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Thread: Cycling E/C/A ????

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University

    Cycling E/C/A ????

    Hey guys i'm slowly starting to diet down and i'm trying not to lose too much at once, so hopefully i keep most of the muscle and lose most of the fat. Anyways, i decided to see how far an E/C/A and not eating carbs after 5:30 p.m would take me before moving into cycling carbs and eventually empty stomach cardio. I just started taking it this week, i got optidrene, basically 95% xenadrine except has some b vitamins instead of some the thermogenic herbs and is half as cheap. It seems to be working, i've lost just about 1lb in a week, which is my goal and i'm trying not to lose more then a pound a week.

    Now besides making it a little more difficult to sleep, its been very beneficial, plus the extra boost in the morning helps since it is finals week. Now i didn't realize it, but is this something i should cycle? If so, how long should a cycle be and how much time between cycles? Is this something i should take every day while in a cycle or take it only 3-4 times a week during a cycle? I've also heard not to take it with cardio, but not sure about this. I also plan on competing, should i cut it out and if so when, a week before contest, day of contest?

    Thanks for the help

    p.s As u can tell i haven't taken an eca before, but i want to compete and i need all the help i can get.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    bump cuz i need to know. 1st paragraph is kinda useless, just read the 2nd paragraph.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I go two weeks on two weeks off. You heard not to take ECA stack when doing cardio?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    Originally posted by tt333
    I go two weeks on two weeks off. You heard not to take ECA stack when doing cardio?
    Ya i read a couple old threads around about eca and cardio. I guess its more of a judgement call, some can handle it and some can't. Since the eca is already speeding up your heart, doing cardio which will obviously also speed up your heart i guess could have adverse affects.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by saboudian

    Ya i read a couple old threads around about eca and cardio. I guess its more of a judgement call, some can handle it and some can't. Since the eca is already speeding up your heart, doing cardio which will obviously also speed up your heart i guess could have adverse affects.
    I'll agree with that. Hydroxycut and Xenadrine work well with me. But when I take ECA stack, I get the jitters, I can feel my heart rate go up and it usally gets me in a pissed off mood. Thats the bad sides for me but Ive lost more weight off the ECA stack and I have better workouts when im on it. So you have to do what works for you, if you cant handle what your taking then dont take it. Switch to something else.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    In The Chocolate Factory
    i'm sure those threads where just advisory warnings if you have a heart condition. me personally experience a great lost of Bf while supplementing with eca. basic rule of thumb is two weeks on two weeks off. i took it everyday for the week did a hour cardio in the morning empty stomach fat just melted off

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    sorry it took me so long to get to this. The stuff i got i in a white bottle with a mostly red label and a red cap, comes in a 180 tab bottle. Also mine does not say optibolic on it like yours does.

    Here's my ingredients:

    B6- 50mg
    B12- 50mcg

    Ma Huang Herb Extract(ephedra) 330mg
    Note ephedra sinica)(6% ephedrine alkaloids = 19.8 mg)

    Guarana Seed Extract 200 mg
    Note15% caffeine= 30 mg)

    Schisandra Berry Powder 100mg <<< I beleive this is the aspirin
    (schisandra chinensis)

    Citrus aurantium fruit extract 100mg
    Note: 4% synephrine=4mg

    and cellulose.

    Those are all the ingredients listed on the bottle, i'd look for a pic of it, but no time right now.

    4 tabs per day does seem like a bit much though, especially if u have been cycling it your body shouldn't need that much.

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