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  1. #1
    tallguy23 is offline Junior Member
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    Spawn Cycle and PCT help

    I am thinking about taking my first prohormone cycle this summer and right now I am leaning towards spawn because of the good reviews I have read about it. I am starting to cut now to get my bodyfat down to the 10% range from around 16% now. I'm 25 and I have plateued on most of my lifts and I want to gain some more size.

    My main question is can somebody set me up with a proper pct and support during and after the cycle? I want to take something for the pct that I can get legaly. Any help laying out my cycle and pct would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    dynamitekid's Avatar
    dynamitekid is offline Junior Member
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    honestly, Spawn is pretty intense, man. I am currently running it and an OTC PCT is probably not strong enough. Nolva is what I will be using during pct.

    As far as support goes, take milk thistle daily and take 3-6 grams of taurine a day to help ease back pumps. expect your appetite to go through the roof early on.

  3. #3
    tallguy23 is offline Junior Member
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    I am not sure if I'm allowed to ask this hear or not, but how do I go about obtaining Nolva? A pm would be fine if you can help me out in there.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    click the blue word nolva

  5. #5
    dynamitekid's Avatar
    dynamitekid is offline Junior Member
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    the site it will take you to is legit. it is where i go, as well as most people on here. if you want to see reviews or have questions regarding the products, go to the main forum page and click on anabolicreview-research questions and comments.

    spawn will shut you down hard toward the end of the cycle, so try to obtain some nolva before your cycle ends. good luck!

  6. #6
    tallguy23 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys. I plan on having everything on hand and more before I even start. I want to make sure I do this 100% correctly to recieve the most benefits and prevent or limit the sides. Is it legal to buy and posess nolva? I have been trying to find a clear cut answer on it but I can't get one.

  7. #7
    dynamitekid's Avatar
    dynamitekid is offline Junior Member
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    legal with a prescription.
    that being said, it's usually something that is not prescribed to men.
    go with ar-r , my friend.

  8. #8
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dynamitekid View Post
    the site it will take you to is legit. it is where i go, as well as most people on here. if you want to see reviews or have questions regarding the products, go to the main forum page and click on anabolicreview-research questions and comments.

    spawn will shut you down hard toward the end of the cycle, so try to obtain some nolva before your cycle ends. good luck!
    are you sure you use nolva for being shut down???

  9. #9
    USAFPararescue's Avatar
    USAFPararescue is offline New Member
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    Is that Nolva injection?

  10. #10
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    are you sure you use nolva for being shut down???
    x2...I would throw Clomid in there as well, it's rough..

  11. #11
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallguy23 View Post
    Thanks guys. I plan on having everything on hand and more before I even start. I want to make sure I do this 100% correctly to recieve the most benefits and prevent or limit the sides. Is it legal to buy and posess nolva? I have been trying to find a clear cut answer on it but I can't get one.
    Yes it's fine to buy nolvadex .

    Quote Originally Posted by USAFPararescue View Post
    Is that Nolva injection?
    No. It's a pill, or liquid form.

    ... I'm not really sure I'd agree with ******.. I wouldn't use Clomid as well. (clomid gives me weird sides though, I don't particularly like it to be begin with)... but if you run the nolva 40 / 40 / 20 / 20 (that's mg ED per week) your natural test production should recover fine.

    hope that helps .


  12. #12
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    Yes it's fine to buy nolvadex .

    No. It's a pill, or liquid form.

    ... I'm not really sure I'd agree with ******.. I wouldn't use Clomid as well. (clomid gives me weird sides though, I don't particularly like it to be begin with)... but if you run the nolva 40 / 40 / 20 / 20 (that's mg ED per week) your natural test production should recover fine.

    hope that helps .


    It's a personal preference. Me in particular, I shot down like a mofo. I need to have clomid in all my PCTs (PHs and AAS). Actually, I am now on TRT due to how badly I shut down, so no more PCT for me. Just gotta see how your body reacts. I also agree that clomid gets me very emotional and I really don't like the feeling of being on it.

  13. #13
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
    RATTLEHEAD is offline Member
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    why not just use nolva and hcg instead?

  14. #14
    tallguy23 is offline Junior Member
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    It sounds like you can have it for research purposes. I would love to try to explain what type of research I was doing with it. If i take 3 spawn caps daily for 4 weeks with milk thistle and taurine and then nolva 40/40/20/20 for a month I should be good to go. Do I spread out the nolva, take it morning/evening, with or without food? Will it be easy to tell if test levels are back to normal or should I get blood work done?

  15. #15
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    why not just use nolva and hcg instead?
    HCG is overkill, imo.

  16. #16
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallguy23 View Post
    It sounds like you can have it for research purposes. I would love to try to explain what type of research I was doing with it. If i take 3 spawn caps daily for 4 weeks with milk thistle and taurine and then nolva 40/40/20/20 for a month I should be good to go. Do I spread out the nolva, take it morning/evening, with or without food? Will it be easy to tell if test levels are back to normal or should I get blood work done?
    Take the Nolva before bed.

  17. #17
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
    RATTLEHEAD is offline Member
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    Well, I guess your right. For spawn it may be overkill. For AAS I think it's a pretty good idea though.

  18. #18
    dynamitekid's Avatar
    dynamitekid is offline Junior Member
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    I was considering throwing in clomid along with my nolva pct, but the feedback i got from many people was that nolva should be fine. i guess i'll have to wait and see.

    ******, how long did it take your natural test levels to go back to normal?

  19. #19
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was running it with test at the time, can't really give you an answer.

  20. #20
    dynamitekid's Avatar
    dynamitekid is offline Junior Member
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    Whoa, so you ran test with spawn? I had no idea you did that. What were you gains like? I'm assuming the test probably helped out the libido situation toward the end of the cycle, am i right?

    I think if I were to do that cycle I would run test but also maybe just go with straight trenbolone instead of a ph. i haven't done actual gear yet, though.

  21. #21
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I ran it once alone (shot libido) and once with a low dose of Cyp (sex drive a-ok). I should have clarified that.

  22. #22
    downcrash is offline Junior Member
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    I'm thinking of running spawn with test E and dbol . How long do you guys run spawn for? Think one 90 cap bottle is enough?

  23. #23
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    why run spawn and dbol

  24. #24
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    ^^ ya. imo, people run prohormones cause they cant get gear or to afraid to take the plunge. If you got gear, dont waste your money and time with a prohormone.

  25. #25
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^not to mention, they're both going to yield two totally different gains.

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