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That sounds like a bunch of bull****. First off even if you don't use a creatine supplement, you still get creatine from the red meat you eat. Your body would get creatine in a 'natural way' no matter what, so your body shutting down its own creatine production because you ingest creatine is not true. I'm not 100% sure on this but, I don't think your liver or kidneys have anything to do with creatine production. I believe it is something that takes place in your muscles. The only thing that your kidneys or liver would do with creatine is filter excessive amounts out of your blood. The very first statement that was untrue so I am very skeptical about the rest of what is said. I wouldn't believe it. People tend to say creatine is bad because when you supplement it there are high levels of it in your blood so your body must filter it out. People think that removing the excess creatine from your blood puts unneeded stress on your body. I don't think it is that much stress especially if you make sure to drink a lot of water while using it. When creatine breaks down it becomes creatinine (or something like that), and high level of creatinine in your blood can lead doctors to believe you have liver problems. So people confuse the high levels of creatinine that come from using creatine supplements as a sign your liver is in trouble. Or maybe the creatine does harm your liver so your creatinine levels go up, it is sort of like the chicken and the egg.