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Thread: M1t questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada

    M1t questions.

    Hey folks. Just had a few questions b4 my first cycle. I'll try and be as specific as possible. Right now I have less than half a bottle (38 pills) of M1t Stack (Red X Lab), which were given to me by a friend. In it is M1t, 4ad, and an anti-aromataze complex, in 10 mg doses.

    I am 5'10, 248-250 lbs. Chubby stomach and obliques. Im looking to bulk up a bit for these 6 weeks, and then perhaps cut, as I'm carrying a fair bit of fat around my abs. The first dilemma is that I have 38 pills, becuz they were given to me. Now, let's assume that I can't get my hands on more. I'm lookin to run this stack with 2 pills a day (20 mg) due to my size and weight. This means, for the 4 weeks on I'd need 48 pills. Would it be fine to take 2 a day for the first 14 days, and then take one a day for the next 2 weeks on, and end up being short 4 pills? Will this drastically kill my gains? Would it be better to run 1 pill a day for the whole 4 weeks, rather than gettin maximum gains for 2 weeks, and then smaller gains for the next 2 weeks?

    I'm planning on taking Hawthorn Berry and Milk Thistle to deal with high blood pressure and liver damage, as well as the usual stuff like protein, No-Xplode or a creatine, Udo's Oil (Efa's), and a multi-vitamin. Other than the lack of M1s, is there anything else I may need?

    One more question too....After the full cycle, would it be fine to cut with an ECA stack to keep my energy levels high, or will this kind of stack wipe out any gains I might have?I'm a bit of a cardio lover sometimes. Just gonna take it light, but when I start cutting, I don't want the ECA stack to start taking away from my muscles. Thanks for your help folks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    No takers? lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    All I want for xmas is a reply to my thread haha.

  4. #4
    I wasn't going to bother with this thread until I saw your name. Megadeth is the ****ing illest shit out. Seasons Beatings droog.. \m/

    Honestly man, don't do it. You don't want to half ass anything especially when it comes to designer steroids. it's not worth it. i'd purchase a PH (prohormone) such as halodrol which is probably one of the best to start out with. Especially since your cutting, its a dry ph which means you won't get bloated/retain water and you'll actually slim down a little off of it while gaining some lean mass. get your money back for the M1T and do this shit right if your going to do it. Get yourself some nolva as well if your going to run a PH cycle as well. And yes, you can take an ECA cycle afterwards. Rock On!!! or Rust In Peace...

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