OK so I have recently posted some comments in a few particular threads re: a certain supplement...i did it in a way that prob unfortunately cost my claims credibility(angry overtones). Also my problem is NOT with this particular supplement or company ...it is with an industry ..they are a symptom of the problem. However the purpose of this thread is to intelligently discuss supplements. My View:
*These products are not fda approved. That means the companies do not have to prove safety of product prior to its sale.
* No validity as to product claims need be proven before its legal sale or distribution.
* Product need not go through any clinical trial process whatsoever prior to sale
* Because no fda approval required no proof of ingredients (chemical assay) need be submitted to fda proir to open market sale.
Ok those are several reasons to be leary i mean basically no proof of whats in supplement, or that its safe, or does what it says, needs to happen prior to open market sale and distribution to public.
Next lets address ingredient claims. So many claims are made that this ingredient does this ...and that one does that. I think its a good idea to personally research these claims ingredient by ingredient. A couple of facts to note: New England Journal of Medicine and Journal of American Medical Association are reliable sources for this info. Not a study ...on rats ...at east somewhere university...we arent rats. Or a study by muscletech on muscletech products ..cmon! When researching these claims and examining studies..take note of dosages administered and administration method...it makes all the difference ....i mean HGH is amino acid chains ..but we all know ingesting amino acids isnt taking HGH. You will be surprised ..even creatine ...a widely accepted supplement as far as effectiveness..in sanctioned medical clinical trials ...was shown at best to be effective in only 60% of the population and miniammly effective at that.
Ingredient modification. Many manufacturers claim that this ester has been added to make the ingredient more bioavaiable etc...many times this is not the case(untrue claim on ester effects on absorption) ... ( i wont even get into how that saves them $ in manufacturing)
Ingredient safety- When you research ingredients take note of this..some supps actually contain toxic substances ...when u do an ingredient by ingredient search in credible medical sources u will find this to be the case- disturbing to say the least. Take note of side effect of all ingredients...it important.
Marketing - Well cmon now...we have all seen 1st hand the exaggerated claims of products. I dont even need to go there IMO. How about the ones that sound like steroids but are in no way close....now thats clever marketing ..how many unknowing people think they are juicing and they are on a supp? I see 10 post a week in steroid forum froms guys on superdrol,tren extreme etc... The names are no coincidence guys. What is disturbing to me is how supp companies get people through sponsorship ($) or on a smaller level like boards for example (free products- kickbacks) ...to say their products work etc... (greed sucks) Do you think Jay Cutler is that big because of Muscletech??? Do you really believe he even uses all their products?Do you also believe people on boards are so thrilled with products they praise them high and low..going out of their way to push them even ...for no personal benefit...call me skeptical but i dont think thats always the case. Now the targeting of younger people wanting desperately to be huge or ripped ..thats wrong....anyway..u get my point.
Now im not saying all supps suck etc..im saying be smart , do your homework,investigate ingredient effects, claims etc... and ask yourself honestly ..is it worth it? Weigh out the $ .. the potential health risks...true proven ingredient effects...the lack of real evidence...proven benefit(if there is one). If the answer is yes I reasearched and imo its worth it and you are comfortable..go for it. Id def not base my decision on claims from paid sponsors or people i dont know who obviously have some motivation other than results to push a product and efinately not on manufacturers claims that need have no factual proof behind them!
Overall the lack of regulation , inaccurate scientific claims , potentially dangerous ingredients, lack of scientific proof of effctivness and shady marketing strategies have made me a leary and IMO smart consumer. Id encourage everyone to take that approach.
Finally as you may note almost all you supps say to incorporate them in a healthy diet /exercise program. My own personal opinion is if you do the diet exercise program ...you will get the same results with or with out the supplement in 90% of the cases. Again just my opinion. Thanks for listening and i look forward to input from board members.