
So far as I gather, the target hormone is good old DHT.

Right now I am running Test-C, at about 600mg EW, and have seen some solid mass gains, now looking to harden up a bit.

So, I figure, why not add in some DHT like Winny, Proviron , Masteron etc...

Wanting to stay inside the law, when possible, I take a look at the PH's and see if there are any DHT types.

It looks like I am in luck, as LG's Mythl Masterdrol seems to be a PH for hardening, and looks like it should become DHT.

So, how hepa toxic is it? Compared to say Halodrol or Superdrol where is nails the liver 3x, and is about as nasty as it gets?

OR is it like Proviron, where it is like having a few beers each night?

And the bigggest Question is, how well does it hold its own compared to Winny?