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Thread: Overall Supplement Evaluation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Buford, GA

    Overall Supplement Evaluation

    I have posted previous in the diet forum and gotten a lot of great advice. I have been running my new diet for about 3 months and seen great improvements in overall look and strength. However even after reading a lot about the supplements I am still a little confused.

    So below is what I currently do on a workout day, I have left out meal specific data as I have gotten a lot of help with that before, though as I have grown I think I need to re-address it shortly and I will most likely post in the diet section regarding that separately.

    The only difference between the below listed w/o day and a non-w/o day is I cut out the “Before workout” and “Immediately Post workout” sections.

    Any feedback would be greatly apprieciated. I am mainly questioning my timing of the L-Glutamine, creatine and L-Arginine suppliments, but if I can do anything better or cut anything out to save money please let me know.


    Upon wake: L-Glutamine Powder 5g mixed in water

    Whey Protein Shake: To get highly digestible product in my stomach to combat overnight fasting condition.

    Prior to first meal: Creatine Monohydrate 5g mixed in water

    First Meal

    Immediately after first meal: Multi-vitamin, Acetyl L-Carnitine & Alpha Lipoic, Calcium & Fish Oil.

    Second Meal

    Third Meal (This occurs about mid-day)

    Immediately after third meal: Fish Oil and BCAA’s

    Fourth Meal

    Before workout: L-Arginine 3000mg, BCAA’s

    Immediatley Post workout: Whey Protein Shake, Creatine Monohydrate 5g mixed in water, BCAA’s and L-Arginine 3000mg.

    Fifth Meal

    Sixth Meal

    Before bed: BCAA’s and Casein protein.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Buford, GA
    Hmm, had to change all my O m e g a 3 references to read just Fish oil.
    Last edited by CJG560; 08-12-2009 at 11:54 AM.

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