Got this from prohormoneforum...
From the desk of Eric Potratz
Primordial Founder & President
Last month, American Cellular Labs (ACL) was raided by the FDA with charges for selling and distributing an "illegal steroid" in their TREN XTREME product. The purportedly illegal steroid was 19-Norandrosta-4,9-diene-3,17-dione [aka, Estra-4,9-diene-3,17-dione] which is typicaly marketed as TREN because it has a very similar molecular structure and effect as the illegal anabolic steroid Trenbolone. Just compare the two steroid molecules below and you will see the resemblance -
Trenbolone and TREN molecular structure comparison
This TREN molecule just so happens to be the exact same molecule in our 1-T TREN.
The raid at ACL came as a surprise to many since 19-Norandrosta-4,9-diene-3,17-dione [aka, Estra-4,9-diene-3,17-dione] is not listed as an illegal substance. Essentially, the FDA got a couple reports of kidney and liver damage from individuals who just happened to be using ACL's product, Tren Xtreme, so they busted in and said "We now believe TREN is a danger to the public, and its also an anabolic steroid, so it should be illegal, so stop selling it".
Of course, we disagree with the FDA's contention that TREN is a dangerous substance, and we cant help but remember that the FDA made similar reports about the steroids that where banned in 2004, such as androstenedione and androstenediol. Now, any man with a testosterone level of less than 200ng/dl can walk into a doctors office and get a life long prescription for these steroids as a form of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). (at a much inflated cost from pharmaceutical companies)
The FDA is right about one thing. TREN is a serious anabolic muscle building steroid which rivals the potency of many anabolic steroids which are already classified as controlled substances. With an anabolic potency several times higher than testosterone, TREN produces a tremendous athletic advantage with rapid improvements in strength, size and power.
While the courts have yet to officially classify TREN as an illegal anabolic steroid, the message from the FDA is clear -- They believe that TREN should be classified as Sustain Alpha an illegal anabolic steroid in the same schedule III controlled substance list as other steroids such as testosterone, equipoise and trenbolone.
The odd thing is that the FDA has known about TREN being sold as an over-the-counter dietary supplement for the past 4 years, but just now chose to take abrupt and aggressive action against companies selling it. Its unfortunate too, since TREN is one of the last super-potent non-methylated steroid hormones (non-toxic to the liver).
While we do believe 1-T TREN can be used safely by a responsible and healthy individual, it is still a very serious product. 1-T TREN should never be used by anyone under 21 years old and should never be used for a period longer than 6 weeks without at least 6 weeks off between each cycle. In addition, users should always do a proper post cycle therapy (PCT) after a 1-T TREN cycle to recover natural testosterone production.
Considering the current FDA crusade against any companies selling TREN, we have decided to take heed and discontinue production of 1-T TREN.
This means that the 1-T TREN sitting in our warehouse is the last available stock of 1-T TREN, which will likely be gone within days of this official announcement.
After our stock runs dry, the only place you might be able to get 1-T TREN would be an Ebay auction for 2-3x the retail price. So if you want to get a bottle of 1-T TREN at a reasonable price, now is the time to act.
To keep things fair, we are keeping the price of the single bottles of 1-T TREN the same at $79.95 (a months supply).
For those that want to stock up, we are offering a 20% discount on the 1-T TREN 6-pack and twin pack.
The time has come folks. The final days of 1-T TREN are here.
Trenbolone and TREN molecular structure comparison
For more information about PCT, please see the Official PCT Thread.
If you're interested in learning how to best use 1-T TREN based on your goals, see the Official 1-T TREN Cycling Thread.
I’d like to thank you for reading this news release and supporting Primordial Performance!
Yours in health & fitness,
Eric Potratz
Primordial Founder & President