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Thread: Sex drive sups

  1. #1
    Russasaur is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009

    Sex drive sups

    What do you guys think is the best sex drive supplement out there? I did a PH cycle and my sex drive is a little low.. im in PCT right now. I heard Vimax is pretty good. What do you think?

  2. #2
    quarry206's Avatar
    quarry206 is offline Senior Member
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    The world in my head.
    Quote Originally Posted by Russasaur View Post
    What do you guys think is the best sex drive supplement out there? I did a PH cycle and my sex drive is a little low.. im in PCT right now. I heard Vimax is pretty good. What do you think?
    i haven't done juice, so i can only tell you what i have heard from friends.. they usually say about the end of the second week to third week of PCT their sex drive jumps back up to high drive...

    my point, either you will have to wait, or maybe re-think what PCT you are using....

    but like i said this is only passing on what i heard. I have no personal knowledge to pass to you.

  3. #3
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    whats your post cycle

    fadogia might help

  4. #4
    Russasaur is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009
    Well I was on transdermal 1-t and 4ad and i started to get some puffy nips so i started 20mg of nolva ED and im just running that through my pct. Im in week 2.

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