This is a continuation of my first thread I started. I'll repost it here to make it easier to read.
Well reason I got spawn is cause of forums like this. I heard it was a good product and went on that assumption. Also, at the same time, I didn't think it would work. If that makes sense... The reason being most of what I saw on different forums were people just doing what they should have been doing all along. They finally stop being lazy, put together a diet, and started a good workout plan. Of course they saw results you know! To me the results they got were there all along.
I figure since I think I'm so smart, why don't I give it a shot? If I don't prove them wrong, then maybe it does actually work.
Ive been on cut for awhile now. You can look at my profile and see the links to the forum post about it.
First dose: 04/07/09 - 4 doses a day
height: 5'10"
age: 35
weight: 196-199
bf: 11-12%
Daily Calorie intake: 2200-2400 for cut increasing to 3800+ for cycle, will adjust accordingly
blood pressure from doc is perfect
1st week:
Get a weird sensation for the first half hour after taking a dose.
Nipples almost always hard. Mainly my left one. Rubbing them makes it go down. Very annoying.
some lightheadedness and sometimes after doses it can make my ADD worse than normal.
No notable strength increases, can tell something is up though. some weights didn't seem so bad like they did before. might have been mental.
libido down a little bit by end of the week
Appetite seems more pronounced than before
testicles starting to ache, but i bang this chick all the time so could have been from that.
Slight pump when exercising, more than before.
Sleep isnt a problem
week 1 max weight = 205
2nd week:
Nipple sensation still but by day 10 back to normal.
libido down further to being noticeable. don't care as much about girls, but if i make out with one i get horny as hell and everything works like it should.
my testicles have gotten smaller i believe, not 100 % sure, didn't measure them beforehand
Dont feel weird anymore after taking dose and ADD is not acting up anymore
Sleep is still good.
Appetite is really crazy. Its very hard to stay on diet. All I want to do is eat.
Strength increases are noticeable now. Quick example, I usually finish my alternating seated dumbbell curls at 50 lbs. I usually can barely do 8. I did 8 reps of 55 lbs dumbbells.
My size is very noticeable now. My whole body has swelled up with water, im assuming. Looks goods though. My face seems bloated as well.
Getting very good pumps. But they can be annoying. Making it hard to finish some reps.
I use to get slight shin splints before when on the treadmill. The pump spreads to my shinsplints and makes it almost unbearable to do any running or high speed walking.
I feel like I have slight pump in my upper body, even before i workout. almost like a fullness type of feeling.
Went to the docs, blood pressure still perfect.
week 2 max weight: 210 lbs
3rd week:
Seems my body has adjust well to the high doses. Im getting serious pumps though. Starting to wonder if maybe you shouldnt take so much because of the pumps and maybe the high dosing is not needed. Still taking 4 a day regardless. Just going to keep pushing through. Again, pumps are really bad no matter the exercise. Some exercises make it so bad I have to rest longer between sets so I can move arms again. Cardio is extremely difficult to do with shin/lower leg pumps. Strength increases are quite noticeable. I am moving weight i never thought i do in such a short time frame. quick example is I normal wouldn't go higher than 90 lbs on incline dumbbells. I'm pushing 100 lbs for 10 with good form now. Sleep has become a problem now. I wake up sweaty sometimes with a racing heart rate. I have to get under a fan and cool off. The things you deal with when messing with your hormones I guess.Appetite is ravenous at this point. Extremely difficult to stay on track when I want to eat all the time. Blood pressure still good by the way
week 3 max weight: 214 lbs
Week 4:
Same as week 3 pretty much. sleep is more difficult though. I know i am tired, but will sit there wide eyed. I think it might be because I take my last dose before bed. Maybe its messing with me some how. Strength increases still coming. It is insane how much stronger I have gotten in such a short time. Moved up the incline dumbbells to 105 for 10.Appetite is never ending still. I do low intensity cardio 5 days a week still. Even though it is quite painful. Oh, wanted to mention the nipple thing again like I talked about earlier. They still get hard as a rock randomly. At least a couple times or more an hour. Not sure what the deal is with that and if anyone could explain that would be cool. I just rub them and it goes away. Also on the sleep thing again, I wake up with racing heart near the end of the 4th week like every night and I'm sweaty. It is almost like I am overheating. Not sure whats going on with that. Blood pressure little high but not a big deal according to Doctor.
last dose: 05/05/09
max weight: 219
Final thoughts:
I am pretty amazed at the results and cannot believe it actually worked. I researched tons of logs from different sites before doing this. To me it just seemed like people weren't applying themselves, and spawn(or other supplements) were just placebos for their new focus in getting fit again. After doing this, I realized I couldn't be more wrong in what Spawn actually does. Spawn definitely helps you get strong and gain size like you hear/read about. I would definitely recommend it for a boost in size and strength. If that's what you are looking for. It does exactly that. We will see how much I keep as time goes on. One last thing, I really don't think 4 is needed. At my weight and size, I think 3 a day would have sufficed. Maybe if you were bigger, the higher dosing would work. At 4 a day the pumps were too intense and also could be why I was having the sleep issue near end of cycle.