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Thread: Best 'mild' pro hormone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Best 'mild' pro hormone?

    I must admit trying to work out the world of prohormones is a mind f#ck.

    Im doing a bulking cycle soon and looking for something to add to my stack of natty supps, something that will give me that little bit extra, without making my hair fall out faster than it already is and give me acne.

    So far my research has led me to:


    As the milder ones for first timers (im sure people will disagree)

    I know the pro hormone opinions are very diverse, but my aim is 10-12lbs of lean mass in 2 months, which stretches the limitations of natural building, so something less risky then AAS would be good.

    Whats your thoughts guys?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    H drol seems like a good choice. Make sure you've got the supporting supps lined up and keep the cycle short. It seems like most people experience good strength gains with low water retention on h drol. From what I've read some gain size some don't.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by F4iDom View Post
    H drol seems like a good choice. Make sure you've got the supporting supps lined up and keep the cycle short. It seems like most people experience good strength gains with low water retention on h drol. From what I've read some gain size some don't.
    I agree...Pheraplex wouldn't be a bad choice either.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    IMO, leave the prohormones alone. They trash your liver. There are AS cycles that are mild and will give you decent gains, provided that you properly diet and train.

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