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Thread: Quick Questions.. If you are bored and wanna help..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Question Quick Questions.. If you are bored and wanna help..

    ZMA ?? Worth it on cycle?? Pros ?? Cons??

    Tribbulus?? Worth it on cycle?? Pros?? Cons??

    NO Pre-Workout Formula?? Worth it or skip it??

    I was thinking of adding these three supplements to my arsenal... they are cheap through O P T I M U M n u t r i t i o n. I have heard good things about all of them and since I already take a slew of vitamins and pills daily i am wondering if I should be adding anything else to my body... BUT SUPPOSEDLY ALL THIS STUFF IS GOOD FOR YOU.

    I TAKE:

    O M E G A 3,6,9
    Milk Thistle
    Glocusamine + Chondriton + MSM
    Mega Men Sport Vitamin (Switching to ON VitaMEN*75 + INGREDIENTS*)
    LIV 52 (Only after I complete a set of oral AS)

    Just curious iF I would be wasting my money if I bought into all these supplements.. I know all of them have added benefits and trigger different things so....

    I know to stay away from Muscle tech's overpriced garbage and thats why ON intrigued me because their stuff is pretty much as cheap as it gets and I have heard the quality of their products is superb. I am switching all my proteins to ON too. WHEY,CASEIN, and the PRO-COMPLEX with features a multitude of EGG,MILK,and WHEY proteins for an all around go getta.

    Ya so any info that you guys feel like sharing would be greatly appreciated !! Thanks !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    I don't know what ZMA is.

    Tribulus has never done anything for me.

    NO products, I've used almost all of them. I like VPX NO Shotgun the best. It's the only one that doesn't make me shit my brains out within 30 min of taking it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    NO...sure if you have one that works for ya

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ok so screw the ZMA and TRIB... But definitely go for a NO Pre Workout supplement??

    I will be using ON Vassive-NO ... ever heard of it before??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ok so screw the ZMA and TRIB... But definitely go for a NO Pre Workout supplement??

    I will be using ON Vassive-NO ... ever heard of it before??
    Never heard of it. You can see if it works.
    It seems like everyone is different. For me, something doesn't work, for my friend, he loves it.
    Its just one of those things.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Trib I noticed nothing, and ZMA just helped me sleep better.

    Both not really worth it IMO.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I like my own pre workout supplements that I would mix myself

    3 g of Kre Alk creatine
    5g of AAKG
    200mg of caffeine
    5g of BCAAs
    and beta alanine forget the dose though its been a while since i used that mix

    better than any pre made pre workout supplements as I wouldn't get use to it after a week.....

    but now I just eat a meal and take 200mg of caffeine before workout.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    I like my own pre workout supplements that I would mix myself

    3 g of Kre Alk creatine
    5g of AAKG
    200mg of caffeine
    5g of BCAAs
    and beta alanine forget the dose though its been a while since i used that mix

    better than any pre made pre workout supplements as I wouldn't get use to it after a week.....

    but now I just eat a meal and take 200mg of caffeine before workout.....

    See that's what I have been doing.. 200mgs of caffiene Pre-workout and a Protein shake, along with a can of tuna and a slice of wheat bread, sometimes an apple.. but not that often....

    I agree with you that you can always put together a better PRE-WORKOUT SUPPLEMENT more tailored to your own needs but sometimes when you are in a rush for time it's just better to have a tub of stuff that you throw the scoop into and BANG you are all set... ya know???

    Like I said I was just gonna use the pre-workout Vassive NO by ON and 200mgs of Caffeine just to see if it is worth it... ON products are really really cheap.. so i know that ... even if it doesn't benefit me it wont be like I dumped 60-70 bucks on something that didn't work... ya know??

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