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Thread: Help with Pro hormones while deployed

  1. #1

    Help with Pro hormones while deployed

    I am leaving at the end of this month for a six month deployement to Saudi Arabia. Due to the Air Force I obviously can't use any type of gear. I have been working out solid for the last 4 years and I am finally starting to learn my body. While I am gone it is a perfect time for me to get my diet in a strict check. I am also looking for a little help from a pro hormone. I have read so many things from here that talk about they are either good on not good at all. I am just looking for a little advise about what ones I can get the best results from and what PCT to go with it. I have done a couple cycles of Methyl Masterdrol and Methyl 1-P from Legal Gear and have noticed very nice results. They continue to change their products quite often and usually get less and less potent feeling with each one. They are selling the newest versions in GNC stores near me so that pushes me farther from them since these store were never allowed to carry them before. I am looking for something that is pretty reliable when it comes to results. I am also concerned about a PCT. On both of the cycles I used before I didn't use a PCT and later down the road I developed Gyno from. I still have it and I will be looking to take care of that when I get home. Any advise would be appreciated. I have tried to do as much research on my own as possible but there has been so much I have read it is kind of overwellming.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    What are your goals? And said you cannot use real gear because I assume you're afraid of testing...Most PHs will show up if you get tested...

  3. #3
    My goals are for a bit more accelerated size. I am going to bulk for 3 of the months I am gone and then spend the remaining months doing some hardcore cutting for summer. I am not worried about the testing as much as having gear on me. If I get caught with a bottle of pills on me it will be different than getting caught with needles and the real thing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Give Spawn a shot (Epistane/Tren).I sweat the stuff big time. Very clean gains. Strength will go through the fcking roof.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    Most PHs will show up if you get tested...

    Tested for what? I spent over 20 years in the military and having done MANY a cycle of both PH and AAS while on active duty. I can tell you, PHs are not going to show up on ANY test they are likely to do on you either stateside or overseas. Assuming you are even tested at all, it's going to be for recreational drug use, not PHs. Having done more than a few tours in various parts of the middle east my biggest concern would be,. will you be able to maintain a diet worthy of making productive gains while there and on your cycle? And, will you have the equipment (weights) available to you where you can get in a well rounded work out while there? If you can't commit to both those things you may be wasting a cycle and a bit of cash.

  6. #6
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    If you are tested for "sports enhancing supplements" you will test positive. Read it right off the bottle. I know very little about the military but I do know that if you get tested for Steroids, some PHs (Spawn, Superdrol) will make you fail

  7. #7
    I will have daily gym time and a commicary to make sure i am right on with my diet. I might buy a couple bottles of the Spawn, if so where should I look for a PCT? I need something just as easy to obtain.

  8. #8
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    Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    If you are tested for "sports enhancing supplements" you will test positive. Read it right off the bottle. I know very little about the military but I do know that if you get tested for Steroids, some PHs (Spawn, Superdrol) will make you fail

    You missed my point completely. The military DOES NOT and has NEVER routinely tested for steroids or "sports enhancing supplements" . It makes no difference what it says on the bottle. All tests unless command sweeps are done randomly and are done for recreational drug use. This question has been asked before and very recently at that. Having done several tours in Iraq and Saudi during both this conflict and the first Gulf War I can tell you his diet and more importantly, sleep patterns, will be spotty at best. Equipment availability, although better than it once was, will likely not provide everything needed for a well rounded workout. If it were me, and it was at one time, I would save the PH cycle for a better time when he can take full advantage of everything he needs to make good gains while on his cycle.

    If you intend on going through with it, go to the site listed above for your PCT products.
    Last edited by Iced696; 11-05-2008 at 08:11 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Iced696 View Post
    You missed my point completely. The military DOES NOT and has NEVER routinely tested for steroids or "sports enhancing supplements" . It makes no difference what it says on the bottle. All tests unless command sweeps are done randomly and are done for recreational drug use. This question has been asked before and very recently at that. Having done several tours in Iraq and Saudi during both this conflict and the first Gulf War I can tell you his diet and more importantly, sleep patterns, will be spotty at best. Equipment availability, although better than it once was, will likely not provide everything needed for a well rounded workout. If it were me, and it was at one time, I would save the PH cycle for a better time when he can take full advantage of everything he needs to make good gains while on his cycle.

    If you intend on going through with it, go to the site listed above for your PCT products.

    I did not miss your point. Like I stated above, I know very little about the military and how they handle their testing. I was making a point that if he gets tested for steroids (I know now that he's not) that he will fail. And, I agree with you a 100% that it is going to be very difficult to maintain a suitable diet and have access to all nessecary equipment.

  10. #10
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    Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I did not miss your point. Like I stated above, I know very little about the military and how they handle their testing. I was making a point that if he gets tested for steroids (I know now that he's not) that he will fail. And, I agree with you a 100% that it is going to be very difficult to maintain a suitable diet and have access to all nessecary equipment.

    That's cool. We definately agree on why it wouldn't be productive to take them while deployed.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Iced696 View Post
    That's cool. We definately agree on why it wouldn't be productive to take them while deployed.


    I genuinely appreciate both of your concern with the productivity of a cycle for me but you couldn't be more wrong than what you are. Due to OPSEC I obviously can only give out so much info. I am Air Force Security Forces and will be deployed to a location that is very fit for my goals. I know several people that have been and come back to the same place I am going and with the same mission. I will be on a 6 month vacation at a nice resort. There is a full size grocery commicary with 3 full size gym's that are open 7 days a week. 1 is open 24hrs a day. Again, thank you for the good words but I deff wouldnt be waisting all of this money for something I wouldnt be able to devote enough of my time too.

    As for testing, they do not test for anything other than recreational drugs unless they have reason to test for it. I have had friends tested for them, they will waste the money on a test if they need to.

    I am still lost about my previous question regarding PCT

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