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I highly recommend Krealkalyn (creatine), and I'll just post a list of everything I take. Its kind of a lot, but its worked for me and why change what works?
tribulus, fish oils, xtend (bcaa's), protein, arginine & ornithine, rawmcc (a creatine I really wanted to try out), amp02 (pre-work out supp), lipoflame (fat burner), cinnamon, ZMA, a multi-vitamin, vitamin c, vitamin shoppe's "amino acid complex", and i drink a ton of water. trust me man, whoever thinks you won't make great gains without weights in just an idiot. I've gained awesome strength, great size, and I have more endurance than anyone Ive ever met in my entire life. I look and feel much better than i did when i was on my hard core HIT weight lifting plan (which I made unreal gains from as well). I'm a true believer in the way i work out. Everyone is different though man, but it can't hurt to try it out. The whole reason why i work out the way I do though is because I use to have serious back problems, and now it's psychological for me in that i don't want to lift too heavy of weight because I fear a relapse of the worst experience of my entire life. Good luck though man. If you got any more questions, just ask.