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Thread: Supps to Promote Fingernail Growth

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    Supps to Promote Fingernail Growth

    Sort of a strange question, but I smashed my thumb and the nail pretty much died and fell off. I work in close quarters with a lot of people in a professional environment so I'd like the nail to grow back as quickly as possible. Anyone know of anything I can take to speed it along?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    pectin ....

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  5. #5
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    LOTS of protein. I notice my hair/nails grow faster when I eat more.

  6. #6
    Nothing I know of. And a warning, do not take medical advice from this forum. For instance, pectin is a water soluble fiber and is not digested by the body. Even if it *was* absorbed it would be absorbed as simple sugars as it is a carbohydrate. People have no self regulatory mechanism to prevent them from posting on topics they know nothing about here. Be warned.

  7. #7
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    Sort of a strange question, but I smashed my thumb and the nail pretty much died and fell off. I work in close quarters with a lot of people in a professional environment so I'd like the nail to grow back as quickly as possible. Anyone know of anything I can take to speed it along?
    Is there anything wrong with suggesting biotin...?

  8. #8
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    Nothing I know of. And a warning, do not take medical advice from this forum. For instance, pectin is a water soluble fiber and is not digested by the body. Even if it *was* absorbed it would be absorbed as simple sugars as it is a carbohydrate. People have no self regulatory mechanism to prevent them from posting on topics they know nothing about here. Be warned.
    You are a tool who thinks he knows everything (very typical of most egotistical doctors ..if u make it to being one you'll fit right in) , and with a condescending attitude to boot:

    "studies have shown that the consumption of 7 to 10 g/day can significantly improve nail growth rate and strength (17) and it also promotes hair growth"

    1. A.J. Bailey and R.G. Paul. 82(3), 104-110. (1998)
    2. . D.J. Prockop. Matrix Biol. 16(9), 519-528. (1998).
    3. W.M. Marrs. Carbohydrate interactions and their effect on the structure and texture of confectionery gels in Progress in Food science and Nutrition 6, 259-268. Ed. G.O. Phillips, P.A. Williams, D.J. Wedlok. Pergamon Press. Oxford . New York . Toronto . Sydney . Paris . Frankfurt. 1982.

    Go back to your residency junior - you are about as helpful on this forum as most doctors (or more appropriately wanna be doctors) with absolutely no knowledge other than textbook (hell ive even seen some of your posts where you display a lack of that as well!).

    Oh and to the OP - id be very cautious of "medical advice" given out on such serious conditions as a broken fingernail ... esp when it recommends one of the safest, naturally occuring food additives ever used (total sarcasm there)
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-22-2009 at 07:29 AM.

  9. #9
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    I know that Biotin speeds hair and nail growth.

  10. #10
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    You are a tool who thinks he knows everything (very typical of most egotistical doctors ..if u make it to being one you'll fit right in) , and with a condescending attitude to boot:
    100% agree, there are doctors of many different things, physical therapist, lawyers, pediatricians, foot doctors, etc. A doctor IMO doesn't mean sh!t. Are you going to ask your auto mechanic the correct well to do your plumbing? NO, So then why would you take any advice from a pediatrician on how to do diet correctly? You need to either speak to a registered dietician or possibly a biochemist.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    You are a tool who thinks he knows everything (very typical of most egotistical doctors ..if u make it to being one you'll fit right in) , and with a condescending attitude to boot:

    "studies have shown that the consumption of 7 to 10 g/day can significantly improve nail growth rate and strength (17) and it also promotes hair growth"

    1. A.J. Bailey and R.G. Paul. 82(3), 104-110. (1998)
    2. . D.J. Prockop. Matrix Biol. 16(9), 519-528. (1998).
    3. W.M. Marrs. Carbohydrate interactions and their effect on the structure and texture of confectionery gels in Progress in Food science and Nutrition 6, 259-268. Ed. G.O. Phillips, P.A. Williams, D.J. Wedlok. Pergamon Press. Oxford . New York . Toronto . Sydney . Paris . Frankfurt. 1982.

    Go back to your residency junior - you are about as helpful on this forum as most doctors (or more appropriately wanna be doctors) with absolutely no knowledge other than textbook (hell ive even seen some of your posts where you display a lack of that as well!).

    Oh and to the OP - id be very cautious of "medical advice" given out on such serious conditions as a broken fingernail ... esp when it recommends one of the safest, naturally occuring food additives ever used (total sarcasm there)
    Oh snap.

  12. #12
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    For you, Nark!

    Thanks for the replies gents. As always, much appreciated!

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  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    You are a tool who thinks he knows everything (very typical of most egotistical doctors ..if u make it to being one you'll fit right in) , and with a condescending attitude to boot:

    "studies have shown that the consumption of 7 to 10 g/day can significantly improve nail growth rate and strength (17) and it also promotes hair growth"

    1. A.J. Bailey and R.G. Paul. 82(3), 104-110. (1998)
    2. . D.J. Prockop. Matrix Biol. 16(9), 519-528. (1998).
    3. W.M. Marrs. Carbohydrate interactions and their effect on the structure and texture of confectionery gels in Progress in Food science and Nutrition 6, 259-268. Ed. G.O. Phillips, P.A. Williams, D.J. Wedlok. Pergamon Press. Oxford . New York . Toronto . Sydney . Paris . Frankfurt. 1982.

    Go back to your residency junior - you are about as helpful on this forum as most doctors (or more appropriately wanna be doctors) with absolutely no knowledge other than textbook (hell ive even seen some of your posts where you display a lack of that as well!).

    Oh and to the OP - id be very cautious of "medical advice" given out on such serious conditions as a broken fingernail ... esp when it recommends one of the safest, naturally occuring food additives ever used (total sarcasm there)
    Could you be more hysterical?

    Yes, I happen to be a doctor. I did not come into the thread shaking my diploma and demanding to be treated with reverence. I trust people who have expertise in a certain area if I have too, but I much prefer to understand something for myself. I try to support my posts with a sound argument, not by asking people to trust me, for that reason.

    I think being brief is important, but I cannot be brief. I just have to pick apart your quoted conniption fit bit by bit. To start, I think I know everything? Really? How many posts do you see me make? How many areas of this website have I invaded with my boundless ego seeking to cleanse the masses of their stupidity? ....Yeah.

    And please forgive me this one indulgence, at the risk of sounding arrogant...but I am not a "wanna be" doctor with merely "book knowledge". Lets be clear, residents run the hospitals. In three years working in the hospital I can't recall seeing anyone other than a resident running a code blue on the hospital floor or ICU....ever. Need a central line? Blood pressure 60/20? Maybe no pulse at all? You need a medical resident. The doctors who are done with residency spend a small fraction of the day inside the hospital. I can't count the number of times I have been called to a code blue where the patients private doctor had been in the room paralyzed becuase *he* hadn't had to run a code since *he* was a resident! What does that have to do with pectin? Not a damned thing...which is why I don't have Dr. Brokenbricks tattooed to my forehead like it was relevant to everything I involve myself in. Why you felt the need to bring it up is your own issue.

    Here is a free tip. When you cite evidence to back up a claim step one is knowing what evidence actually *is*. Clearly what you posted was not a quote from a study. You posted a copy paste from one of the thousands of pseudo scientific websites which promote compounds they know little about, but add a veneer of legitimacy to their opinions by putting a few references which they know their readership lacks the means or will to actually check. That may work most of the time, but you picked the wrong guy to try that silly game with.

    Apart from the poor form of not providing a link to your "research", not to mention not even quoting a bit with the word "pectin" in it, the references in the end don't even have anything to do with pectin as far as I can see. The first reference has the names of the authors with no journal name so I cannot find what it actually *is*. Here is the second:

    I won't bore the readers here any further, but anyone can clink on this link to see the so called references of the statement has nary a word about pectin. The third, well it speaks for itself.

    As ridiculous as the idea of pectin helping nail and hair growth is I went ahead, just to be thorough, and did a search of the literature anyway. I was not a bit surprised when my search ended with zero studies testing the hypothesis. This is for the same reason we don't design studies testing whether multiple stab wounds reduce life expectancy. The answer is obvious.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    100% agree, there are doctors of many different things, physical therapist, lawyers, pediatricians, foot doctors, etc. A doctor IMO doesn't mean sh!t. Are you going to ask your auto mechanic the correct well to do your plumbing? NO, So then why would you take any advice from a pediatrician on how to do diet correctly? You need to either speak to a registered dietician or possibly a biochemist.
    The word doctor is synonymous with a physician holding an M.D. degree and in some countries the D.O. degree. Within academia PhD holders and many others are referred to as doctor...but there is hardly any confusion as to who is being asked for when someone screams "I need a doctor" on a plane. In fact, that is a pretty useful way of putting it. Whenever someone is screaming "Is there a doctor here?" They don't mean a doctor of philosophy or a physical therapist. They mean a residency trained medical school graduate with a license to practice medicine.

    What in gods name does a biochemist know about how to eat. Bizarre.
    A registered diatician can have as little as a college degree and a 3/4 year hands on stint. I guarantee you they are not learning about how to turn people into Frank Zane. What you *should* do is learn how to find quality information on your own and not take anyone's word unless you have no other option.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post
    Sort of a strange question, but I smashed my thumb and the nail pretty much died and fell off. I work in close quarters with a lot of people in a professional environment so I'd like the nail to grow back as quickly as possible. Anyone know of anything I can take to speed it along?
    nail polish... or go and get a fake one put on at a girls finger nail place (seriously) it will take longer to grow your back but in the mean while you hand wont look like a carpenters hand...

    let us know what you did - i love french manicures btw

    but seriously i have a few friends that are gear heads, guy slammed his hand putting a motor in... and he is public speaker - same situation - had a fake put on for a few months till it grew back - lol it looked real - he took a lot of crap for it but ...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    nail polish... or go and get a fake one put on at a girls finger nail place (seriously) it will take longer to grow your back but in the mean while you hand wont look like a carpenters hand...

    let us know what you did - i love french manicures btw

    but seriously i have a few friends that are gear heads, guy slammed his hand putting a motor in... and he is public speaker - same situation - had a fake put on for a few months till it grew back - lol it looked real - he took a lot of crap for it but ...
    This is actually a very solid post mate.

    I wouldn't have thought of doing that.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    Could you be more hysterical?

    Yes, I happen to be a doctor. I did not come into the thread shaking my diploma and demanding to be treated with reverence. I trust people who have expertise in a certain area if I have too, but I much prefer to understand something for myself. I try to support my posts with a sound argument, not by asking people to trust me, for that reason.

    I think being brief is important, but I cannot be brief. I just have to pick apart your quoted conniption fit bit by bit. To start, I think I know everything? Really? How many posts do you see me make? How many areas of this website have I invaded with my boundless ego seeking to cleanse the masses of their stupidity? ....Yeah.

    And please forgive me this one indulgence, at the risk of sounding arrogant...but I am not a "wanna be" doctor with merely "book knowledge". Lets be clear, residents run the hospitals. In three years working in the hospital I can't recall seeing anyone other than a resident running a code blue on the hospital floor or ICU....ever. Need a central line? Blood pressure 60/20? Maybe no pulse at all? You need a medical resident. The doctors who are done with residency spend a small fraction of the day inside the hospital. I can't count the number of times I have been called to a code blue where the patients private doctor had been in the room paralyzed becuase *he* hadn't had to run a code since *he* was a resident! What does that have to do with pectin? Not a damned thing...which is why I don't have Dr. Brokenbricks tattooed to my forehead like it was relevant to everything I involve myself in. Why you felt the need to bring it up is your own issue.

    Here is a free tip. When you cite evidence to back up a claim step one is knowing what evidence actually *is*. Clearly what you posted was not a quote from a study. You posted a copy paste from one of the thousands of pseudo scientific websites which promote compounds they know little about, but add a veneer of legitimacy to their opinions by putting a few references which they know their readership lacks the means or will to actually check. That may work most of the time, but you picked the wrong guy to try that silly game with.

    Apart from the poor form of not providing a link to your "research", not to mention not even quoting a bit with the word "pectin" in it, the references in the end don't even have anything to do with pectin as far as I can see. The first reference has the names of the authors with no journal name so I cannot find what it actually *is*. Here is the second:

    I won't bore the readers here any further, but anyone can clink on this link to see the so called references of the statement has nary a word about pectin. The third, well it speaks for itself.

    As ridiculous as the idea of pectin helping nail and hair growth is I went ahead, just to be thorough, and did a search of the literature anyway. I was not a bit surprised when my search ended with zero studies testing the hypothesis. This is for the same reason we don't design studies testing whether multiple stab wounds reduce life expectancy. The answer is obvious.

    A few points then im done with the pissing contest with you.
    1- ive heard this info re: pectin for years
    2-A very complicated search , I believe it was "pectin effects on nail growth" ..the third listing cited a study backing the info ive heard.
    3- It was not a product promoting web site
    4- you should know as well as anyone that the 2nd reference you found may very well have had to do with a diff portion of study other than pectin directly (emphasis on "should know")
    5-Yeah like i was trying to get one over on you (you would believe you are that important)
    6- You advice re: medical advice on a condition as serious as a broken fingernail is assenine.
    7- The fact you dismiss side effects and undue logical effects on foreign substances administered to the body is laughable considering a large % of prescriptions you may get to write were also dismissed by know it all doctors prior to the testing and effects discovered in humans. (btw to this day certain drugs are used and prescribed where no direct link to mechanism of action can be explained - happens often)
    8- Thank God the area of the medical field i work in dispenses of such narrow mindedness and egotism that you display - most that enter the r&d field with that attitude last as long as the common cold.
    9- My so called "hysterical" reaction was due to reading your egotistical , all knowing posts over and over. One merely need do a search of posts made by you for examples. You take threads off topic continually and get into intellectual "my c*ck is bigger than yours" debates where your egotistical nature and narrow mindedness and lack of real world or first hand knowledge is displayed over and over.
    10 - I stick by my initial assessment - you are a tool.
    11- Do yourself a favor and open up your mind - who the hell would have thought mold would end up saving millions there Einstein. Stop discounting real world experience based on text book knowledge and ego. If you do ...maybe you could actually become one of the few practical , pioneering individuals in your potential profession.
    Best of luck to you....
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-25-2009 at 03:28 PM. Reason: sp.

  19. #19
    In order.

    1) Ok...

    2) Then post it.

    3) Then post it!

    4) None of them had anything to do with the statement they were supposedly relevant to.

    5) It was posted in direct reply to me personally.

    6) Better to make an example of people like you who will post anything without the slightest evidence now, in a situation as benign as this one, than to have to have it happen after someone actually gets hurt. Bad information is bad information.

    7) Huh? I can't read that. Rephrase...though it doesn't appear relevant to this discussion.

    8) Yak yak yak.

    9-11) More yak yak.

    Just post the damned studies. If you have a leg to stand on then show it to us. If not, I think disappearing behind a smoke screen of outrage is a good idea. Why lose an argument when you can stomp off, nose bloodied, squealing that it is all just a "pissing contest" which you are above. Put up or shut up, isn't that how it goes?

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    ^^^ *L* I rest my case - you are a tool ... get some form of life apprentice doctor boy. I certainly am secure enough to realize i need prove nothing to an insecure, egotistical , narrow minded , ignorant , wanna be member of the medical profession. Its great that i get to, in my profession (oh one where im not an apprentice btw..), make fools of doctors with your narrow minded egotistical views. For your own benefit id re -read my post (#18) you might learn something that may actually help you in your career. BTW when are you going to post anything that remotely resembles first hand knowledge or experience on ANY of the topics you jump in on? just curious....

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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    This is actually a very solid post mate.

    I wouldn't have thought of doing that.

    Narkissos - thank you - what else would you expect from me -

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^^ *L* I rest my case - you are a tool ... get some form of life apprentice doctor boy. I certainly am secure enough to realize i need prove nothing to an insecure, egotistical , narrow minded , ignorant , wanna be member of the medical profession. Its great that i get to, in my profession (oh one where im not an apprentice btw..), make fools of doctors with your narrow minded egotistical views. For your own benefit id re -read my post (#18) you might learn something that may actually help you in your career. BTW when are you going to post anything that remotely resembles first hand knowledge or experience on ANY of the topics you jump in on? just curious....
    So that is a big fat *NO* ladies and gentlemen when it comes to the question of whether he can provide on shred of evidence that his bro-knowledge is *actual* knowledge.

    Pectin is fiber. End of story. Fiber...

  24. #24
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    *sigh* so ive heard something for years come here with your arrogance and condescending demeanor (as u usually do - check your post history) - calling me out making ludicrous warnings of not taking medical advice from people who dont know what they are talking about blah blah blah... So i goggle it 3 mins find a study - cut and paste pertinent point and references - did i check references - of course not - its a broken fingernail einstein. Did i find it in JAMA or New England Journal of Medicine? Of course not - hopefully more prevalent and serious studies are being published in those resources. You say to me prove it - like its my theory - i feel no obligation to prove anything - u appear to know how to surf the net - you look it up.*L*
    OK I say disprove it? Should i make you look like a total fool and ask you to explain the mechanism of action of say 10 pharmaceuticals prescribed regularly where no one (yeah not even you!*L*) knows the exact mechanism of action? I dunno - off the cuff , total speculation is it possible - total guess , ill even give you far fetched...the cleansing effect of a fiber might in fact improve immune function and therefore speed healing / bodies regeneration of fingernails as well (now im by no means saying it does but is it possible oh great doctor? do you know for sure it doesnt? I know in my work stranger discoveries have been found - no doubt ). Or maybe the lowering of cholesterol by fiber intake - improved coronary health ..leading to improved blood flow speeds the growth of fingernails. I mean the nails on our dominant hand grow faster than on our non dominant - many attribute that to increased usage and blood flow - ridiculous - maybe - possible ...maybe - prove it wrong einstein. Maybe (more likely scenario) - just like drugs you MAY get to prescribe ....the mechanism of action is unknown just works - get used to that doctor wanna be - you'll be prescribing countless meds that you will prob try to make up how exactly they work when and if your potential patients ask (god i fear for them with your narrow minded arrogance)*L*
    You really are a tool ....and you really should in all seriousness read my post #18 - it honestly could help you....
    Like i continue to say When will you EVER post on a topic with some form of first hand knowledge or experience?
    Such an egotistical narrow minded pr*ck scares me that people like you actually are entrusted with the health of human beings really does. God id love to have you consult in a clinical trial .better yet on early phase pharmaceutical r &d....get your initial input on potential effects/outcomes etc... and make you look like the total fool that you are.....
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-25-2009 at 08:03 PM.

  25. #25
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    ^^ oh and yes there is a 4th scenario (actually potentially hundreds) - maybe it doesn't help , maybe nothing does. It came from somewhere and apparently has some form of foundation. ....boy i recommended some dangerous advice ....that pectin - beware can be sooooo harmful *L* ...get a clue ...

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    *sigh* so ive heard something for years come here with your arrogance and condescending demeanor (as u usually do - check your post history) - calling me out making ludicrous warnings of not taking medical advice from people who dont know what they are talking about blah blah blah... So i goggle it 3 mins find a study - cut and paste pertinent point and references - did i check references - of course not - its a broken fingernail einstein. Did i find it in JAMA or New England Journal of Medicine? Of course not - hopefully more prevalent and serious studies are being published in those resources. You say to me prove it - like its my theory - i feel no obligation to prove anything - u appear to know how to surf the net - you look it up.*L*
    OK I say disprove it? Should i make you look like a total fool and ask you to explain the mechanism of action of say 10 pharmaceuticals prescribed regularly where no one (yeah not even you!*L*) knows the exact mechanism of action? I dunno - off the cuff , total speculation is it possible - total guess , ill even give you far fetched...the cleansing effect of a fiber might in fact improve immune function and therefore speed healing / bodies regeneration of fingernails as well (now im by no means saying it does but is it possible oh great doctor? do you know for sure it doesnt? I know in my work stranger discoveries have been found - no doubt ). Or maybe the lowering of cholesterol by fiber intake - improved coronary health ..leading to improved blood flow speeds the growth of fingernails. I mean the nails on our dominant hand grow faster than on our non dominant - many attribute that to increased usage and blood flow - ridiculous - maybe - possible ...maybe - prove it wrong einstein. Maybe (more likely scenario) - just like drugs you MAY get to prescribe ....the mechanism of action is unknown just works - get used to that doctor wanna be - you'll be prescribing countless meds that you will prob try to make up how exactly they work when and if your potential patients ask (god i fear for them with your narrow minded arrogance)*L*
    You really are a tool ....and you really should in all seriousness read my post #18 - it honestly could help you....
    Like i continue to say When will you EVER post on a topic with some form of first hand knowledge or experience?
    Such an egotistical narrow minded pr*ck scares me that people like you actually are entrusted with the health of human beings really does. God id love to have you consult in a clinical trial .better yet on early phase pharmaceutical r &d....get your initial input on potential effects/outcomes etc... and make you look like the total fool that you are.....
    I get it. You think I'm naughty. I'm a naughty little boy. This wickedness on my part excuses your duty to back up your claims about pectin. Makes perfect sense to me. A man of science, you surely are.

    I get that you are over 40 and still need to use ad hominem attacks to express yourself.

    What still confuses me is why you keep bringing up mechanism of action. A mechanism need not be established conclusively to have *extremely* good evidence supporting somethings efficacy. I shouldn't have to go into this, and I wont because it is obvious. Why you feel the need to continually bring it up as if it was relevant to the discussion is a mystery. I am not asking you to provide the mechanism, I am asking you to provide some shred of data that establishes efficacy. Something you can't do. Instead you think it is my duty to prove pectin does nothing. As though if you were to claim you saw Elvis yesterday I am being unreasonable to ask for you to provide evidence, but you see it as *my* duty to prove you *didn't* see Elvis. I think they teach children in high school that we don't prove negatives.

    I wonder if you are just trying to get a rise out of me with the "MAY get to prescribe" type comments (fair enough, a little below someone of your age, but ok...) or if you are truly this ignorant of what stage of my career I am. I have a license to practice medicine. I write prescriptions. I admit, diagnose, order tests, preform procedures like central lines, arterial lines, chest tubes, spinal taps and intubations. I discharge patients when I think they are ready to leave. When a patient asks me a question I have *zero* problem telling them I don't know if I don't know. Whatever concept you have of what I do it is comically inaccurate.

    And for the love of Christ learn to make paragraphs. It doesn't help you angle toward the intellectual high ground when you type like a lazy sixth grader.
    Last edited by BrokenBricks; 01-25-2009 at 08:35 PM.

  27. #27
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    ^^^ Wow that info scares me more, but unfortunately im not surprised. I nailed it: arrogant , egotistical , narrow minded ...and a tool . Oh and apparently an English minor in the educational mix somewhere. Please excuse my grammar ...i realize how pertinent that is. How funny a doctor criticizing grammar ...even you have to laugh at that one!
    btw - Did i anywhere claim to have discovered this pectin suggestion? Do i think it may work - possibly.Is it in anyway irresponsible or harmful - NO. There is more info saying it does work re: this topic than you can provide saying it doesn't. Best of luck ...I can only hope my wish re: working with you and making you look like the fool you are comes true someday....if not it's ok ...i get to do it to plenty just like you regularly...

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^ oh and yes there is a 4th scenario (actually potentially hundreds) - maybe it doesn't help , maybe nothing does. It came from somewhere and apparently has some form of foundation. ....boy i recommended some dangerous advice ....that pectin - beware can be sooooo harmful *L* ...get a clue ...
    Let me summarize this post.

    "I opened my mouth, something silly came out and got called on it. I can't provide evidence so my defense is now that Pectin will not kill you."

    Strong testimonial.

    "Try new product X! Listen to this satisfied customer!"

    Satisfied Customer: "I did not die from product X!"

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Do i think it may work - possibly.
    There. Was that so hard?

    And no one gives a damn what you do for a living. Sorry.

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    "Scientific evidence shows that when exposed to water for long periods of time your finger nails grow faster. The tough protein called keratin begins to form quicker because keratin is made of 67% water.
    Rubbing garlic on them makes the keratin grow faster, also. Get the garlic cut it up in pieces, make the juice of the garlic comes out and you rub that on your fingernails leave on for about 30 minutes then wash your hands. "


    or just get garlic gel capsules. And prick it with a needle. and get the garlic gel and put on....

  31. #31
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    Let me summarize this post.

    "I opened my mouth, something silly came out and got called on it. I can't provide evidence so my defense is now that Pectin will not kill you."

    Strong testimonial.

    "Try new product X! Listen to this satisfied customer!"

    Satisfied Customer: "I did not die from product X!"
    yeah that was in response to the first assenine statement you made, and i quote, "And a warning, do not take medical advice from this forum.For instance, pectin is a water soluble fiber and is not digested by the body. Even if it *was* absorbed it would be absorbed as simple sugars as it is a carbohydrate. People have no self regulatory mechanism to prevent them from posting on topics they know nothing about here. Be warned"

    Yeah i get subsidized by the local acme every time someone goes there and purchases pectin - what a tool ....
    Oh and wheres you evidence that is doesnt work ...i provided something on the other hand well ...whatever....what you provide here on a regular basis is obvious. Not much and absolutely no advice based on first hand knowledge or experience. Im so over you and your arrogance ...why i waste far to much time and energy with people like you is truly something I must take a look at.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-25-2009 at 08:55 PM.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    "Scientific evidence shows that when exposed to water for long periods of time your finger nails grow faster. The tough protein called keratin begins to form quicker because keratin is made of 67% water.
    Rubbing garlic on them makes the keratin grow faster, also. Get the garlic cut it up in pieces, make the juice of the garlic comes out and you rub that on your fingernails leave on for about 30 minutes then wash your hands. "


    or just get garlic gel capsules. And prick it with a needle. and get the garlic gel and put on....
    Jesus Christ....

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    There. Was that so hard?

    And no one gives a damn what you do for a living. Sorry.
    Nobody gives a shit that your a doctor. Just a guy with a god complex bout himself.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    yeah that was in response to the first assenine statement you made, and i quote, "And a warning, do not take medical advice from this forum. For instance, pectin is a water soluble fiber and is not digested by the body. Even if it *was* absorbed it would be absorbed as simple sugars as it is a carbohydrate. People have no self regulatory mechanism to prevent them from posting on topics they know nothing about here. Be warned"
    I don't understand your point here. My post stands as quoted.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    Jesus Christ....
    I cant say anything about the water thing

    but I know people who have used garlic and saw noticeable differences

    so i dont know what your jesus christing about...

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    Nobody gives a shit that your a doctor.
    Which is why I don't bring it up wise guy. *That* guy did. *That* guy seems to think every post I make needs to be interpreted in the context of my profession.

    If you want to play please do better than this.

  37. #37
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    If you want to play please do better than this.
    I'll take you in a game of checkers any day....

  38. #38
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  39. #39
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    Which is why I don't bring it up wise guy. *That* guy did. *That* guy seems to think every post I make needs to be interpreted in the context of my profession.

    If you want to play please do better than this.

    One need only refer to your post history to see the type of individual you are (and your career i might add) and also your egotistical , arrogant demeanor. Hmmm and how did i ever know you were in your residency??? I must be psychic....
    Again i ask when will you EVER contribute to this forum based on first hand knowledge and experience ? Im just wondering?
    Later Doc (using the term very loosely)....
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-25-2009 at 09:10 PM.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    I cant say anything about the water thing

    but I know people who have used garlic and saw noticeable differences

    so i dont know what your jesus christing about...
    Finger nails grow from a root which is buried underneath the skin of your finger, behind the visible nail. The visible nail does not grow, it is dead. To affect the growth of the nail you have to affect the hidden root.

    Is it possible that elements of the garlic can penetrate the skin and affect the root. Yes. I can think of a much more likely explanation for your friends experience.

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