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  1. #1
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    san marcos, texas

    M1D and Furaguno cycle

    27 5'11 230 bf- 15%. been training 13 yrs. taken every prohormone out there. gonna run cycle for 5 weeks
    week 1-5- M1D 6 caps a day- 3 in morn and 3 at night, furaguno 267 mgs split up 2 dif times of day. 4 in morn and 4 at night

    pct- inhibit e- 4 weeks, T-911
    week1- 50mgs
    week 2- 50 mgs
    week 3- 25 mgs
    week 4- 25 mgs

    T-911- 2 caps a day.

    goal is to build new muscle and cut up.

    What yall think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Blog Entries
    idk bro, i think your going to be dissapointed exspecialy if youve done all the other ph's......m1d is just dhea with an ai added so it isnt going to do for the other one idk, maybee usefull in cutting. i think if you eat a clean diet and hit the weights hard you will see results regardless. just make shure your diet is good. im surprised you went with m1d insted of like h-drol or m-drol. good luck

  3. #3
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    san marcos, texas
    might use hdrol or low dose phera instead. i cut up well on pretty any prohormone as long as diet is in check and workout and cardio are going good. got a free bottle of M1D so was gonna try it out

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