Could you be more hysterical?
Yes, I happen to be a doctor. I did not come into the thread shaking my diploma and demanding to be treated with reverence. I trust people who have expertise in a certain area if I have too, but I much prefer to understand something for myself. I try to support my posts with a sound argument, not by asking people to trust me, for that reason.
I think being brief is important, but I cannot be brief. I just have to pick apart your quoted conniption fit bit by bit. To start, I think I know everything? Really? How many posts do you see me make? How many areas of this website have I invaded with my boundless ego seeking to cleanse the masses of their stupidity? ....Yeah.
And please forgive me this one indulgence, at the risk of sounding arrogant...but I am not a "wanna be" doctor with merely "book knowledge". Lets be clear, residents run the hospitals. In three years working in the hospital I can't recall seeing anyone other than a resident running a code blue on the hospital floor or ICU....ever. Need a central line? Blood pressure 60/20? Maybe no pulse at all? You need a medical resident. The doctors who are done with residency spend a small fraction of the day inside the hospital. I can't count the number of times I have been called to a code blue where the patients private doctor had been in the room paralyzed becuase *he* hadn't had to run a code since *he* was a resident! What does that have to do with pectin? Not a damned thing...which is why I don't have Dr. Brokenbricks tattooed to my forehead like it was relevant to everything I involve myself in. Why you felt the need to bring it up is your own issue.
Here is a free tip. When you cite evidence to back up a claim step one is knowing what evidence actually *is*. Clearly what you posted was not a quote from a study. You posted a copy paste from one of the thousands of pseudo scientific websites which promote compounds they know little about, but add a veneer of legitimacy to their opinions by putting a few references which they know their readership lacks the means or will to actually check. That may work most of the time, but you picked the wrong guy to try that silly game with.
Apart from the poor form of not providing a link to your "research", not to mention not even quoting a bit with the word "pectin" in it, the references in the end don't even have anything to do with pectin as far as I can see. The first reference has the names of the authors with no journal name so I cannot find what it actually *is*. Here is the second:
I won't bore the readers here any further, but anyone can clink on this link to see the so called references of the statement has nary a word about pectin. The third, well it speaks for itself.
As ridiculous as the idea of pectin helping nail and hair growth is I went ahead, just to be thorough, and did a search of the literature anyway. I was not a bit surprised when my search ended with zero studies testing the hypothesis. This is for the same reason we don't design studies testing whether multiple stab wounds reduce life expectancy. The answer is obvious.