I got some OAKG (aka OKG) or "L-Ornithine Alpha Keto-Glutarate" and
I am experimenting with various ways of consuming it.
My goals and purpose for using it are to stimulate my own growth hormone, IGF, and insulin production to help speed muscle recovery time.
I want to try to take in 20g OAKG per day. And if possible, maybe even more, perhaps 40g - if it would make a good difference.
Lately what I have been doing is I'd take 20g of it PWO, with some non-acidic apple juice (about 1 cup, containing 30g of sugar), and get it all down.
Then about 45 minutes later, I'll have a big bowl of oatmeal. The oatmeal contains about 2 full dry cups of oatmeal, and 1.5 cups of fat free milk - which gives about 36grams of protein and 126g of carbs.
Now I've read that you should wait an hour or so before or after taking any other form of protein aside from OAKG.
I'd like to take in more than 20g/OAKG per day, granted it would be more helpful. BUT I find that if I take in more than 20g at a serving, then it turns to diahrea. gross.
So I'm wondering how I should to do this.
My questions are:
Do you guys think its really important to not take OKG within an hour before or an hour after of taking other protein?
Is there anything I could mix the OKG with (meaning, take the OKG with some juice and then eat or drink something else), to help absorb it better so that it wouldn't turn to waste?