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  1. #1
    NBRD1808 is offline Associate Member
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    treking for 8 days. supplement suggestions?

    Hey guys im going to trek the Kokoda trail in Papua New Guinea in April, this will involve me walking from 4-8 hours a day for 8 days through some very unforgiving territory.i was wondering what sort of supplements anyone could suggest that will help me along the way.

    So far im thinking of including: Glutamine, BCAA's, Tyrosein, multi-vitamin, electrolyte replacement powder

    We basically eat insant food (just add water style) typical of what is eaten in the army as well as tuna, oats, crackers, nuts, fruits etc. etc

    We can take some food with us so i was thinking of packing extra nuts/almonds, protein bars, and anything else nutritional and non perishable (tub of whey would take up too much room i have a 15kg limit in my day pack)

    any suggestions much appreciated.

  2. #2
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    how old are you? glucosamine might help if you have bad joints

    otherwise i don't really know.. walking isn't that hard on muscles, but creatine might help them? i wouldn't think you need all that much since most people in your group will probably be fine with no supps

  3. #3
    Kaioken's Avatar
    Kaioken is offline Member
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    ~ citrulline malate 15 grams a day
    ~ glutamine 15 grams a day
    ~ maybe a protein powder and Gatorade powder
    ~ Some Nuerotropics ofr brain energy such as Idebenone, vincpocetine, Huperzine, Alcar, etc
    ~trailmix with nuts, chocolate, raisens etc.

  4. #4
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    Dude, good on you for thinking about this. I went on a 30 day hike in spain and lost a shitload of muscle. If i could do it again I'd take a bunch of BCAA's and glutamine along and supp with those 3x daily for their muscle sparing effects and make sure you get tons of calories. Have fun

  5. #5
    NBRD1808 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2008
    Thanks for all the replies

    T OWN: im 23 i did consider glucosamine but i have no trouble with joints. i guess it will only be hard on my muscles endurance wise and i will probably get some lactic acid build up which is to be my main focus was on energy production and preserving muscle as much as possible even though im probably gunna lose abit anyway. cheers

    Kaioken: thanks for the responses im gunna have to read up on citrulline malate as i havent come across it before

    BRUTESINME: 30 days thats intense man good on ya.physically that would have been demanding how did you find it mentally? BCAA's and glutamine im definantly going with probably take morning, lunch time and night. Im gunna try and pig as many calories as possible because over the duration of the trek im gunna burn a hell of alot

    thanks for the input

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