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  1. #1
    onewheel954's Avatar
    onewheel954 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    Lone Star State

    Exclamation sugar momma hookup

    my ladies giving me her credit card and doesnt care what i spend...i am hitting the supp store tomorrow..i take my vitamins, and protien and an assortment of the usual stuff, but i know there some badass supps i really dont know to much about..i just let my anabolics take care of it for me.
    So what do u recomend me to get anything in particular, very open for advice or suggestion!

  2. #2
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    You can order stuff for me and I will pay you 50% cash WE both win...your sugar momma, not so much.

    You could buy a year supply of whatever you normally buy. Damn, I need a woman with some cash...I am tired of being the suga daddy. haha

    I was looking at:

    Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a stable indole found in cruciferous vegetables which promotes a beneficial estrogen metabolism in both women and men.

  3. #3
    IM708's Avatar
    IM708 is offline AR's Supplement Guru
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    Nov 2008
    Protein, that's all you need

  4. #4
    diesel405's Avatar
    diesel405 is offline Member
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    Aug 2008
    protein, glutamine and a good branch chained amino acid.

  5. #5
    onewheel954's Avatar
    onewheel954 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    Lone Star State
    i have protien, glutamine and my amino's i said that already, just wondering about like pro hormones such as spawn or m drol, just anything bc i have this one good chance im spending atleast 5 or 6 bills

  6. #6
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I wouldn't put much in the prohormones. i think after the gov cracked down on them a few years ago the new stuff is not as effective. Just curious, what did your girl do to get in trouble

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