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Thread: ALA/ Milk Thisle when your off?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Question ALA/ Milk Thisle when your off?

    Do you guys take ALA when your off? How about Milk thisle? Just wondering. I have another 4 weeks or so of Fina with my current cycle, and I ordered some more ALA recently, but wasnt sure what I should take. I'm planning on continuing the Whey, Glutamine, Amino 2222, Flax Seed Oil, Starting Creatine a few weeks after Clomid is done, and a few others, but I wasnt sure about the ALA and Milk Thisle. If I should stay on how much should I be taking? I am currently taking about 2000mg -3000mg of ALA ed, and 2000mg of Milk thisle ed. Should I drop those down a bunch or stop all together?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I don't think milk thistle will hurt. I take it regularly whether or not I'm on anything. Of course I decrease it when I am not taking anything, but who knows the various toxins that are present in things aside from AS, alcohol, etc. Nowadays just drinking water could be murder on your liver in some areas, so I like to take it to protect me agaisnt those things that I don't know are secretely eating my liver away... Plus its cheap, so it don't break the bank which is always a Plus.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    -So Cal-
    year round

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