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Thread: Creatine users a MUST read article very interesting

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Creatine users a MUST read article very interesting

    i just stumbled across this article i dont know if its true or not any imputs on this?

    This may seem ironic, but I actually work at GNC, and there is a very high possibility that creatine monohydrate/citrate DOES have potential side effects. (Boy, my district manager would be pissed if he knew that I was downplaying this creatine.) Anyway, who cares?
    Just a little refresh.....Creatine phosphate is actually produced and stored by the kidneys and liver. So.... If the body is receiving an external supply of creatine, it will automatically shut down all production. This will create a condition, chemical dependency, making creatine a DRUG. Anyway, you'll be dependent on it. Later down the line, you'll experience kidney and liver damage. Why? Because the by-product of creatine, creatinine, is similar to uric acid, it is a toxin. When too much builds up, it puts stress on these two organs. (this may explain why one of your readers experienced a fiery pain, and why a lot of people breakout with pimples and get diarrhea, due to the body's inability to filter so much toxin.

    So, my point is that creatine is another fad, and all of these "studies", which are actually sponsored by companies, can be doctored to show the "results" that become when supplementing. I have been on creatine for three days, and finally came to my senses; People, IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD, PURELY PSYCHOLOGICAL. Just eat adequate protein, carbs, and fats, and you'll grow just fine. And another thing about creatinine's similarities to uric acid, it could possibly cause gout, a form of arthritis that's characterized by crystallized uric acid in the joints, causing sharp pains. Think about that the next time you load up with some grape juice....

    i dunno if this is true or not

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    it has been believed for a while now that creatine lowers your bodys natural production of creatine after supplementing for a long period of time. however what you wrote is completely false. First of all creatine is found in red meat, so every time you eat steak you are getting creatine from an outside source. Second the human body can only absorb 5g of creatine a day, any more than 5gwill be pissed out. 3rd once you stop using creatine after a long period of time, your bodys production increases its production once again, which is why the first 3 days after you end your creatine cycle and ur bodys productions starts up you feel like you have more energy. Later today ill scan some articles on mens health on why you should take creatine, whether you are in body building or not.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    tryingtogain -

    Im no doc....BTW neither are you....
    But I would have to say these sides are EXTREMELY RARE if not nonexistant....

    Ive seen numerous studies that conclude simply that creatine works.....IMO it is one of the ONLY products at your store that, while it may not give u "steroid Like" results, which, from reading your past posts, it is what u are looking for, it will help....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    That sounds like a bunch of bullshit. First off even if you don't use a creatine supplement, you still get creatine from the red meat you eat. Your body would get creatine in a 'natural way' no matter what, so your body shutting down its own creatine production because you ingest creatine is not true. I'm not 100% sure on this but, I don't think your liver or kidneys have anything to do with creatine production. I believe it is something that takes place in your muscles. The only thing that your kidneys or liver would do with creatine is filter excessive amounts out of your blood. The very first statement that was untrue so I am very skeptical about the rest of what is said. I wouldn't believe it. People tend to say creatine is bad because when you supplement it there are high levels of it in your blood so your body must filter it out. People think that removing the excess creatine from your blood puts unneeded stress on your body. I don't think it is that much stress especially if you make sure to drink a lot of water while using it. When creatine breaks down it becomes creatinine (or something like that), and high level of creatinine in your blood can lead doctors to believe you have liver problems. So people confuse the high levels of creatinine that come from using creatine supplements as a sign your liver is in trouble. Or maybe the creatine does harm your liver so your creatinine levels go up, it is sort of like the chicken and the egg.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    no offense but this is why i dont listen to the employers at gnc, or other health stores.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by TheGame826
    no offense but this is why i dont listen to the employers at gnc, or other health stores.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    FUK YEA!!!!!!!!!!! finally someone else who knows who rommel is. Afrika Korps

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Yep, the Desert Fox. He LOOOVED mines, he wanted 5-10 million laid for the Allied invasion but only got about 4mill down. I wrote a research paper on D-Day and had a section about Rommel in it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I got the sh its. And those sharp pains while on creatine. Only took it for a few weeks, I stopped because of the pains. Havent had anything similar since.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Adrock
    That sounds like a bunch of bull****. First off even if you don't use a creatine supplement, you still get creatine from the red meat you eat. Your body would get creatine in a 'natural way' no matter what, so your body shutting down its own creatine production because you ingest creatine is not true. I'm not 100% sure on this but, I don't think your liver or kidneys have anything to do with creatine production. I believe it is something that takes place in your muscles. The only thing that your kidneys or liver would do with creatine is filter excessive amounts out of your blood. The very first statement that was untrue so I am very skeptical about the rest of what is said. I wouldn't believe it. People tend to say creatine is bad because when you supplement it there are high levels of it in your blood so your body must filter it out. People think that removing the excess creatine from your blood puts unneeded stress on your body. I don't think it is that much stress especially if you make sure to drink a lot of water while using it. When creatine breaks down it becomes creatinine (or something like that), and high level of creatinine in your blood can lead doctors to believe you have liver problems. So people confuse the high levels of creatinine that come from using creatine supplements as a sign your liver is in trouble. Or maybe the creatine does harm your liver so your creatinine levels go up, it is sort of like the chicken and the egg.
    U have to eat 1.5 lbs of steak to get just 5 grams of creatine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Are you sure about that sore? I thought you would have to eat alot more steak than that.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sin City
    Quote Originally Posted by Adrock
    That sounds like a bunch of bull****. First off even if you don't use a creatine supplement, you still get creatine from the red meat you eat. Your body would get creatine in a 'natural way' no matter what, so your body shutting down its own creatine production because you ingest creatine is not true. I'm not 100% sure on this but, I don't think your liver or kidneys have anything to do with creatine production. I believe it is something that takes place in your muscles. The only thing that your kidneys or liver would do with creatine is filter excessive amounts out of your blood. The very first statement that was untrue so I am very skeptical about the rest of what is said. I wouldn't believe it. People tend to say creatine is bad because when you supplement it there are high levels of it in your blood so your body must filter it out. People think that removing the excess creatine from your blood puts unneeded stress on your body. I don't think it is that much stress especially if you make sure to drink a lot of water while using it. When creatine breaks down it becomes creatinine (or something like that), and high level of creatinine in your blood can lead doctors to believe you have liver problems. So people confuse the high levels of creatinine that come from using creatine supplements as a sign your liver is in trouble. Or maybe the creatine does harm your liver so your creatinine levels go up, it is sort of like the chicken and the egg.
    good post. but just to clarify, a high level of creatinine is a sign of kidney problems, not liver problems (unless you suffer from kidney failure secondary to portal hypertension, but that is another topic unto itself) the reason creatinine is measured is that it is a decent indicator of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is dependent of kidney function. the reason it is a decent indicator is that it is not totally accurate in some situations and circumstances but it is much cheaper and easier to do than other tests that reveal GFR.
    Last edited by sinista63; 07-27-2004 at 04:02 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sin City
    Quote Originally Posted by TheGame826
    no offense but this is why i dont listen to the employers at gnc, or other health stores.
    great point. employees at health food stores really do not have the training or education to make certain evaluations. even if they are well versed in medical terminology, i doubt that many of them have the ability to accurately critique medical literature. you need knowledge of these topics and knowledge of statistics. you'd be surprised how many articles are published in leading journals that are not worth the paper they are printed on once you examine the study in-depth. there was actually a study published within the last year or so that evaluated the health care knowledge of health food store employees. a group of physicians and pharmacists went around to community health food stores and asked the employees a series of questions concerning some of the products that they were selling. the results of the study were less than impressive and actually somewhat scary. i'll try to dig up the study article when i have a chance later today.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Sin City
    here's one of the articles i was able to dig up. this is just the abstract. reading through the full article is pretty scary.

    Pharmacotherapy. 2003 Jan;23(1):64-72.
    Clinic at the health food store? Employee recommendations and product analysis.

    Glisson JK, Rogers HE, Abourashed EA, Ogletree R, Hufford CD, Khan I.

    Department of Internal Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216, USA.

    STUDY OBJECTIVES: To determine what products health food store employees recommend for depression, to analyze the content of these products based on label claims, and to evaluate employee statements or recommendations for accuracy and safety. METHODS: Twelve health food stores were selected for the study. One investigator approached an employee in each store and asked what they recommended for depression plus five additional questions regarding product use. Thirteen products containing St. John's wort were purchased and analyzed for hypericin and pseudohypericin content using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Total hypericin content was calculated by adding the values for hypericin and pseudohypericin. RESULTS: All 12 health food store employees recommended a St. John's wort supplement for treatment of depression. Furthermore, numerous comments made by employees regarding St. John's wort and the treatment of depression were unsafe and inaccurate. The HPLC analysis revealed that no product contained +/- 10% of the stated label claim for hypericin content, and two products contained 0% hypericin. The total hypericin content (hypericin plus pseudohypericin) of only two products was within +/- 10% of the label claim for hypericin. CONCLUSIONS: Health food store employees offer health care advice regarding treatment of depression with dietary supplements without proper scientific and medical training. Their comments could cause significant harm to customers. In addition, the inconsistencies of dietary supplement content continue to raise concern for individuals who use these agents as medical treatment.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    If your on a board like this and your taking the advice of an employee at gnc or a health food store... your an idiot. There is unlimited knowledge on AR, the information that you will hear from an employee at gnc or a health food store is limited at best if not incorrect.

  16. #16
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    Jun 2003

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sin City
    well said

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