i seen to almost be sick at the gym.... like a really acidy sick..
could it be the amino acids and ephedrine i take just before my workout?
usually get it when running on treadmill like
i seen to almost be sick at the gym.... like a really acidy sick..
could it be the amino acids and ephedrine i take just before my workout?
usually get it when running on treadmill like
hell yeah it is...do u eat before or after u take ur aminos and ephedrine?
do u eat before the gym?
had cottage cheese nd banana bout an hour b4 gym
take them right after you eat and not right b4 u work out,, could help
i use to take noexplode right b4 gym and id almost puke everytime so i started takin it about an hour b4 and it was much better.
Well I have a high intensity training routine, so i've thrown up a few times during it at the gym. But that's only because of temporary over-exertion and fatigue. its pretty common, you just got to deal with it.
i say the ephedrine and possible overtraining
Many chemicals, like creatine, arginine, caffeine, will give you an acid stomach & make you feel sick. By drinking plenty of water with the chemicals, it seems to dilute the concentrationn of the acid and make it absorb easier so its not just sitting there in your stomach.
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