Male, age 33, height 5'11'', 192lbs, according to a couple of golds gym trainers my BMI is at approx 13.5, 3rd year in training (working out consistently 5-6 times a week 2hrs a session.) shitty diet! Before any comments are made I just wanna let you know my 2nd year I took a number of supps with, "great success" in the eyes of others around me. I myself didn't see that much of a difference but when I stepped on the scale I noticed a 10-15 lbs. difference. I went from a thin athletic physique of 160-175lbs. to a seemingly bulkier stout 185-195lbs. I guess that's a good thing but I want to do again and this time I want to diet. When I was supping last year I kinda ate well. I would just like a simpler way to diet. So if anyone out there already has a diet/grocery list put together (man or woman) shoot it on over to me it would be much appreciated. Anyways, here's what's in store for the month of March, (I know its still 5 months away but I like to have time on my side to prepare) Vyotech's Anabolic 7, hardcore formulation's Epidrol, Universal Nutrition Animal pak, vyotech's Viraloid and Bsn's Atrophex. That's not including the protein and N.O. explode/cell mass. Last year I paid close attention to my blood work and nothing really changed as a matter a fact, everything got significantly better it was a great experience overall last year and this year I want it to be even better one! So please all comments and/or suggestions (good and bad) are welcomed. Thank you in advance...