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Thread: I need more endurance, energy...Help

  1. #1

    I need more endurance, energy...Help

    Ok, I need some advice on what to take to extend my endurance. I do alot of M.M.A, and sparring everynite. Now, I broke my nose, and have to wait a month to get it fixed. Meanwhile, with the lack of air, within 20secs of each round, struggling to breathe, I get winded. I feel like I have lead for legs, and I become super slow. My main aspect was my speed. I feel if I had a booster, it would greatly help. N02? I know my nose is the problem, but it is killing me to be in this state.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Titletown, Florida
    Your booster is get your nose fixed and don't spar until you do, you could fracture your sinus cavity and will never breathe right again..think about having this same problem for the rest of your life. The only supplement that I can think of that will help you is synthetic EPO (Erythropoietin),the stuff all the cyclists are getting caught with. Basically it increases red blood cell production, which will then allow you to carry more oxygen. This really comes into benefit for super-endurance events like cycling, running, swimming, or my fave, all 3 at the same time(triathalon). Im not about to say that it won't work for you, but in such short events I think the benefits will be less noticeable.
    That being said I think it would be moronic for you to use EPO, not only bc of the limited benefits, but also bc you could easily die if not administered and monitored properly(and you could still die even if monitored, as many athletes have recently.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Exoneration. . .
    Oxygen Mask?

  4. #4
    Wow, yea, dont want to die. I guess I will just keep pushing. I dont get hit in the face cause I had to buy a kumite face mask. So, not worried bout that. Well, Thanks

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