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Thread: pro-hormones/aas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    will pro-hormones affect your first reall aas cycle. like i said in a previous thread i will do my fist in july. but, my friend tells me i should do pro-hormones. i really don't care for that stuff since almost all i've read is "no results". if this belongs in the supp page sorry, you can move it. i thought since it involved the subject of steroids it belongs here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    IMHO, in most cases, prohormones give you a marginal boost at best (although I've seen some people get decent results from them, but they are few) - However, anything that helps you make gains sans steroid as much as possible can only be good i suppose; in that it helps you build a certain discipline before and respect towards gear when you actually are ready to use them.

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