a LOT in the 4+ years since I retired, you'll be good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Basic is recreational drugs as mentioned above. IF though however, someone thinks or rats on you for roids, they will either try to sieze it, if that doesnt work, they will say HEY your on the random drug test. I dont know your physic but just watch your 6.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Rock N' Roll hall of fame
    I just got out of the NAVY. You dont hAVE to worry about a thing, they only do the normal piss test to check for recreational use of cannabis...cycle it up. And besides, if you do pop a test at your recruiters office...they dont give a shit, theyll just say"Drink alot of water and come in next week...Dumbass hahahahhaa" thats what they did to me lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    don't bother cycling be4 boot cuz all u do in boot is loose weight. I can't believe you would even consider the army after talking to the Marine Corp recruiter. Take a look at what happened in fallujah. /rant off

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    I haven't spoke to the Marine Core recruiter yet, I'm going to today...Thanks for the advice though guys...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    yep in boot you will run and pt your azz off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Dude, I'm not going to say what branch, but let's say that a special warfare unit in the US Army actually (unofficially) encouraged anabolics. I mean EVERYBODY was on it. Of course it wasn't talked about to outsiders or the top brass, but it was just kind of expected that everybody was doing everything that they could to advance their performance.

    Things could be different now, but I'd say do what you want to do, but DO NOT TELL ANYONE. NEVER EVER NEVER TELL OR ADMIT TO ANYTHING. Seriously, even your best buddy "could" rat you out in a pinch, IF he needed to.

    Put it this way, in some foreign country, we had a little problem. Let's just say that something went down, & some people were killed along with the bad guys, because it was a big mess & you couldn't figure out who was who. It happens in war.

    Well, it got blown out of proportion, and they threatened to punish the guy who got confused and made the mistake. Well, that dude was scared shitless, and he ratted out everyone about everything that he ever knew. He just wanted to save his own ass, so he ratted about this guy over here, and that guy over there. Trust me, this guy had a bullseye painted on his back after that day.

    He ratted on a guy who was doing gear. Everyone kinda knew it, because he had acne & stuff. But in the end, nothing came of it. The guys who had it worse were the ones who would smoke some dope etc. But my point is, the military is not going to bust your ass for getting bigger or stronger.

    Based on the diet they feed you, it's a miracle ANYONE can get big in the military. You need to be always sneaking in protein every chance you get. On your off time, buy beef jerky, that will keep at room temp in the field. Use every trick in the book to eat plenty of protein.

    I used to trade MRE's with other guys. Some guys just hated the MRE's, but they liked the desserts. So I'd gladly give away my chocolate cookie bar for a pack of franks, or meat, or beans. At the mess hall, try to sweet talk the servers, so they will give you a bigger portion of meatloaf. And at the table, if you see a guy who is done eating, and he still has some meat left, ask him if you can have it.

    It's not like can't just bully people out of their food. And if the instructors catch you eating other people's food, stealing food, or trying to stash food in your BDU's to eat it later, they will grass drill your ass so bad, that you will LOSE more muscle than what you would have gained.

    Remember, the military is not in the business of making body builders. As my DI once said, "you not here to eat, you here to FIGHT" They try to ration out portions, and it's not even fair. A tall guy needs more meat than a short guy. But do the best you can, and be creative, in trying to find ways to get as much meat/protein into your diet as possible.

    Just remember, they used to say, "If you want to be Airborne, you gotta be thin", and they mean it. The amount of PT that you do is counter productive to building big muscles. eat tons of protein, drink tons of water, and even the sugary kool aid is good to have at certain times. Just do your best. Good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Rock N' Roll hall of fame
    Niceshotman is 200% correct on this one. Dont trust a damn soul, A guy i thought was a cool fella ratted me out the day they shipped him to japan, tellin my PO and Masterchief That ive been smokin in the Head for the past 2 months..blka bla bla... And as far as the boot goes, Im 5'7 and went into basic at 195 at about 8% Bf, and when I came out..keep in mind I was with a SEALS division..I was at 159 lbs! I dont think I had any Bf on me whats so ever....everyone comes out alot smaller..but youll get it back eventually its almost not worth cycling before you leave, even though i did Months prior to being shipped out. You do what you want man, And goodluck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    south cali
    You can say that again.. i lost 20 lbs in Ranger School.. shit just in Boot i would still MRE's at night and eat them in the bathroom .. I was starving so much.. it sucked ass.......

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Portland, OR
    Plan your cycles around training and deployments. As others have stated don't do a cycle before basic/boot. You will lose all your gains and more. Also if you don't fit their height/weight ratio you will be put on a fat boy program which cuts your food and adds more PT. Start a cycle whn you know you can finish it with a proper PCT. Chances are that you won't be able to for your first year. Piss tests are the least of your worries. Getting ratted out is #1. Every unit has snitches or someone that has got caught short and will do anything to save his skin. Say nothing, admit nothing, and share nothing. Keep a low profile and don't leave muscle/body building materials and magazines laying around. You will have a hard time with injectables as it will be tough to hide your gear. If you are doing orals keep them in vitamin bottles that resemble what you are taking. Living in the barracks you have no privacy. Back in my day if you got caught with an illegal substance it would cost you one month's pay, reduction in rank, confinement to barracks for 2 weeks, 2 weeks extra duty. It pretty well kills any chance of advancement after that.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I did a shot of test and tren the morning i went to MEPS and got my drug test and passed. But everyones right, ur gona lose all ur gaind n boot. I went in at 205lbs 15%bf and came out at 170lbs and 10%bf, i have gained it and much much more back since then but it was shity watching myself shrink. IDK how anyone could gain weight while theyr n boot but sum ppl do, its deff not the diet
    Last edited by Schmidty; 11-17-2008 at 01:21 AM.

  13. #13
    I am in the Navy right now, and ran the urinalysis program at my last command. The only way they test for steroids, is if it is recommended by someone. That, in the end, requires CO's permission. If you look at the UCMJ art 112a, it says exactly what is tested for. So, you have nothing to worry about.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    I did a shot of test and tren the morning i went to MEPS and got my drug test and passed. But everyones right, ur gona lose all ur gaind n boot. I went in at 205lbs 15%bf and came out at 170lbs and 10%bf, i have gained it and much much more back since then but it was shity watching myself shrink. IDK how anyone could gain weight while theyr n boot but sum ppl do, its deff not the diet
    they dont even let you touch weights in Boot do they? anyways i have plenty of friends in Iraq and they are roiding machines lol!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by RotorHead View Post
    they dont even let you touch weights in Boot do they? anyways i have plenty of friends in Iraq and they are roiding machines lol!
    I wish that we had weights to use in boot! I got caught doing my own PT n the barracks when the Drill Sgt came in and he went off because i was being a buddy fvcker and not sharing my PT w the platoon, everybody got smoked fvckn hard for like a hr because of me. Im am worried about going to iraq and not being able to lift or get gear. It will b shity if i cant get any ovr ther|

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    yeah, he's right. they get pissed if they catch you doing extra PT. I once asked if I could go outside and do some extra pull ups....once. If you are out in the field, you can improvise resistance training using sandbags in place of dumbells, cans of ammo (either full cans full of ammo, or empty cans full of sand), and all sorts of other shit.

    But if you want to be a fighting machine, then you don't want to be too big anyway. The current problem with US military philosophy is that everything has to be high tech...and all that high tech shit has weight. Back when Stoner designed the M16, his goal was to make an assault rifle under 7 pounds. It was so nice and light, that suddenly, everyone wanted to put all sorts of shit on it, like lights and grips & bipods and lasers. Now the M4's are all loaded up with so much crap, that you can't whip it around fast to engage multiple targets easily.

    I think the ideal military fighter is muscular, but lean, so that he can run and dive & roll etc. And the best rifles are lightweight and KISS simple. I've seen many big guys die due to their size. It's good to be muscular & strong to a point, but once you can't run, climb, crawl, or stretch easily, then you become trapped in the limits of your own body.

    Most of the Navy SEALS that I've known were muscular, but not like the big dudes at the gym, and they usually had abnormally big thigh muscles. Delta Force guys seemed to be pretty muscular and fit all around. The Special Forces guys have been known to eat like pigs, bulk up, and then spend some time cut off from supply, where they just melt away all that bulk they put on, and they come home looking like the scrawny german shepherd K9 dogs that are used in war, with ribs sticking out, etc.

    I think hollywood makes people assume that to be in special forces, you need to be some huge hulk. But in reality, most of those guys are just southern dudes who grew up with guns, hunting at an early age, living off the land, and camping/hiking, and it just kind of got in their blood, and they are strong and fit muscular, but no more than your average contruction worker/framer/union worker/logger, etc.

    In the military, being able to shoot and hit shit is much more important than looking good in a bathing suit.
    Last edited by niceshotman; 11-20-2008 at 03:05 PM.

  17. #17
    superdrol is legal.. its unlikely theyd test for it because its still legal

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