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Thread: Prohormones and "Supplement Steriods"

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    Prohormones and "Supplement Steriods"

    Ive been seeing some crazy ass posts latly in the supplement forum that just dont make any sense to me... Seems there needs to be a little direction given around here for the guys looking to "dabble" without taking the plunge if you know what I mean.

    If your looking for a boost in the Gym first PLEASE reseach the Diet then workout forums. Once you have spent way too many hours drooling over proper carb to protein ratios and intensity training for muscle growth, then start thinking about researching a quality "designer supplement"

    Ill give a basic three category breakdown of beginner, intermediate, and advanced (As Just an example of some supplements to start with) The actual supplement you decide on is up to your own research

    If your just getting started you may want to stick with something like "Prime" or "primal male". Neither of these should require any PCT and should show great strength increase with some respectable gains. Considering that these will not require PCT and support suplements I'd consider to be optional, this is a great way to boost yourself in the gym with minimal risk! Take them together for a great natty stack with real gains!

    Next step up would be something like "furazadrol" or "Havoc" these will need mild PCT and proper support supplements. This of course requiring some good research and understanding before cycling. You will see more quality gains and an overall stronger effect on mood, muscle density/mass, Athletic performance, but also side effects can be much stronger.

    After those you might consider graduating to SuperDrol or H-drol or a 19 Nor "tren" supplement stack. These all have strong side effects and absolutly require a good PCT, support supps, and lots of good research to use them properly and safley. They will provide the most Muscle mass, increased performace, and Alpha Male Mentality... but they have a heavy side effect price tag. Please do not use these unless you fully understand the side effects, effects of progestins vs estrogen, Proper recovery time and support supplements and have a good quality source for PCT ancillaries...
    Last edited by ACE5HIGH; 11-24-2008 at 10:06 PM.

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