Ok I bought this stuff named "The Beast" (anabolic activator) I've taken it for a couple of weeks now, and am not too sure about it. If anyone knows anything about it, post and let me know. If need be, I can give an list of whats in it.
Ok I bought this stuff named "The Beast" (anabolic activator) I've taken it for a couple of weeks now, and am not too sure about it. If anyone knows anything about it, post and let me know. If need be, I can give an list of whats in it.
Im not sure of the product that you are speaking of but it might help if you did list the ingredients. I personnly do not have a whole lot of positive things concerning OTC products such as this though. Most may raise your anabolic level up but no where near high enough to make really big gains. Most aromtize into estogen while in your system and have little or no anaobolic effects anyway.
that stuff with the yellow and red labels with the big gorilla on it? did you buy it from the back of a magazine?
Here are the ingredients. (kinda long list)
somatotrophine 6c DNA 6c
Gonado stimuline 6c ATP 6c
Chorionic Gonadotrophine 6c leucine 4c
folliculostimuline 6c isoleucine 4c
adrenocorticotrophine 6c valine 4c
cotrophine 9c clutamine 4c
thyroidinum 6c estrone 12c
adrenalinum 6c estradiol 12c
progesterone 9c cortisone 12c
orchitinum 6c saw palmetto 3c
dopamine 6c tribulus terrestris 3c
acetylcholine 6c yohimbe 3c
RNA 6c in 20% USP Alcohol
UltraLab is the one selling it.
and it does have the monkey with yellow and red writing.
Feel free to ask us next time you think about buying a supplement. Dude, that shit is a rip-off. That screw job has been around for years. The idea is cut from the same cloth as every bogus muscle building supplement ever made. I'm surprised its still around. But hey, people are still buying prohormones. Sorry, it will do NOTHING.
Originally posted by dane26
that stuff with the yellow and red labels with the big gorilla on it? did you buy it from the back of a magazine?
LMAO!! Buy the Beast and you will become a BEAST!!!![]()
Man, i hate to say it, but I've seen one bottle of that stuff sitting in my health food store's cabinet for almost a year now....ain't gonna happen playboy.![]()
I saw the subject line and assumed this post was about me.![]()
Alittle paronoid Xcess?
somatotrophine 6c Growth hormone, not active orally to begin with. Growth hormone, apart from its ridiculous price, has been shown to have no effect on lean body mass whatsoever.
DNA 6c DesoxyRibonucleic acid is the genetic coding of the body. Unfortunately the body has a quite complicated process of creating and recreating genetic coding, so administering precoded DNA is a quite foolish effort as it serves no purpose safe of jacking up the price
ATP 6c Adenosine tri-phosphate, the main energy currency in the body and the only energy currency for anearobic activity. Alas, not orally active.
leucine 4c, isoleucine 4c, valine 4c Branched chain amino acids, essential for growth, but at 4c's not exactly the dose you are looking for. At that rate you can get 10-20 times more out of a single serving of whey protein.
glutamine 4c Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid, quite potent at preserving lean mass on a low-cal, low-carb diet, however due to its physiology not capable of being absorbed in the system on a high-cal bulking diet. So of little use in combination with PH, and again way underdosed.
estrone 12c, an estrogen, conversion product of androstenedione at the aromatase enzyme, can convert to the more powerful estrogen estradiol.
adrenalinum 6c epinephrine or adrenaline. A cathecholamine hormone. Basically counterproductive as it converts the body's energy storage glycogen, back to glucose, blood sugar. Thereby actively depleting energy reserves. It also restricts the use of carbs switching the body to protein and fat for its energy needs. Protein is robbed from muscle tissue, so adrenaline is a catabolic hormone. Again, no real worry as it is not orally active.
estradiol 12, full blown E2 or estrogen. This stuff has some anabolic action but its also the main culprit in the much dreaded condition gyno (growth of breast tissue in men) which occurs among steroid users. Its also responsible for quite some bloating. It increases adipose storage, basically making you fatter and its an aldosterone agonist. Aldosterone stores more sodium and sodium creates extra-cellular water retention making you look like the mashmellow man at 4% body-fat.
progesterone 9c Another female sex hormone. Progesterone too plays a key role in the development of gyno. While itself quite inactive, its worth noting that its an estrogen agonizer thereby worsening the effects of estrogen. This is the hormones that is mimicked by nandrolone and oxymetholone and makes estrogen related conditions untreatable by standard anti-estrogens.
cortisone 12c Metabolite of the corticosteroid cortisol. The most catabolic hormone in the body. Like cathecholamines it restricts the use of glycogen, switching the body to protein and fat for energy, resulting in a breakdown of muscle tissue. Cortisol is the reason why you should never train longer than 45-50 minutes. that's when cortisol outdoes GH and your workout becomes counter-productive. Cortisone itself is generally used as a way of treating severe infections because it lowers the immunity increasing the action of anti-biotics and such. Its commonly abused by cyclists. Its undetectable in drug tests, but when 35 cyclists in the same race get the same minor infection you know whats going on. And besides who wants the body of a cyclist ?
saw palmetto 3c Great stuff if you are over 50 and at risk for prostate problems, other than that, total waste.
dopamine 6c Cathecholamine, adrenaline precursor. See adrenalinum.
tribulus terrestris 3c Bulgarian plant extract. First believed to stimulate LH production, but since then tests have conclusively shown that trib does not contribute to LBM in athletes nor does it have any effect on serum testosterone levels. In other words, its only use is for men who have trouble getting their stuff up.
acetylcholine 6c Acetyl bonded B-vitamin factor
yohimbe 3c Quite effective fat loss agent
RNA 6c Ribonucleic acid.See DNA
in 20% USP Alcohol
W.T.F. are you a med student Kat?
No, molecular biology student.
Nice to see you at the boards Big Cat, BC knows his stuff, listen and learn.
THE BEAST!!go return the product and get some protein
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