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Thread: m-drol

  1. #1
    mult1pass is offline New Member
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    29 years
    diet: every 2-3 hours 50grams protein low carbs, 10 years of this diet
    Lifting: heavy 2-5 reps 10 years of this training

    background info: multiple cycles from 2004-2007 using test e at 500-750mgs a week. limited pct. I know how well real AAS effect my body with regards to strength and size. Due to personal reasons that would take a long time to explain(lol) I cannot use certain AAS.

    I read on these forums about superdrol and its clone m-drol and decided to try them out.

    I am on day 10 of this cycle of CES m-drol at 30mgs a day. So far i have not seen any strength gains. The weight gain that i have experienced so far is negligent.

    I want to keep this thread open as kind of an open test run to check back in letting others who are curious or on the fence about trying this stuff out. I will also let everyone know if i experience any sides.

    Anyone who has any info plz chime in and go easy on me this is my first post!

  2. #2
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    May 2008
    This is an awesome forum for steroids and other important information for working out, dieting and proper exercises routines. for prohormones, check out imo.

  3. #3
    DetroitCity's Avatar
    DetroitCity is offline Junior Member
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    That's odd i would've thought you'd see some strength and weight gain by the 10th day .. from what i've read anyways .. ill be starting mdrol at 30mg a day soon for 4 weeks

  4. #4
    Dport04 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009
    you said you're using CES m drol? I've only heard of CEL m drol

  5. #5
    yucon92's Avatar
    yucon92 is offline Junior Member
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    ive heard some people say it kicks in all the sudden around 2 weeks and some notice it in just a few days everyones different

  6. #6
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    My last cycle was SD Clone (massdrol by kilosports) 40mg a day. Also was running HALODROL at 150 mg a day. Ran this for 3 weeks .

    I only ran this for strength,and it worked out very well. BUT It crashed my system in a very bad way . Sex drive gone .

    If your isnt working at 30mg a day and your on day 10 try the Massdrol.

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