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Thread: questions on my choice of supplements

  1. #1

    questions on my choice of supplements

    I am about to start taking a few things in cycle form here soon and I have a few questions.

    First off I will be taking daily
    A cycle of Spawn prohormone
    Sci fit Kre-Alkalyn
    Centrum Multi vitamin
    1000mg of hawthorn berries
    1000mg of milk thistle
    Around 2-3 shakes of 100% Whey protien
    6 OXO for pct

    I am trying to bulk for the next three months. I tried some NO Explode yesterday for the first time and I really like the way it made me feel. I have been thinking about taking it and a few other things, but I am worried about taking too much and just pissing stuff out and not being able to get the full results from what I really want due to being overwhelmed. NO Explode, Lipo 6x, and maybe some Thermo Burst are all things I considered throwing in. Help with some insight. I am already questioning whether my body will absorb what I already have on the list.

    I was hoping to throw in the Lipo 6x to give me a head start on cutting some of the fat while still bulking so that I will be that much ahead when it comes time to cut. I have tried searching but I know very little about NO Explode. Also I do not take in much caffeine at all and I am unfamiliar with how caffeine will effect my bulking/and or cutting stages other than dehydration. I am open to all kinds of insight. Let me know what you think. I am dieting/lifting harder than I ever have and I have two seperate 3 month goals that I want to exceed. I am looking for as much help as possible from a bottle.

    P.S. I am not in a situation at this time where I can get away with using any other gear or real PCTs, so please dont recomend them. I wish I could but that is another story.

  2. #2
    all i hear about 6-oxo is that its worthless and does nothing for PCT

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Endless Obsession
    Quote Originally Posted by jg42058p View Post
    all i hear about 6-oxo is that its worthless and does nothing for PCT
    absolutly a waste of money

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Portland, OR
    What are you taking that you need PCT?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Andro9 View Post
    absolutly a waste of money
    x2...It's a crappy AI. You need a SERM (Nolvadex or Clomid)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by XChris1632X View Post
    I am about to start taking a few things in cycle form here soon and I have a few questions.

    First off I will be taking daily
    A cycle of Spawn prohormone
    Sci fit Kre-Alkalyn
    Centrum Multi vitamin
    1000mg of hawthorn berries
    1000mg of milk thistle
    Around 2-3 shakes of 100% Whey protien
    6 OXO for pct

    I am trying to bulk for the next three months. I tried some NO Explode yesterday for the first time and I really like the way it made me feel. I have been thinking about taking it and a few other things, but I am worried about taking too much and just pissing stuff out and not being able to get the full results from what I really want due to being overwhelmed. NO Explode, Lipo 6x, and maybe some Thermo Burst are all things I considered throwing in. Help with some insight. I am already questioning whether my body will absorb what I already have on the list.

    I was hoping to throw in the Lipo 6x to give me a head start on cutting some of the fat while still bulking so that I will be that much ahead when it comes time to cut. I have tried searching but I know very little about NO Explode. Also I do not take in much caffeine at all and I am unfamiliar with how caffeine will effect my bulking/and or cutting stages other than dehydration. I am open to all kinds of insight. Let me know what you think. I am dieting/lifting harder than I ever have and I have two seperate 3 month goals that I want to exceed. I am looking for as much help as possible from a bottle.

    P.S. I am not in a situation at this time where I can get away with using any other gear or real PCTs, so please dont recomend them. I wish I could but that is another story.
    If you cant get real PCT stuff then you probably shouldn't waste the money on the prohormones to begin with.

    You'll just lose most of your gains and end up with gyno.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    i would drop the centrum mulit V and get a whole foods multi v.

  8. #8
    Ok well I have pretty much come to the conclusion that substitute PCTs are worthless and I shouldnt waste my time. There is a chance I can just go ahead and use some nova. If I do what about the rest of my choices. I will look into a diff multi V. What do you guys think of the NO Explode. I took it again yesterday and felt great during workout. I felt so much stronger. I just dont want to decide to take it and then it effect the other things I am taking by taking to much different stuff. I also dont know if my body will just get use to it a couple weeks down the road and then not be worth it.

  9. #9
    I dont know your situation but I really cant see why it would be impossible for you to get some nolvadex. If mail interception is a problem, try getting a PO box or have it sent to a friends house. Drug tests don't test for nolvadex or clomid (unless your in the olympics), so you really wouldn't have to worry about that..

    but just remember - NO PCT means almost NO gains left over and possible gyno problems when your done and finished with the prohormones

  10. #10
    Well Ill throw little bit out there and let you know that being deployed in another country makes it more challenging for me to get.

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