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  1. #81
    YellowJacket's Avatar
    YellowJacket is offline Junior Member
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    I see what you're saying, but I dont play on the "it COULD be banned"
    Any and everything COULD be banned. I think there are far better examples than protein. I cant imagine what else in this world will be banned long before protein is under consideration to be banned. Scary.

  2. #82
    SneakerSeven's Avatar
    SneakerSeven is offline Junior Member
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    Of course there are things that are much more likely to be banned than protein- that was merely used as a ludicrous argument BECAUSE it's so common and so silly to ban something like that. But it could be, and that was the point that he was trying to make. All it takes is an urban myth to start that some kid died because of a protein supplement (regardless of whether its true or not) and the tidal wave starts from there. That's what I was trying to say.

  3. #83
    YellowJacket's Avatar
    YellowJacket is offline Junior Member
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    I dont know what its like in Mass. but from where Im sitting something like that wouldnt be started and if it were, would be laughed off. I wont blame the disagreements on geographical difference, surely people are more educated than that? You yourself said it was a ludicrous argument. I dont get why it goes past that. Im not saying it couldnt be banned, hell anything in this country could be banned. Will it happen? No, not in my lifetime and Im confident in saying that. And if it does happen anytime soon, I wont be here to admit defeat, Ill be fighting a physical war on the goverment

  4. #84
    SirSavageX's Avatar
    SirSavageX is offline New Member
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    Dante, I just figured out what your avatar is: Lee Priest on fire! It's smaller on other boards, and I didn't pay it much mind.

    That is nice avatar. Where'd you get it?

  5. #85
    SneakerSeven's Avatar
    SneakerSeven is offline Junior Member
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    YJ, if there's something I've learned, there's stupid people in every square mile of the world That bill in question is actually a Federal one and is to be voted on January 7, if I recall (I could be wrong offhand).

    As for things in Mass- this is a mad liberal state, and politicians here know what's good for you better than you do. I have no doubts in believing that something like that could get traction here =/ Not as bad as NY or CA, in that respect though...

  6. #86
    YellowJacket's Avatar
    YellowJacket is offline Junior Member
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    Well bro, Im from WV so we dont have much of anything

    Be happy

  7. #87
    Dante's Avatar
    Dante is offline Junior Member
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    Re: O/T

    Originally posted by SirSavageX
    Dante, I just figured out what your avatar is: Lee Priest on fire! It's smaller on other boards, and I didn't pay it much mind.

    That is nice avatar. Where'd you get it?
    Avant's webmaster did it up for me upon the board's inception. He asked me what I wanted, and I said 'a muscular figure being consumed by fire', but not submitting. Karl Marx's poem (that I used in my last article)comes to mind:

    Never can I pursue in quiet
    That which holds my soul in thrall
    Never rest in peace contented
    And I storm without cease

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