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Thread: I got the original superdrol...

  1. #1

    I got the original superdrol...

    I want to try it out since ive heard so much about it...However, i never really trusted OTC supplements but according to everyone on planet earth, everyone is saying its an actuaul steroid...

    now the only reason why im even conisdering this is because i have to wait a few weeks to get my REAL gear from, my question, superdrol says take it for 30 days and then stay off for 60, do u think i have to wait that long to jump on my real cycle, or is this just a way for these companies to make it seem "potent" or "dangerous" to do more...honestly, i dont see how superdrol can make u gain 15-20 lbs in 30 days and then you have to stay off for 60...

    i want to run an 8 week cycle of tren/prop/masteron after i run the superdrol, but of course, superdrol is supposedly methylated u can see my conflict here...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Superdrol is available under "clones" that are basically the same as the old superdrol with a change to molecule structure by adding another branch or something along those lines.

    Anyway, the point is Superdrol is it still affects your hpta, alot of people get shut down on SD.

    So i wouldn't run it before your cycle, just get your diet in order and workout till you recieve your cyle.

    I took SD and in two weeks I gain 7lbs while losing body fat. Alot of people gain even more weight during their pct you can gain anywhere from 10-15lbs total.

    Got bloodwork done 9 days in and good cholesterol was in single digits, the doctor called a cardiologist because she never saw anything like. I took alot of liver support and overall body support supplements. My liver held up pretty good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I took the original superdrol, and I gained 14lbs and dropped a good amount of body fat. I loved it! Just make sure you find the readup on everything you gotta take for it.

    THe only negative I had about SD was that it would make me fall asleep after I workout.

  4. #4


    You need to treat Superdrol just like you would any other ORAL AAS like ANADROL,,DBOL,,TBOL etc...

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Superdrol is available under "clones" that are basically the same as the old superdrol with a change to molecule structure by adding another branch or something along those lines.

    Anyway, the point is Superdrol is it still affects your hpta, alot of people get shut down on SD.

    So i wouldn't run it before your cycle, just get your diet in order and workout till you recieve your cyle.

    I took SD and in two weeks I gain 7lbs while losing body fat. Alot of people gain even more weight during their pct you can gain anywhere from 10-15lbs total.

    Got bloodwork done 9 days in and good cholesterol was in single digits, the doctor called a cardiologist because she never saw anything like. I took alot of liver support and overall body support supplements. My liver held up pretty good.

    No way during pct.....
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-24-2008 at 01:36 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    you can gain 10 pounds easy. 20 if your diet is on.

    SD is no joke. Just take proper support supps and a real PCT, not this OTC shit.

    1 month sd
    1 month pct
    wait at least another month, 2 preferably
    then start whatever.

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