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Thread: Supplement Advice? What to combine?

  1. #1

    Supplement Advice? What to combine?

    I just ordered my creatine in the mail and am looking for other things I should look into getting. I know I need to order some protein. I have been hearing about BCAA, ZMA, Large-N-2, Universal Animal Pak, NO-Xplode, and some others.

    What would all of you suggest for stacking supplements. What supplements and why

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    End of the Earth
    BCAA's will help with recovery numerous other things...highly recommend

    A good whey protein is ON 100% Whey or you can try a website called there you can make your own custom mixes. Use this post-workout....

    A casein protein is good for just before bedtime, it is a slow release so that your body is in a anabolic environment while sleeping, where as whey is absorbed within about 20 minutes...

    I don't have any experience with ZMA, sorry can't help you there.

    My experience with NO-Xplode and Black Powder is that they do give you an energy boost and good pumps in the gym, however they are expensive and I think a bit of caffeine and some arginine has the same effect for cheaper.

  3. #3
    I'll make sure to look into BCAA's more since your strongly recommend it. Heard a lot about Whey Protein so I'll most likely be ordering that. As for casein protein thats a little new to me now that you mention it. If I used that would I still include a whey protein shake after workout and then just take a casein protein one before bed or would I just do the casein protein after workout?

    As for ZMA hopefully someone can come in here and let me know details about that.

    As for No-Xplode and Black powder they do seem rather expensive so I think I might steer clear of those. Like you said caffeine would have the same affect. Hell a bunch of water will probably do just fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    End of the Earth
    When I started taking BCAA's my recovery improved greatly. I wasn't sore for near as long as before. Try to find one that is flavored or mix them with something, cuz they taste awful, kinda like chewing aspirin.

    You would still use the whey after a workout, then an hour later have your post workout meal. At bedtime have the casein.

    From what I have read on ZMA is that it will help you get a more restful sleep, also I have heard that you have some really funky dreams.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by CMonkey View Post
    When I started taking BCAA's my recovery improved greatly. I wasn't sore for near as long as before. Try to find one that is flavored or mix them with something, cuz they taste awful, kinda like chewing aspirin.

    You would still use the whey after a workout, then an hour later have your post workout meal. At bedtime have the casein.

    From what I have read on ZMA is that it will help you get a more restful sleep, also I have heard that you have some really funky dreams.
    So so far my supplements to get include whey protein, casein protein, creatine (already ordered), and bcaa. What multi-vitamins do you suggest? Do you think Multi Pro 32X is any good for a good cheap multivitamin compared to animal pak? From reviews the Multi Pro 32x seems to be alright

    Also what do you think of glutamine?
    Last edited by iTh3 Riddler; 09-07-2009 at 09:54 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Buford, GA
    I throw L-glutamine powder into all my shakes and also take it with water upon wake and before bed. I take a fair amount of supplements so it is kind of hard to tell exactly how effective L-glutamine is solo. I have run times both with and without it and feel better overall when I take it (plus it is pretty cheap).

    As for your multivitamins I was always under the assumption that any general vitamin would due. I take the ones they sell at Costco. They are relatively cheap and you get thousands in the bottle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    AMINO ACIDS!!!!!!!! I think they are the most underrated supplement for those of us who work out!!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CJG560 View Post
    I throw L-glutamine powder into all my shakes and also take it with water upon wake and before bed. I take a fair amount of supplements so it is kind of hard to tell exactly how effective L-glutamine is solo. I have run times both with and without it and feel better overall when I take it (plus it is pretty cheap).

    As for your multivitamins I was always under the assumption that any general vitamin would due. I take the ones they sell at Costco. They are relatively cheap and you get thousands in the bottle.
    The only problem with these vitamins from Costco and other places like grocery stores is that they lack they correct amounts of ingredients you will need if you are doing any intense workouts. Don't get me wrong, anything is better than nothing, but, for ex. you should look in to Animal Pak or GNC's Vitapak. Go to your local vitamin store and i'm sure they will help you out!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Buford, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by NMacFar View Post
    The only problem with these vitamins from Costco and other places like grocery stores is that they lack they correct amounts of ingredients you will need if you are doing any intense workouts. Don't get me wrong, anything is better than nothing, but, for ex. you should look in to Animal Pak or GNC's Vitapak. Go to your local vitamin store and i'm sure they will help you out!
    Good point, I always assumed that if “X” is the RDA amount for a vitamin and you take 2-3 times “X” (or more) that you were covered. I thought most of the vitamins are water soluble and you pee out any you don't need so there was no harm in overdoing the RDA a little.

    I also have always questioned the vitamin pack method. I assume you take one pack a day? I always envisioned, you pop the pack at 7am, your body digests and uses whatever vitamins it needs at that point. Time passes it is now 8pm your body has long since eliminated the excess vitamins from your system that it didn’t use at 7AM or shortly there after and you worked out (intensively) in the interim. So you will be vitamin deficient at that point or does your body store the vitamins somewhere for use later?

    I take my “once-a-day” vitamin twice a day, once in the morning and once late afternoon, I get well over the RDA amounts. I may be doing it terribly wrong and I have no idea where I got the idea that the vitamins are water soluble so that may be wrong. Just throwing it out there so I can improve my own supplement routine if I can.
    Last edited by CJG560; 09-08-2009 at 11:57 AM.

  10. #10
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    Aug 2009
    I know a few guys at the gym who will double/triple Centrum Performance (found in grocery stores) and they swear by it. Maybe one in the morning and one with your Pre Workout shake. I guess it would be worth a shot, but I swear by the GNC Vitpak.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Don't forget to get some fish oils for your 0mega-3's, they'll help your joints.

  12. #12
    Thanks for all responses guys

    Quote Originally Posted by CJG560 View Post
    I throw L-glutamine powder into all my shakes and also take it with water upon wake and before bed. I take a fair amount of supplements so it is kind of hard to tell exactly how effective L-glutamine is solo. I have run times both with and without it and feel better overall when I take it (plus it is pretty cheap).

    As for your multivitamins I was always under the assumption that any general vitamin would due. I take the ones they sell at Costco. They are relatively cheap and you get thousands in the bottle.
    Alright well then I'll make sure to pick up some glutamine after I learn a little more about it cause it seems alot of people say its a good supplement. As for vitamins from what I been reading not many multi-vitamins you can get in store provide enough vitamins for our bodybuilding. Just the typical day to day which Is why I was wondering on what multi vitamins people suggest

    Quote Originally Posted by NMacFar View Post
    AMINO ACIDS!!!!!!!! I think they are the most underrated supplement for those of us who work out!!!!!!
    Any specific Amino Acid supplements you suggest? I was planning on using Prolab N-Large-2 which seems to have a bunch of amino acids in it and animal pak also has some in it. Would those be good enough?

    Quote Originally Posted by NMacFar View Post
    I know a few guys at the gym who will double/triple Centrum Performance (found in grocery stores) and they swear by it. Maybe one in the morning and one with your Pre Workout shake. I guess it would be worth a shot, but I swear by the GNC Vitpak.
    GNC Vitpak is something I haven't seen yet so I'll look into that. As for Centrum Performance it seems to have a good amount of vitamins in it

    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    Don't forget to get some fish oils for your 0mega-3's, they'll help your joints.
    Don't know much about *****-3 but I'll look into that some more too

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Yea, Fish Oil Pills are excellent as well. I need to take them because i'm on a PH cycle. As for Amino Acids, any brand will do.

  14. #14
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by CMonkey View Post
    BCAA's will help with recovery numerous other things...highly recommend

    A good whey protein is ON 100% Whey or you can try a website called there you can make your own custom mixes. Use this post-workout....

    A casein protein is good for just before bedtime, it is a slow release so that your body is in a anabolic environment while sleeping, where as whey is absorbed within about 20 minutes...

    I don't have any experience with ZMA, sorry can't help you there.

    My experience with NO-Xplode and Black Powder is that they do give you an energy boost and good pumps in the gym, however they are expensive and I think a bit of caffeine and some arginine has the same effect for cheaper.
    I could not have said anything better myself here!!!!

    I am currently taking l-arginine/l-ornathine 3 times a day and I got it dirt cheap!!

  15. #15
    Riddler what exactly are your goals? If your just starting to workout i wouldnt go crazy with supplements....the few simple essentials should do just fine. Just make sure your eating enough to promote lean muscle, and make sure your not eating to much :-) I see people all the time who think the more calories they get in regardless of the source will help them.....then a month later they realize most of the weight gain is almost all bodyfat.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Pro-Natural Science View Post
    Riddler what exactly are your goals? If your just starting to workout i wouldnt go crazy with supplements....the few simple essentials should do just fine. Just make sure your eating enough to promote lean muscle, and make sure your not eating to much :-) I see people all the time who think the more calories they get in regardless of the source will help them.....then a month later they realize most of the weight gain is almost all bodyfat.
    What basic essentials are you suggesting?

  17. #17
    Basic essentials are a good with no iron in it. The multi should contain chelates, for example magnesium chelate, not oxides or carbonates. They have what is needed for positive absorption. Fish oil would be my 2nd suggestion. It protects your heart, liver and brain from damage and decay. At least 4-6 caps a day of fish oil. I wouldnt worry about glutamine...just pickup a good protein blend. I suggest a product that combines Whey Protein Isolates, Egg Albumen,Hydrolyzed Proteins, Soy protein, and Casein. Try not to go crazy with the shakes...opt for food over shakes if possible. I'm also almost finished developing my first pre-workout product...will be available within the next 2-3 weeks if you want to check that out. Hope that helps buddy!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Pro-Natural Science View Post
    Basic essentials are a good with no iron in it. The multi should contain chelates, for example magnesium chelate, not oxides or carbonates. They have what is needed for positive absorption. Fish oil would be my 2nd suggestion. It protects your heart, liver and brain from damage and decay. At least 4-6 caps a day of fish oil. I wouldnt worry about glutamine...just pickup a good protein blend. I suggest a product that combines Whey Protein Isolates, Egg Albumen,Hydrolyzed Proteins, Soy protein, and Casein. Try not to go crazy with the shakes...opt for food over shakes if possible. I'm also almost finished developing my first pre-workout product...will be available within the next 2-3 weeks if you want to check that out. Hope that helps buddy!
    I hear a lot about fish oil pills but I still don't understand there exact use. Any suggested protein blend you suggest? I was gonna pick up Prolab N-Large2 because I Work in a warehouse so leaves me minimum time for those multiple meals like everyone says I should get which has a bunch of amino acids, protein, calories, Carbohydrate like everyone says to get so I figured that might fit in there pretty well along with my Creatine Monohydrate that I ordered. I'll have to find me a multi-vitamine but theres so many to choose from ha

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York
    Most Multi's are good..checkout on's pro-complex natural for a good protein source. As Pro-Natural Science said fish oil's protect your heart, liver, brain, ect. That alone should be enough reason to pick them up....especially for how cheap you can get them.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by ckyass View Post
    Most Multi's are good..checkout on's pro-complex natural for a good protein source. As Pro-Natural Science said fish oil's protect your heart, liver, brain, ect. That alone should be enough reason to pick them up....especially for how cheap you can get them.
    Alright well I'll be sure to pick up some fish oil's since everyone swears by them

  21. #21
    If you have anymore questions feel free to contact me. Go buy your damn fish oil already! heheh :-)

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Pro-Natural Science View Post
    If you have anymore questions feel free to contact me. Go buy your damn fish oil already! heheh :-)
    I shall go buy my fish oil pills haha

  23. #23
    everyone should check this website, it has the cheapest prices online, period.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    No need fr zma just bcaa and whey and casein...

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