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  1. #1
    AT Blaster is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009

    Getting back in the swing of things

    Hello all,

    As stated in my welcome post, I am finally able to get back into the gym. It has been almost 2 years since I have been in the gym. It started with a broken leg while playing raquet ball (don't ask! LMAO) followed by a sever shoulder injury last April. I finally had surgery on 02/02 of this year. Ended up having a slap leision. To repair it I had 2 pins put in and a portion of my shoulder blade shaved down.

    Here are my stats:

    29 years old
    156 pounds

    If I left anything out, just ask

    My goals are to gain lean muscle mass (as is everyones I am assuming) and to loose the trunk fat that has accumulated over the last few years. I would like to get back to where I was and eventually add a cycle of Anavar to really boost the lean muscle gains but I want to do all I can before I resort to that!

    What supplements would you guys recommend to get me started. I am going to start with some creatine, protien and an L-arginine and L-orathine supplement.

    I am working out 3 to 4 days a week and always start my workout with 30 to 35 minutes of cardio (treadmill and bike). Because of my shoulder, I can't use a lot of wieght in my upper body workouts but it is getting better day by day!

    Please, any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Godson's Avatar
    Godson is offline Associate Member
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    im a fan of creatine mono, and hydroxycut for supplments

    hydroxycut just gave me alot of energy pre workout, and i started out with 1 pill then moved to 2 pills pre workout .. but i dropped it too expensive

    creatine mono is cheap like 20 bucks and i take 1 tablespoon ( 5 grams ) pre with fruit punch ( carbs ) and i like that

    basically depending on how serious you are, since you're getting into it and you wanna see results, you gotta build a diet.. instead of thinking about supplements

    some ppl say diet is more important than your lifting routine, but its more like 50/50
    they need eachother

  3. #3
    AT Blaster is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    Thank you for the input!

    I feel like my diet has been on point but I have much to learn. We eat fairly healthy...

    For breakfast I eat a half cup of peanuts w/ raisins
    Lunch is 2 smoked ham sandwiches who whole grain white bread and a protien shake
    Dinner varies but we are always having some sort of protien.... Tonight was home made steak fajitas. Last night was grilled pork chops and asian noodles.... Night before that was a 6 ounce steak and tomoato salad....

    I know now that I need to be taking in more calories but I am afraid to take in the wrong calories, any suggestions?

    Currently I am taking the following:

    Mega Mens multi vitamin
    Vitamin C
    MSM w/ Glucosamine
    2 Protien shakes a day (1 at lunch and one after my workout totaling 50g of protien)
    Last edited by AT Blaster; 04-22-2009 at 11:45 PM. Reason: misspelled wrong

  4. #4
    CBGB's Avatar
    CBGB is offline Senior Member
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    A good multi vitamin and a clean protien shake for post workout is all you need to start. Go to the diet section and do some research, and get a proper diet worked out. Then ask those guys to critique it. Yours is in need of a serious overhaul. A good diet will keep you out of the suppliment aisle. Cardio is also key, study up on that in the workout section. Keep your head in it and you will be back in no time. Good luck and welcome to the forum.

    BTW, OUCH......thats one hell of a string of bad luck

  5. #5
    AT Blaster is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    I know right! Thank ya.... Diet section is my next quest!

  6. #6
    CBGB's Avatar
    CBGB is offline Senior Member
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    Gunfire and Porta Potties
    Good luck, sir

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