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  1. #1
    Godson's Avatar
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    weight gainers supplemt question

    I checked out the weight gainers and for the most part

    they all have around
    5g of fat
    60+g of protein

    and like 200-400 carbs

    i dont understand, if a diet is suppose to be

    40% 40% 20 % for example is a standard bulking

    why is the break down in these gainers like
    20%protein 75%carb 5%fat

    should i ever dare to take this bottle of carbs ?
    3500 ccals of straight foods is insane

  2. #2
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Using a 40 40 20 ratio, design your own bulking shakes with only natural ingredients, ie whey, natty peanut butter, other nut butters, oats, fresh fruit, etc..........

  3. #3
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Using a 40 40 20 ratio, design your own bulking shakes with only natural ingredients, ie whey, natty peanut butter, other nut butters, oats, fresh fruit, etc..........


  4. #4
    Godson's Avatar
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    thats a pretty damn good idea, any opinions on what to put in this baby ?

    or maybe other threads that mention it ?

  5. #5
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    otto told you what to put in it. i dont mix them up to often but when i do,i use oats,whey/casein,naturally more pb and sometimes a banana. yes i think there are other threads about this.

  6. #6
    Godson's Avatar
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    thing is i need weight gainers, like around 700-1000 cals

    cant get that from those items

  7. #7
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    why do you need so many cals from shakes? It depends on how much you use to what you get, you could use 1.5 cups oats,2 tbls pb,2 scoops of pro, those 3 items with those amount will bring you about 850 cals with water want more add milk

  8. #8
    Godson's Avatar
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    i take in 2310 calories from my diet now

    and im switching to bulking so i gotta throw in like 1200 more - 3500 calorie diet daily

    and when i look at what i eat now, finding out a way to get that much off regular food will be pretty difficult. its not that i wouldnt do it, its just im not sure what i could eat to find that many cals

    when you say oats, you just mean that tradition oatmeal that comes from the tube, with the old man on it ?

    and is natty peanut butter, the same as just regular peanut butter

  9. #9
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    yep just oven toasted oats,natty peanut butter look up naturally more and smart balance

  10. #10
    Godson's Avatar
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    i never use oats ever for anything, i just throw them in dry in the blender with whey.pb, milk and blend away? or do i oven toast them first?

  11. #11
    quadsofsteel's Avatar
    quadsofsteel is offline Junior Member
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    hey man.... id stay the hell away from those weight gainers. too expensive for the amount of servings they give u and its probly all friggin sugar carbs. you can definately do a whole lot better with whole complex carbohydrates.

    I did the whole weight gainer thing once........and got fat really fast.

  12. #12
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    they already toasted just throw everything in blender also throw some ice in too

  13. #13
    Godson's Avatar
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    alright this is what i came up

    Food ---------------------------Calories----Protein-----Carb-----Fat
    2 cups of slim milk 250 18 24 5
    1 1/2 cup of oats 450 15 81 4.5
    1 tablespoon peanut butter 95 7 7 8
    3 scoops of whey 330 60 12 4.5
    Total : 1125 cals 100g(36%) 124g(44%) 22g (18%)

    alright this is the cloest i could come to 40 40 20

    i had to cut the peanut butter to 1 tablespoon instead of 2 cause the split would have been 30% 40% 30%

    it sucks i gotta do 3 scoops of whey protein, i would really like to replace a scoop or two with a food.. but i have no clue where i could get 20g protein with low carb/fat
    any ideas?

    with 2 scoops of protein the split becomes 31% 47% 18%
    i would really like that protein to be higher than 31% somehow , cant think of a food to replace 1 cup of whey

    taking 5 scoops of whey daily (3 w/shake , and 2 w/PWO) would be harsh ..

    help !

  14. #14
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    if you like cottage cheese you could trade with that,lets see i think 1/2 cup is a serving so 3/4 cup should give you about 20 grams of pro,8-10 carbs and with 2% about 3-4 grams of fat,you probably would not taste in there.

  15. #15
    Godson's Avatar
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    yea i do like cottage cheese actually, i eat it daily.. seems like an insane mix lol ..

    but i really dont wanna do 3 scoops of whey in it .. i may try the cottage cheese ..ill let u guys know how it taste

    thanks j4

  16. #16
    Godson's Avatar
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    when should i drink this monstrous shake?
    i was thinkin about spliting it into 2, drinking it at different times

    i dont really wanna drink it PWO, cause im gonna do my usual 2 scoops of whey+water.

    any ideas

  17. #17
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    yeah your gonna have about 1200 cals in there i would split it,just plug it in 1.5-2 hours before and after you eat,sometimes when i get up to go to work and dont have much time thats when i will hit an oats shake

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