I have a friend that swears by this, any thoughts from any of you?
I have a friend that swears by this, any thoughts from any of you?
It is still pretty new, have you tried going to google and typing in cryotest reviews or Muscletech cryotest reviews... You might get a better evaluation that way seeing how it's fairly new still
I haven't tried it but judging from the ad's its probably just a typical tribulus or fenugreek test booster. Although Muscletech claims in the ad Cryotest is what makes Johnny Jackson be able to bench 550lbs!!... honestly don't waste your money on it
My work out partner is finishing a bottle ans swears by it but he has delusion of granduer so i was wondering if anyone else had any experience with it is all. I won;t take that crap, I have the for realz ya know?
I think it is junk, the only good thing in it is the inclusion of AlphaStat. I would just purchase AlphaStat on it own though.
well im trying to get bigger naturally for now and im currently working out 4 times a week and eating everything i can. i eat lots of chicken,beef,steak and peanutbutter and lots of pasta for carbs. i average 1 protein shake a day of mass xxx by gnc. im also taking anabol halo by muscle tech after my workouts. I want to try some new products to try and bulk up and get bigger any suggestions for me.
Last edited by Osi; 02-26-2009 at 05:40 AM. Reason: speling mistake
Don't buy it.
Trying to bulk naturally= Lots of whole milk and eggs/eggwhites.
ITs a bull$h1T to what i find after one user used it and had the review posted that he had lower test levels before using Cryotest and after too he had low test levels.
Check for the review by Larry in here.
to add there is one user name Max. His levels we also low.
A good rule of thumb is:
Anything that says "Muscletech" on it, is garbage.
Look at the name...why the fk is it called "cryotest"? Does it freeze your testosterone?
That doesn't sound cool!
Definitions of cryo on the Web:
Pertaining to cryogenic temperatures, which are temperatures within a few degrees of absolute zero (0 degrees Kelvin, or about -273 F).
Your "friend" who swears by it, is probably just psyching himself up.
Nooboto i disagree with ...
Not everything that says "Muscletech" on it is garbage ...
Not that i have tried this one yet .. but still i have alot of other products from Muscletech that are great ... maybe all overpriced but not all garbage man
Actually most of it is garbage. Celltech, Nitrotech, Myoshock, Aplodan, Anator p70, Cryotest, Gakic, Leukic, Creakic, Nanox9, prototype 216, anabolic halo, intravol. All of those are junk, worthless.
That leaves nanovapor, hydrazide, and hydroxycut hardcore.
I took nanovapor before and it was fairly decent for a preworkout drink. Just watch how much you drink i took too much the first time and got really red
you cat really call something crap if it doesnt work out for you ...
i actually didnt like the nanovapor or the fat burner .... others do ...
i personally find San Tight and Lipo 6 better then the muscletech burner ...
And when it comes to Nanovapor it has 5g of sugar and still tastes like crap ... i think trac xtreme and supercharger were better choices for me ...
So if something doesnt work for your body doesnt mean it wont for others ...
yes most of the stuff is over priced .... but most of it is very well worth it ..
Ive used alot of thier stuff and still use the protein bars ( nitro-tech ) every day ... and find alot of thier stuff very good ...
Bottom line is find the best supplement that suits you and stick with it ..
Good Luck All!
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