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I am about to start taking a few things in cycle form here soon and I have a few questions.
First off I will be taking daily
A cycle of Spawn prohormone
Sci fit Kre-Alkalyn
Centrum Multi vitamin
1000mg of hawthorn berries
1000mg of milk thistle
Around 2-3 shakes of 100% Whey protien
6 OXO for pct
I am trying to bulk for the next three months. I tried some NO Explode yesterday for the first time and I really like the way it made me feel. I have been thinking about taking it and a few other things, but I am worried about taking too much and just pissing stuff out and not being able to get the full results from what I really want due to being overwhelmed. NO Explode, Lipo 6x, and maybe some Thermo Burst are all things I considered throwing in. Help with some insight. I am already questioning whether my body will absorb what I already have on the list.
I was hoping to throw in the Lipo 6x to give me a head start on cutting some of the fat while still bulking so that I will be that much ahead when it comes time to cut. I have tried searching but I know very little about NO Explode. Also I do not take in much caffeine at all and I am unfamiliar with how caffeine will effect my bulking/and or cutting stages other than dehydration. I am open to all kinds of insight. Let me know what you think. I am dieting/lifting harder than I ever have and I have two seperate 3 month goals that I want to exceed. I am looking for as much help as possible from a bottle.
P.S. I am not in a situation at this time where I can get away with using any other gear or real PCTs, so please dont recomend them. I wish I could but that is another story.